
Douban 8.7 "Million Dollar Baby": Is it worth paying for the championship dream? 01, 31 years old, nothing, Maggie chose to embark on the road of professional boxers, the road to chasing dreams has never been smooth sailing 02, trying her best to chase dreams, Maggie successfully stood in the boxing ring of the World Championship Championship, paying for her life for her dreams, Maggie's legendary life

author:Sheng Yilan

Author: Sheng Yilan

Originality is not easy, plagiarism must be investigated

In March this year, a woman's name was on the world's hot search, because she won the gold belt of the UFC (the world's top fighting event) world championship, refreshing the history of Chinese martial arts, and she only said three words in the face of the interview: My name is Zhang Weili, I am from China, remember me.

When more and more people begin to understand this girl, we find that her success is covered with pain and thorns:

At the age of 12, he was sent by his parents to learn sanda, and won the provincial sanda championship at 14;

Because of physical reasons, he had no choice but to retire at the age of 17 and began to work;

At the age of 20, she decided to become a "North Drifter", she worked as a cleaner, kindergarten teacher, and even worked as a security guard;

At the age of 23, he went to the gym to apply for front desk and sales, and he also firmly believed in his idea of playing a game;

At the age of 24, he resolutely resigned, played full-time games, and began his dream journey.

Douban 8.7 "Million Dollar Baby": Is it worth paying for the championship dream? 01, 31 years old, nothing, Maggie chose to embark on the road of professional boxers, the road to chasing dreams has never been smooth sailing 02, trying her best to chase dreams, Maggie successfully stood in the boxing ring of the World Championship Championship, paying for her life for her dreams, Maggie's legendary life

But she was just a "halfway out" boxer at this time, and what did she rely on to play a game? Only day after day of desperate training and firm belief, Zhang Weili's goal is very clear, that is, to go to the UFC championship.

She has been injured countless times in training and competitions, but as long as she stands in the boxing ring, she will definitely give her all.

Finally, at the age of 30, Zhang Weili ushered in the 21st consecutive win of her career, becoming the first Asian to defend the UFC world championship, and she draped the national flag to win glory for the country in the boxing ring on the other side of the ocean.

Douban 8.7 "Million Dollar Baby": Is it worth paying for the championship dream? 01, 31 years old, nothing, Maggie chose to embark on the road of professional boxers, the road to chasing dreams has never been smooth sailing 02, trying her best to chase dreams, Maggie successfully stood in the boxing ring of the World Championship Championship, paying for her life for her dreams, Maggie's legendary life

Zhang Weili let everyone see how beautiful the brave dream-chasing woman really is, and also inspired many dreamers, Zhang Weili bloomed her own dream flower in her golden age, and her story also reminded me of Maggie in "Million Dollar Baby".

Released in 2004, Million Dollar Baby is a classic Oscar-winning best picture that tells the story between boxing coach Frankie and female boxer Maggie.

Maggie, 31, has nothing, loves boxing, while working as a waiter, while exercising in the boxing gym, she repeatedly asked boxing coach Frankie to train her, but Frankie refused Maggie, who could not even punch.

After that, Maggie impressed Frankie with her efforts and persistence, and in the following year and a half, Maggie completed a transformation journey unimaginable to ordinary people.

Douban 8.7 "Million Dollar Baby": Is it worth paying for the championship dream? 01, 31 years old, nothing, Maggie chose to embark on the road of professional boxers, the road to chasing dreams has never been smooth sailing 02, trying her best to chase dreams, Maggie successfully stood in the boxing ring of the World Championship Championship, paying for her life for her dreams, Maggie's legendary life

I've seen a lot of inspirational movies, but this one impressed me, Maggie didn't know what she really wanted when she was 31 years old, but she was very old among female boxers at this age.

Just like Frankie said that it takes four years to train a boxer, it is conceivable that if Maggie starts practicing at the age of 31 and then competes at the age of 35, whether it is physical strength, energy or mentality, it will not be able to compete with young female boxers in their 20s.

To outsiders, 31-year-old Maggie wants to be a good female boxer.

It is also like this that Maggie's appearance standing in the boxing ring of the World Championship tournament is even more impressive, and she makes the impossible possible. Next, let's walk into the movie "Million Dollar Baby" together and feel the charm and shock of the movie.

