
How to treat trichomoniasis vaginalis

author:Seek medical advice

How is vaginal trichomoniasis treated? Vaginal trichomoniasis is mostly an infectious disease caused by trichomoniasis, we found that suffering from vaginal trichomoniasis, to timely treatment, in general, we can be treated by topical medication, then specific about the treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis, let's go together to understand it.

Trichomoniasis vaginalis is a very common sexually transmitted disease that spreads around the world and is susceptible to infection by both men and women. Trichomoniasis is a general term for diseases caused by trichomonas vaginalis, human trichomoniasis and oral trichomoniasis parasitizing the human urogenital tract, intestine and oral cavity, of which trichomoniasis caused by trichomonas vaginalis is the most common. For the treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis, you can understand through the following introduction.

Treatment of trichomoniasis vaginalis:

1. Patients with positive trichomoniasis examination should be treated regardless of whether they have symptoms or not, the treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis is divided into topical and systemic medication, local treatment can effectively control local symptoms, but can not completely kill the insecticide, easy to recur after stopping the drug, systemic treatment is suitable for all patients with vaginal trichomoniasis infection, male urogenital tract trichomoniasis infection and insect-carrying treatment.

2. Patients with vaginal trichomoniasis avoid sexual intercourse during treatment, and if necessary, both husband and wife are examined and treated at the same time. Repeatedly, after a cure, after each menstrual period is clean, vaginal topical medication is used 1 to 2 times for 3 consecutive months to consolidate the efficacy. Vaginal trichomoniasis is easy to recur, we must adhere to the medication treatment, do not feel that there is an effect on the discontinuation of the drug, so as to avoid the recurrence of vaginal trichomoniasis.

3. Patients with vaginal trichomoniasis should pay attention to washing the vulva frequently, changing underwear frequently, and if necessary, both husband and wife should check and treat at the same time.

How is vaginal trichomoniasis treated? I believe that through the above introduction, we have an understanding of the treatment methods of vaginal trichomoniasis, the above treatment methods, we can use as a reference to understand, for patients with vaginal trichomoniasis, the main thing is to combine the actual diagnosis, choose a more suitable method to treat vaginal trichomoniasis more targeted.

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