
Jian Jinglun and his artistic "circle of friends"


Jian Jinglun, an influential representative figure in the history of modern calligraphy and seal engraving, followed Kang Youwei and Yi Ru to study books, painted with Zhang Daqian, and traveled with a large number of scholars, celebrities, calligraphers and painters such as Shang Chengzuo, Rong Geng, Xu Beihong, Ye Gongqiu, Wang Qiumei, Wu Hufan, Ma Gongyu, Lu Danlin, Xie Zhiliu, etc. He migrated several times in his life and made like-minded friends. His achievements are inseparable from his rich experience and travel experience, and behind him, there is a strong artistic "circle of friends".

Jian Jinglun's Lishu was most deeply influenced by Kang Youwei. Kang Youwei praised Jian Jinglun for his "deep and simple mao, deep into the room of the Han people", and concluded that Jian Jinglun's future achievements were immeasurable according to Jian Jinglun's "Monument to the Good King". From Jane's heirloom works, we can find the simplicity and free atmosphere of his inscription calligraphy.

Jian Jinglun and his artistic "circle of friends"

Jian Jinglun is close to the "Monument to the Good King" and The inscription of Kang Youwei

In the "Yi Ru Zhi Jian Jing Lun Letter", it is said: "The zigzag that is not in the subordinate change may wish to be determined according to the side, because there are many relics of the Han stele, and the existing zigzag is not enough for the book, and the material capital has it, and if it can be attached to the side, it will become a character... The ancient small seal is based on a very deep and distant source, and it can be transformed by leaning on it casually. It can be seen that Yi Ru carefully taught the Method of Practicing Seals in Jian Jinglun. During his overseas travels, Jian Jinglun asked Yi Ru to write the "Monument of the Nanyang Calligraphy and Painting Society". Yi Ru studied paleography and the way of calligraphy, the oracle bone calligraphy was naïve, he had created the North Monument Character Model, he had his own set of ideas for Xi Seal, and the simple and humble natural charm of the stele Jane had the greatest influence on the Jane's Shang Zhou calligraphy and the oracle bone seal. Jian Jinglun inherits Yishi's pursuit of nature and learns Yishi's creative ideas, but does not imitate his calligraphic appearance.

Jian Jinglun and his artistic "circle of friends"

Jian Jinglun Oracle Bone Seven Words Lian Han Mo Xuanzang

In the process of Jane's study of ancient calligraphy, he was taught by paleographers Shang Chengzuo and Rong Geng. Jian Jinglun's "Oracle Bone Collection of Ancient Poems" has asked Shang Chengzuo and Rong Geng several times to proofread and test the standardity of oracle bone writing, indicating Jane's seriousness in the standard writing of ancient characters. Jian Jinglun also said to himself that he was "friendly with Shangjun Xiyong Chengzuo". In terms of refining paleography, Jian Jinglun was also influenced by Ma Gongyu. Jian Jinglun once engraved a seal for Ma Gongyu: "Yongjia Ma GongYu Seal." Side paragraph: "Gong Yu is better than the cold fast, talking about jinshi, is to know that the past from the curse to let Mr. Sun travel, declare that his "Sayings" is as familiar as flowing water, ashamed that he can not look up at the door wall, the master of the ancient room. It can be seen that Jian Jinglun admired Ma Gongyu's ancient writing skills, and invisibly played a role in spurring and promoting his own requirements for learning ancient characters.

Collector Ye Gongqi and Zhang Cao famous Artist Wang Qiumei were close friends in Jian Jinglun's life. Ye Gongqi once wrote an inscription for Jane's "Ancient Poems of the Oracle Bone Collection", which fully affirmed Jane's exploration and innovation in oracle bone calligraphy, and was an important factor in jian Jinglun's exploration of the natural qualitative style of oracle bone calligraphy. In the case of the seal engraving of celebrity calligraphy and paintings in the Collection of Jiuhuatang in Hong Kong, China, there is a record of Mr. Ip Gong-chi as the agent who sold The Calligraphy of Jian Jinglun said: "The ordinance is made on behalf of Mr. Jie, and mr. Jie is also the introduction of people from all walks of life, and his eyes are as left." Ye Gongqi booked on his behalf. It is also stipulated: "Oracle bones, seals, chapters, lines, and letters shall be written according to the place of prosperity, and if they wish to designate the pulp, they shall be added by half as usual." It can be seen that Ye Gongqi is not only a propagandist of jian jinglun calligraphy creation, but also a confidant who understands the style and temperament of Jian jinglun calligraphy.

Jian Jinglun and his artistic "circle of friends"

Jian Jinglun imitates the oracle bone collection

Zhang Daqian and Jian Jinglun were similar in "art", had close contacts, exchanged many correspondences with each other, and often talked about holding art exhibitions and entrusting paintings and paintings in their letters. At the end of 1948, Zhang Daqian avoided the political turmoil and lived in Hong Kong and Macao, living in Jian Jinglun's "In the Mountain Building" in Hong Kong, China. When the two of them often talk about art painting. Jane's painted pine, large thousand slope stone grass and inscription. In the exchanges, the heroic spirit of Zhang Daqian's art had a certain impact on the pioneering atmosphere of Jian Jinglun's calligraphy.

In addition, Jian Jinglun also often corresponded with Xie Zhiliu, a famous calligraphy and painting appraiser, and Xu Beihong, a famous painter and art educator, and talked about books and paintings. Xu once asked Jian Jinglun for the famous connoisseur Wang Chunqu for Hanbei Lishu works. Lu Danlin, a famous editor in the newspaper and periodical circles, once published an article for Jian Jinglun entitled "Mao Pen and Iron Pen - Mr. Jian Qinshi's Calligraphy Golden Stone Life" in the "Good Friend" pictorial, which played a positive role in publicizing the influence of Jian Jinglun calligraphy in the art circle.

Jian Jinglun and his artistic "circle of friends"

Jian Jinglun "One of the Thousand Paintings of Danlin Collection" print

Jian Jinglun has carved several square seals for Lu Danlin, such as "one of the thousands of paintings in Danlin Collection" and "Mangrove Room Collection". Jian Jinglun and Wu Hufan often collaborated on pine and bamboo paintings. Jian Jinglun also had close contacts with the famous seal engravers Ding Fuzhi and Deng Sanmu, the art historian Zheng Wuchang, the famous Zhangcao artist Zheng Shuxian, and the painter Pu Xinhu. These calligraphy and painting celebrities have played a positive role in influencing both Jane's calligraphy creation and artistic creation ideas.

Excerpt from Calligraphy Education, No. 4, 2019

Author: Zhao Xiaojiao

The Natural Interest of Jian Jing Lun Seal Calligraphy

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