
The Tyrannosaurus Rex was defeated by this creature! What kind of disease is trichomoniasis?

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Tyrannosaurus rex, lived in the Maastricht order (maa) at the end of the Cretaceous period, about 68.5 million to 65 million years ago, and was one of the last non-avian dinosaur species before the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event. Fossils are found in the United States and Canada in North America and are among the last dinosaurs to become extinct. Tyrannosaurus rex is the largest of the family Tyrannosaurus rex. The body length is about 11.5-14.7 meters. The average hip height is about 4 meters. The highest hip height can reach about 5.2 meters, and the head height is nearly 6 meters. The average weight is about 9 tons, (ecological average is about 7.6 tons), the maximum weight is 14.85 tons, and the head length is about 1.55 meters. The bite force is generally 90,000 Newtons to 120,000 Newtons, and the maximum end of the mouth can reach about 200,000 Newtons, and it is also the thickest carnivorous dinosaur. The genus name of Tyrannosaurus rex means "cruel lizard king" in ancient Greek, and the species name means king in Latin.

Scientists conducted an in-depth analysis of the skeleton fossil of a T. rex called "Su" at the Natural History Museum in Chicago, and they found that there was a small hole in the jaw of the female T. rex, which was due to a parasitic infection of birds called "trichomoniasis". Until the study was published, scientists thought the small hole in the jaw of the Tyrannosaurus rex might have been left over from a battle with other dinosaurs. As of 2013, scientists pointed out that the throat and mouth of the 40-foot-long, 9-ton dinosaur had suffered severe parasitic infections, and this latest study focuses on the throat damage of the female dinosaur "Su" and nine other fossil specimens of T. rex, which scientists previously believed to be caused by bacterial infection. The parasite is usually transmitted by birds such as pigeons, which usually carry trichomoniasis but rarely show symptoms of disease. Falcons and eagles can cause severe damage to the larynx after infection. Wolff said the type of laryngeal injury was very close to the small hole wound that appeared in the throat of dinosaurs. Wolfe stressed that fight wounds between Tyrannosaurus rex and other dinosaurs were uncommon, and that the type of injury was markedly different from the current injuries in the larynx. The small hole wounds caused by trichomonas appear to have more neat and smooth edges, while the wounds caused by fighting and biting appear very rough, and their wounds and bones do not leave the same marks. Tyrannosaurus rex is a family life, they live together as young, adults, hunt and eat together, and sometimes they even kill each other. When their throats are severely infected and damaged, they are unable to eat, and no matter how strong they are, they will also die due to hunger and weakness. The study has been published in the journal Public Science Library General.

Although the trichomoniasis infection was very serious, "Su" eventually healed, "Sue" body also found other scars, including 3 rib fractures, did not heal well, there are gaps in the middle, the right arm before the tendon tear left bone spurs, the right shoulder blade was hit hard, the two tail vertebrae fractured after fusing together, the left fibula was fractured, suffered a very serious infection, bone hyperplasia doubled. But these wounds have healed, and the cause of Sue's death is still unknown, but its age is very high, and it seems that it is because of the end of his life.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex was defeated by this creature! What kind of disease is trichomoniasis?

Tyrannosaurus rex

This article was edited by headline encyclopedia user Haval Sell My Most Cow, Asai Hui, Little Fat Good, Poplar Nectar Coconut Jelly.

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