
Trichomoniasis doves symptoms and treatment

author:Xin Pigeon VLOG

According to the clinical diagnosis and treatment of pigeon disease, the symptoms of trichomoniasis are diverse, this kind of protozoal disease with a very high rate of self-contained disease, the harm and impact on the pigeon flock is great, in order to effectively prevent and control, it must have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding.

Trichomoniasis: is a genus of protozoan pigeon trichomoniasis, a single-celled organism. There are two species of trichomoniasis that cause trichomoniasis in pigeons, the scientific names are Trichomonas gallinae and Trichomonas columbae. More than 85 percent of the domestic pigeons are insect carriers with the disease, these pigeons have no obvious symptoms, but the constant infection of the pigeons makes the disease continue in the pigeon flock.

Trichomonas live mostly in the digestive tract of pigeons, especially in the throat and throat, as well as the umbilicus and sinuses, and the internal organs are most likely to be affected by the bile ducts, and lesions can also be found in the liver and lungs. Young birds under three months of age are more susceptible to hazards, and pigeons of any breed and age can be infected, but most of the adult pigeons do not show symptoms, and young birds can develop severe symptoms or even die. The disease occurs all year round, especially with high humidity.

It is worth noting that the caterpillar is very fragile outside the body of the pigeon and can only survive for a few minutes.

Unlike other diseases or parasites in the body, trichomoniasis does not become infected in the loft or directly through the environment. Trichomoniasis is transmitted by saliva and pigeon milk. When the pigeons drink water, the trichoderma will peck out of their mouths and enter the water, and when the other pigeons drink water, they will also drink the trichoderma into it. When pigeons are picky about grain, the fallen grain will also contain a small amount of saliva, and the kissing mouth and brooding of adult pigeons during courtship are also the way to infection. It can also be infected through umbilical holes and wounds.

The causes of multiple occurrences are urgency - poor design of the loft, crowding - incubation of eggs and broods, moulting, training of carrier pigeons, racing, lack of vitamins A and B, concomitant diseases (especially upper respiratory tract diseases).

Clinical symptoms

If pigeons are infected with a certain level of trichomonas, the symptoms of this infection, known in European pigeon disease as Wet Canker, are not only elusive, but also quite diverse.

1. Penguin standing posture: Due to the pain of the anterior glandular stomach and grunting, the pigeon will straighten its body, stand like a penguin, and breathelessly. After feeding and drinking, this phenomenon is more likely to occur.

2. Feather dryness: due to the fact that the fine feathers do not fall off and do not produce feather powder.

3, the feel of heavy: sick pigeons will not enter the state, when holding hands will have a lead-like heavy feeling.

4, clear water stool: due to inflammation of the digestive tract and thirst, resulting in increased water intake, excessive urine production, pigeon dung will be surrounded by clear water-like liquid, in young pigeons can also be often found.

5, green feces: it is also caused by inflammation of the digestive tract, and some sick pigeons will eat less.

6. Drooling and repeated swallowing: due to lesions in the mouth, this reaction is caused. Sometimes it is difficult to shut up.

7. The eyeball is water-like: if there is a lesion in the infraorbital sinus or the area of the eyeball cavity, this phenomenon will occur.

8, the central nervous disorder: occasionally there will be lesions penetrating the skull, which will be the case. Also included are the appearance of symptoms of imbalance.

9. Throat inflammation: tonsils are inflamed, and transparent, gray foamy sputum appears.

10. The function of the sac is disturbed: the time for the sac to empty is delayed, and the sick pigeon sometimes vomits.

11. Increase in feed consumption: Feed consumption for the entire flock increases.

12. Yellow dry trichomonas: yellow-white sediments can be seen in the mouth, such as cheese-like or scab-like and dot-like substances. This phenomenon can occur in pigeons of any age, which means that the level of trichomoniasis infection in pigeons has increased, but it is only the end of the formation of yellow substance and the formation of nodules.

13. Indirect symptoms: sometimes the condition is not good, the treatment of the respiratory tract is not good, or rapid recurrence.

14. Sick pigeons infected with trichomonas in internal organs will appear: weight loss. Drowsiness. Refusal to eat. Green poop.

15, folk observation method: throat white dots. Sputum filaments in the mouth. Black nose head. The young birds have enlarged meat sags. Water poop. Thin. Increased water intake. Loose feathers. listless. Flying force decreases. Flying down. Open your mouth and shake your head.

Pathological changes:

There are four types of pigeon trichomoniasis, depending on the site of insect invasion:

1, throat type: this is the most common one. The mouth of the sick pigeon, from the corner of the mouth to the throat, esophagus, palate, appears local or diffuse yellow-white, loose or button-like cheese or garden spots, characterized by easy peeling, no bleeding after peeling, saliva viscous or blistered, empty sacs, emaciated pigeon body.

2. Umbilical type: mostly in young pigeons, there is no obvious change in the mouth and internal organs, only the lesion is seen in and around the umbilicus, the initial texture is relatively hard and swollen, after cutting, yellow and white cheese-like substances can be seen, with the development of the disease, the swelling gradually becomes soft, and the incision is light yellow mucus-like.

