
"Love spicy hot" delicious does not weigh

author:Crowd ordering shop

Although everyone knows that eating too much spicy hot is not good, many people will still choose it when eating, because whether it is eating noodles or eating a set menu, they want to change the taste over time, and it is relatively light, so if you don't eat it for a while, then you will miss this heavy and delicious food very much. Nowadays, many spicy hot shops use weighing methods, although there are many types to choose from, but the weight of some ingredients is very heavy, so it is not cost-effective, when going to eat spicy hot, specially pick these 3 ingredients to take people, waiters revealed: either foodies or peers!

"Love spicy hot" delicious does not weigh

Spicy hot is very popular, many people will give priority to spicy hot when eating, when eating spicy hot, you can mix your favorite flavors by matching ingredients, there are also many ingredients that can be selected from spicy hot shops, many spicy hot shops now use weighing methods, which leads to the fact that although there are many types, some ingredients have special pits and special pressure scales, but it is not very cost-effective, and the three ingredients we will introduce next are very affordable in spicy hot.

"Love spicy hot" delicious does not weigh

The first is the quail egg, which is not only delicious, but also very healthy and beneficial to our body, quail eggs are meat dishes that will be more expensive than vegetables, but many smart people will still choose it, because compared to other meats such as meatballs and bacon, quail eggs appear particularly nutritious and weigh very little, so they are particularly cost-effective.

"Love spicy hot" delicious does not weigh

The second is enoki mushroom, enoki mushroom is a vegetarian dish, its price is relatively cheap, and, it is also relatively light, will not weigh the scale, so it is very cheap, in addition, enoki mushroom itself is particularly nutritious, also has certain benefits for our health, so we must take some enoki mushrooms when eating spicy hot, if we do not like enoki mushrooms, then some other mushrooms are also beneficial to our health.

"Love spicy hot" delicious does not weigh

The last one is fritters, which is a staple food, and now many people say that fritters are not healthy foods, because you don't know whether the oil used in fried fritters is healthy, most fritters use oil that is still particularly good, the taste is also very good, especially suitable for eating in spicy scalding, the key is that it is very hungry, and the weight is also very light. Therefore, this is much more affordable than when we go and get a bag of instant noodles.

"Love spicy hot" delicious does not weigh

The above content is to introduce the spicy hot with you, now this "love spicy hot shop" ingredients are very affordable, the taste is particularly good, therefore, in the future when we go to eat spicy hot, you may wish to choose these three ingredients to taste.

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