Douban 8.7 "Million Dollar Baby": Is it worth paying for the championship dream? 01, 31 years old, nothing, Maggie chose to embark on the road of professional boxers, the road to chasing dreams has never been smooth sailing 02, trying her best to chase dreams, Maggie successfully stood in the boxing ring of the World Championship Championship, paying for her life for her dreams, Maggie's legendary life

Maggie's original family was very poor, her father died, her brother was imprisoned, and her mother and sister led a low-security life, and they were still vitriolous.

She is 31 years old, unlike Su Mingyu in "All Is Good", who has a successful career, and unlike Fan Shengmei in "Ode to Joy", she can live in a big city and have a decent job.

Maggie is just a waiter in the restaurant, with a meager salary, planning how much money to send to the family, eating the rest of the guests' food, and insisting that it is for her own puppy.

Life was already like that, and she had an unrealistic dream: to be a female boxer.

There is no money to hire a coach, no one to train her, she will practice on her own, and then practice for a long time, the way of punching and the way of moving feet are all wrong, such a life is sad and ridiculous, but no one is qualified to stop a person from stopping chasing dreams.

Douban 8.7 "Million Dollar Baby": Is it worth paying for the championship dream? 01, 31 years old, nothing, Maggie chose to embark on the road of professional boxers, the road to chasing dreams has never been smooth sailing 02, trying her best to chase dreams, Maggie successfully stood in the boxing ring of the World Championship Championship, paying for her life for her dreams, Maggie's legendary life

Maggie pleaded with Coach Frankie to train her, and after being rejected, Maggie continued to exercise in the boxing gym, practicing day and night, fearless of other people's blows and insults.

It was that kind of hard work that touched Frankie's hard heart, and he promised to train Maggie, but not to be her manager. That is, after teaching her boxing, he no longer cares about her.

From the beginning of the film alone, you can see that an essential element of a successful person is firm faith.

People reach middle age and achieve nothing, where dare to talk about dreams, especially for a small person like Maggie who lives at the bottom, under the worldly concept, maybe getting married and having children early and doing a small business is already very good.

Douban 8.7 "Million Dollar Baby": Is it worth paying for the championship dream? 01, 31 years old, nothing, Maggie chose to embark on the road of professional boxers, the road to chasing dreams has never been smooth sailing 02, trying her best to chase dreams, Maggie successfully stood in the boxing ring of the World Championship Championship, paying for her life for her dreams, Maggie's legendary life

But the 31-year-old says boxing is the only thing she likes, so what to do? She can only go forward. The road to chasing dreams is never smooth, and after training with Frankie, Maggie has to abandon her wrong way of practicing and start all over again.

A foot movement, she can practice for a long time, even when working in the restaurant, the foot is constantly practicing movement. There is another action in the movie that caught my attention, that is, playing pear balls.

Douban 8.7 "Million Dollar Baby": Is it worth paying for the championship dream? 01, 31 years old, nothing, Maggie chose to embark on the road of professional boxers, the road to chasing dreams has never been smooth sailing 02, trying her best to chase dreams, Maggie successfully stood in the boxing ring of the World Championship Championship, paying for her life for her dreams, Maggie's legendary life

This action looks boring, and the two fists are constantly hitting the pear ball to practice the movement and power point. We can imagine how much patience and willpower it takes to practice such a boring action.

Maggie improved rapidly under Frankie's training, practicing until she was sweating, and it wasn't long before Maggie played her first match, beating the best female boxer who had won 11 straight games.

Another element of success is to practice deliberately, find the right method and direction, and all that remains to do is to train consistently.

A novice can beat a female boxer who has won 11 consecutive games, and in addition to the coach's guidance, the rest should be a lot of tears and sweat accumulation. I heard a sentence before, the audience was watching the game, and the boxers were fighting for their lives. After reading Maggie's experience, I suddenly understood this sentence. No one succeeds casually.

Douban 8.7 "Million Dollar Baby": Is it worth paying for the championship dream? 01, 31 years old, nothing, Maggie chose to embark on the road of professional boxers, the road to chasing dreams has never been smooth sailing 02, trying her best to chase dreams, Maggie successfully stood in the boxing ring of the World Championship Championship, paying for her life for her dreams, Maggie's legendary life

After a long time together, Maggie and Frankie became more and more tacit, and Frankie made an exception as Maggie's manager, and since then, she has opened the game mode. The up-and-coming Maggie has repeatedly won first places in the same weight of competition, and every time she starts, she will knock the opponent down in the first round, which shows that she still has some small pride during this period.

