
An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

author:Fengnan films

This Spring Festival holiday will impress everyone, our country and nation have experienced a big test, the emergence of new pneumonia has not only brought countless pain and loneliness, but also brought countless warmth and beauty, along with this holiday gave birth to countless stories of song and tears, the epidemic will eventually pass, because I believe in a word - no winter is insurmountable, and there is no spring that will not come.

Today we come to talk about a classic inspirational movie, "Million Dollar Baby", hoping to bring you a little positive energy, give everyone a shot of chicken blood in a low mood, and face every day with a positive attitude.

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

This article contains spoilers.

The film is based on f.x. Toul's short story of the same name, he is a deeply qualified boxing industry insider, proficient in boxing, and has experienced countless boxing competitions, in his eyes and mind, is countless bittersweet. The famous screenwriter Paul Harris adapted it into a screenplay, which was later photographed by Clint Eastwood.

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

Paul Harris

The film took more than a month to shoot, with an investment of only $18 million, but the final results were jaw-dropping, and the film won the 77th Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, and Best Supporting Actor.

Director and starring Clint Eastwood, is a living fossil of Hollywood, the old man is 90 years old this year, I heard that he is still insisting on making movies, just with this spirit, it is enough to make us juniors ashamed.

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood is a well-known rightist in Hollywood, and most of the stories are simple and conservative Americanism, with a tough style, no matter how taciturn the front is, in the end it is a meaning of "your uncle or your uncle." ”

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

It opens with a low, powerful narration by Eddie (Played by Morgan Freeman): What is boxing? Boxing is about dignity, winning one's own, and at the same time, taking away the opponent's.

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

Morgan Freeman

The elderly Frankie is a well-known boxing coach who runs a boxing gym with his old friend Eddie. The most important thing in Frankie's life is the never-ending boxing lessons and meticulous and rigorous boxing theory. And one of the most important of his theories is that protecting oneself is always the first.

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

After a boxing match, a girl named Maggie Fitzgerald approached Frankie, hoping to get his guidance to win the championship, but Frankie didn't even look at her and said, "No."

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

As the story progresses, the story about Maggie gradually unfolds, she comes from a remote town, in her thirties, has no money, no lover, but still insists on practicing boxing.

Eddie found something scarce in her, and that was to gamble everything for dreams that no one else could understand.

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

After the twists and turns, Maggie's innate talent and unshakable faith eventually touched the stubborn Frankie, who decided to help Maggie become a female boxer at any cost.

The day and night of training and the mutual enlightenment of each other's past encounters made the two masters and apprentices more and more tacit.

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

As soon as Maggie got on the road, she opened the open and hanging mode, won all the way, went smoothly, and soon could not find an opponent in the lightweight level, and then Frankie took her to Europe and gave her a robe embroidered with a word: "mo cuishle" Frankie said that it was Gallic, did not tell Maggie her meaning. With a winning streak in Europe, Maggie earned the nickname "mo cuishle".

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

Then he returned to the United States with glory to challenge the strongest.

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

The average sports inspirational story will arrange a difficult victory at this time, and then a perfect ending, the protagonist can be lost, depressed, but in the end will find themselves and regain their lives, but it is rare for someone like Maggie to completely lose hope.

Maggie's accident caused him to lose consciousness below his neck, and all the hospitals had only one sentence: "Maggie can only be a sober vegetative person in the second half of her life." ”

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

The classic of this movie lies in the second half of the story - how people face failure.

Lying on the hospital bed, Maggie asks Frankie to end her life, she does not want to survive, she wants to keep her dignity, at this time, dignity is no longer just a simple boxing, but life, to make our lives dignified, no one can take away.

But Frankie rejected her, and he couldn't do it.

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

As a paralyzed patient, the only way to end her life is to bite her tongue and kill herself, and Maggie did the same, showing Frankie her determination to die with her mouth full of blood.

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

I love this line so much, allow me to type out his original English version.

Faced with a self-blaming Frankie, Eddie says: Don't say that, maggie walked through that door with nothing but guts, no chance in the world of being what she needed to be, a year and a half later she's fighting for the championship of the world, ou did that, people die every day frankie, mopping floors, washing dishes, and you know what their last thought is, i never got my shot,because of you maggiegot her shot, if she dies today you know what her last thought would be? i think i did alright.i know i could rest with that. (Don't say that.) When Maggie walked through the door, she had nothing but courage and had no chance of becoming the boxer she wanted to be. A year and a half later, she's challenging for the world championship, and that's your credit. Frankie, every day someone dies, when mopping the floor, when they brush the dishes, do you know what their last thoughts are? I never had a chance, because with you, Maggie got the chance to belong to her. If she dies today, do you know what her last thoughts will be?" I think I'm doing a good job", so that I feel at ease. )

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

Frankie walks up to Maggie and injects an overdose of epinephrine into Maggie's body, before explaining to Maggie what "mo cuishle" means.

"mo cuishle" means "my beloved, my flesh and blood".

An inspirational classic delayed by the name – Million Dollar Baby

In addition, the film also has a dark line with the family, deepening the inner world of the characters, I will not say more, I hope you can go to see.

The core of the story of "Million Dollar Baby" is like "The Old Man and the Sea", to be a strong person in life, to maintain his dignity at all times, not just a simple victor, in the face of all kinds of difficulties in life, what you have to do is to face difficulties, there can be thousands of reasons to escape, but there is only one reason to face.

For one can be destroyed, but one cannot be defeated.

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