
Million Dollar Baby, directed by Clint Eastwood

author:Happy Shadow Autumn Sail
Million Dollar Baby, directed by Clint Eastwood

The third time I looked at it. The rainy night of winter needs warmth, so I picked it to relive.

It is my winter light. In this film, there is a fairly positive expression of the American experience of life, which is precisely what is generally scarce in China.

Although the title of the film is "Million Dollar Baby", this treasure is not a "baby", this treasure is just as the character of Morgan Freeman in the film says, "The only thing she knows from childhood to adulthood is that she is garbage". So, this film is about the story of "garbage" becoming "gold".

The characters in the story are more grassroots than I thought. Clint Eastwood was a boxing coach who trained a black buddy for seven or eight years, and finally the guy left him and won the championship belt.

In this way, Lao Ke's painstaking efforts only ended up with the view of "deliberately dragging people's feet", which can be said to be bitter and unspeakable. However, such a strict old man was willing to go to church every week for more than twenty years, just to provoke the priest by asking nonsensical questions.

His boxing training ground also looked like an "abnormal human research center", not only dilapidated and in danger of bankruptcy at any time, but also a variety of people in and out, and his partner and daily manager Morgan Freeman was a "one-eyed dragon", and the failure of more than twenty years ago, one step away from the championship, made him have to spend the rest of his life cleaning other people's spit.

Those who come to the restaurant to train are not street thugs, or those who are stupid, among them is a "superb" brother, who is as beautiful as the most beautiful bean sprouts, although he has never understood "how the ice cubes in the mineral water bottle are stuffed in", but he is often full of confidence, thinking that one day he will defeat a certain boxing king (in fact, the boxing king has long since withdrawn from the stage of history).

Million Dollar Baby, directed by Clint Eastwood
Million Dollar Baby, directed by Clint Eastwood

This film won the Oscar for best picture, male supporting, female protagonist several small gold people, of which Swank has won the female protagonist for the second time at a young age, it is indeed not simple, her acting skills along the way, has long subverted the beautiful and kind road of the traditional actresses in old Hollywood.

This film is a representative high-quality product of Hollywood today, as a work, it has the possibility of being interpreted and appreciated from multiple angles and sides, for example, you can see it as a sports inspirational film, it does have a fairly real boxing scene scheduling, and "Angry Bull" can be a fight, it can also be seen as a story of three frustrated people regaining the courage and value of life, of course, it can also be seen as a touching story about communication.

The winner of that year's foreign language film was Spain's "Deep Sea Long Sleep", so it makes sense to watch it as a film about euthanasia. But at the end of the day, I think it's a film that conveys the warmth of human feelings, and it's the most central one in all dimensions.

Million Dollar Baby, directed by Clint Eastwood
Million Dollar Baby, directed by Clint Eastwood

A few lines, transcribed:

"Boxing is when all the forces come in opposite directions."

"You have to always remember to protect yourself."

"Boxing is just for dignity."

Million Dollar Baby, directed by Clint Eastwood

The force of the boxing was reversed, and in the end, Frankie personally removed the oxygen tube of the love general- originally working hard for a good life, but in the end it turned out to be a good death. McGee, who always knows how to protect himself, is finally knocked down by an attack from an unscrupulous opponent outside the game, becoming a vegetative person, and another in the opposite direction.

Million Dollar Baby, directed by Clint Eastwood
Million Dollar Baby, directed by Clint Eastwood

The film's cinematic language is used in a pure way, for example: in the opening part, Willy returns home after training, and the old man's old habit is to drive him back, but the car is an old broken car (symbolizing his own life) and needs to be pushed first. The old man said, "You're going to push me." "In fact, what he needs most is that Willy continues to play two challenge games under his club, and he can get through the financial difficulties. Such examples abound, and we have to admit the mastery of the overall production concept and craftsmanship of American films.

What is particularly warm about the film is that the old man's love for himself will have a mixed emotion, for example, before the game in England, he said, I will marry you if you win, of course, it is a joke, everyone laughs, but I think this is a heartfelt sentence.

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