Coach Frankie taught her not to knock down the enemy in the first round, which was not conducive to her own progress, so in order to make Maggie obedient, Frankie arranged a few more games, and Maggie still won the first place.

Over time, no one wanted to play against Maggie because she was getting stronger. Frankie privately pays for Maggie to find an opponent, just so that she has more practical experience, and here we can also see frankie's love for Maggie, not love, more like a father's love for his daughter.

Maggie has never felt the love from her family since she was a child, but because of boxing, she has met a boxing coach who is very good to her, although Frankie is stubborn and unkind, but for Maggie, he will warn her when she is proud, encourage her when she is powerless, and make a lot of decisions for her safety, and it is because of Frankie that Maggie's boxing road has gone smoother.

Douban 8.7 "Million Dollar Baby": Is it worth paying for the championship dream? 01, 31 years old, nothing, Maggie chose to embark on the road of professional boxers, the road to chasing dreams has never been smooth sailing 02, trying her best to chase dreams, Maggie successfully stood in the boxing ring of the World Championship Championship, paying for her life for her dreams, Maggie's legendary life

After that, Frankie took Maggie to play all levels of the competition, Frankie gave Maggie the name "Mokushler" is known to more and more people, the audience cheered Mokushler loudly, Maggie not only received flower applause, but also gained full of confidence.

Maggie took the prize money to buy her mother a house, hoping that she and her sister would have a good life, but when she told her mother about the surprise, she got accusations and complaints, because when she lived in a new house, her mother could not get the social minimum guarantee. Even though Maggie said she would send more money back, she still didn't get the gratitude of her family.

Since then, Maggie has focused more on competition and training, and she has only one dream left: a world championship.

Douban 8.7 "Million Dollar Baby": Is it worth paying for the championship dream? 01, 31 years old, nothing, Maggie chose to embark on the road of professional boxers, the road to chasing dreams has never been smooth sailing 02, trying her best to chase dreams, Maggie successfully stood in the boxing ring of the World Championship Championship, paying for her life for her dreams, Maggie's legendary life

But Maggie's good luck ran out in the boxing ring of the World Championship Tournament, she pressed her opponent, hoping to win, but was attacked by the other side, the cervical vertebrae were completely broken, Maggie was diagnosed with high paraplegia, and could only lie in bed and live on a respirator for the rest of her life.

She begged Frankie to remove her respirator and tried to commit suicide, but was rescued again and again. Seeing here, perhaps most viewers feel that Maggie is unable to accept the stress response made by reality, in fact, for Maggie, who has always been positive and optimistic, she has seen the world, achieved her dreams, received attention and love, and has no regrets in this life.

Frankie experienced inner struggles and pains that eventually freed Maggie, who told Maggie mokushler that he meant "my beloved", that Maggie was finally fulfilled at a critical juncture in her life, and that she was the one who was loved.

For Maggie, the moment she stands in the ring means putting her life out of the ordinary, and although her life has undergone a brief bloom, she has seen the world.

From an obscure waiter to a top female boxer, she accepted the ordeal of fate and enjoyed the joy of making her dreams come true. When sweat turns into strength and swings in the ring, when her name is shouted by the crowd, I think Maggie must be happy at the end of her life.

Douban 8.7 "Million Dollar Baby": Is it worth paying for the championship dream? 01, 31 years old, nothing, Maggie chose to embark on the road of professional boxers, the road to chasing dreams has never been smooth sailing 02, trying her best to chase dreams, Maggie successfully stood in the boxing ring of the World Championship Championship, paying for her life for her dreams, Maggie's legendary life

Some people think that Maggie's life is too short, and if there is no contact with boxing, will there be a good result?

Is it worth giving your life for your dreams? Everyone has different ideas, but I think that for Maggie, if she is not exposed to boxing, she may still be living at the bottom of her 50s, doing a casual job, tearing each other apart with her original family, and that kind of life, Maggie will not like at all. So for her, the answer is worth it.

But I think that no matter when we must be brave to chase dreams, but also to protect ourselves, accidents and tomorrow do not know which comes first, it is better to let our people live a more exciting life!


Half a bowl, slimming only eat half a bowl of old cute

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