3. Visceral type: there is no obvious lesion in the mouth, the sick pigeon has green stool, cut off eating, emaciation, lack of energy, more than when dissecting after death, it can be seen that the lesion is attached to the liver, lungs, yellow nodules the size of mung bean rice grains, thickening of the intestinal mucosa, obvious valgus when cut, and loose villi.

4. Traumatic infection type: after the wound is infected with the insect body, the wound is red, swollen and inflamed, the course of the disease is long, and the wound forms a yellow scab.

Trichomoniasis doves symptoms and treatment
Trichomoniasis doves symptoms and treatment

Treatment modalities

Trichomoniasis in pigeons has been studied as early as the 1950s. As a result, there are many medicines that can be used in therapeutic control, but Trichomonas has been shown to be resistant. Therefore, it is recommended to use more than two drugs, and after three courses of treatment, change them at the right time. Common and effective medicines are as follows:

Carnidazole: is a common pigeon medicine, green and white box, called "cure pigeon worm", only lozenges, high safety, the end of the weaning of young pigeons can also be used.

Metronidazole (metronidazole, dipyrimidine): Metronidazole tablets have 0.2g / tablet, 0.5g / tablet, two kinds of packaging, that is, each tablet contains 2000mg and 5000mg two specifications, each liter of drinking water 500mg, mixed drinking for seven days, stopping the drug for three days, and drinking for seven days, which is a reasonable dosage. 0.2 g of adult pigeons are taken orally for a quarter tablet a day and one eighth tablet for young chicks. After medication, there must be a detoxification course, electrolyte plus liver essence, three to five days.

Ronidazole (Ronidazole): The general pigeon drug content is 10%, which is currently the most common hair drop hair treatment agent used abroad, with high safety and can be used by all kinds of pigeons. The dosage for pigeons is 30 mg/day.

Copper sulfate soaking water: soaking water in the proportion of 0.05% for seven days also has a certain curative effect.

Intraoral therapy: after peeling off the yellow-white spot lesion, apply 10% iodoglycerin or chlortetracycline directly to the affected area, which also has a certain effect.

There are many drugs for other treatments on the market, so I won't dwell on them here.

Precautionary approach

Due to the specific way in which trichomoniasis spreads, the drinking fountain in the pigeon loft has become a source of infection! So it is necessary to keep it clean frequently and spare a daily cleaning after drying, after use interactively. At the same time, any stagnant water on the ground should be removed in time to prevent the growth of trichomoniasis.

How to build antibodies:

Pigeons are quite immune to the original trichomonas that exist in the loft, and when pigeons from different lofts join, they exchange trichomonas and infect each other. It is necessary to wait until the introduction of foreign breeding pigeons, the probability of new breeding trichomoniasis will be reduced, as long as the pigeon develops a solid immunity to the trichomonas in the house, it is not easy to have too many and too serious trichomonas problems.

Timing of innate immunity: before breeding, during brooding, after weaning. Organs that increase innate immunity: The intestines and liver are the dove's hood doors, and when lesions invade these two organs, it is the end of the stage. Therefore, in normal times, we must pay attention to the maintenance of these two organs, improve the physique of pigeons, and protect the disease resistance of other immune organs, bursa, chest line, spleen, Harder's line, cecal flat body, intestinal lymphoid tissue, B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, etc. Focus: choose good medicines, pay attention to the source of infection, control the trichomonas in a small range that does not harm the pigeon's body, so that the pigeon's immunity can be strengthened, and the trichomoniasis can be restrained with its own natural ability to achieve the goal of being healthy and strong.

Basic process of prevention and control:

1. Before breeding pigeon pairing: In addition to other selected items, trichomoniasis must be treated for five to seven days. There is no limit to the use of drugs, but metronidazole, there must be a detoxification course.

2. After pairing: every three weeks, do two days of treatment. During the incubation of the eggs in the breeding pigeons, when the discharge of trichomoniasis is at its highest, a two-day course of treatment is required during this period.

3. Brooding period: within seven days or fifteen days of the chicks, a two-day course of treatment is discharged, the dose is halved, and the medication is preferably for pigeons.

4. After weaning and leaving the nest: within 35 to 45 days of the young birds, a three-day course of treatment is performed.

5. Usually every three weeks, according to the condition of the drug one to two days, the drug is not limited.

The focus of the breeding pigeons is: before pairing. When dividing. It only takes two to three times a year.

The focus of the young birds is: after leaving the nest.

Usually, the focus is on the control of new pigeons and wild birds.

Trichomoniasis doves symptoms and treatment
Trichomoniasis doves symptoms and treatment

The disease cannot be controlled by medicine alone, and it is very difficult for the loft to completely eliminate trichomonas. Regular administration of the drug in water is to keep the number of trichomoniasis in a small number, because the number of trichomoniasis must reach a certain number before the disease occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on the correct use of drugs and good loft management, so that the pigeons can develop a strong innate immunity, in order to protect the pigeons for a long time. Trichomonas is a problem that pigeon breeders will encounter, its symptoms are diverse, it is easy to cause misdiagnosis, wrong medication, so it is recommended to buy a "microscope", as long as 100 times magnification, you can see its true face, and without any other addition of reagents, you can do it. As long as the problem of trichomoniasis can be well regulated, the level of pigeon breeding will inevitably have a clear and visible improvement.

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