
What are the prescriptions for the treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis

author:Seek medical advice

Source: Seek a Doctor and Ask Medicine Network Time: 2018-01-15 Publisher: Ziwei Bookmark this article

After the occurrence of vaginal trichomoniasis, if there is no timely treatment, it will bring serious harm to the health of patients and friends, so we must go to a regular hospital for vaginal trichomoniasis in daily life, so what are the prescriptions for the treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis? Let's take a look at its introduction:

What are the prescriptions for the treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis

Drugs for the treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis

Topical medication: to enhance vaginal defenses, after scrubbing the vagina with a soap cotton ball, the vagina can be flushed with lactic acid or nitric acid or potassium permanganate. Patients with bacterial infection can be rinsed with neogel solution. Choose any of the following: Drivigine tablets, carbasic arsenic tablets, placed in the posterior vaginal vault. Trigucin, daily into the vagina. Assamycin, acetic acid solution flushes the vagina to improve efficacy.

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment: to clear heat, dry and wet, insecticidal-based, commonly used bitter ginseng, yellow cedar, poria, white moss skin, decoction after washing the vulva and flushing the vagina, and then with cnidium monnieri, bitter ginseng made of suppositories placed in the vagina.

Systemic therapy: oral metronidazole (dichloride), concomitant treatment with a sexual partner is very important, and single-dose therapy may also be used. Metronidazole treatment has been effective, but highly resistant vaginal trichomoniasis strains of metronidazole have now been isolated from ineffective cases. Because metronidazole has a sulfur-abstinence effect, it is forbidden to drink alcohol during treatment and for 24 hours after the end of treatment. Because metronidazole has a carcinogenic effect on rodents. It also has a mutagenic effect on bacteria. With caution, it should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy, but may be treated with oral metronidazole after 3 months of pregnancy.

What to do in the care of vaginal trichomoniasis:

1. Patients with vaginal trichomoniasis should eat less spicy food, avoid excessive tobacco and alcohol, eat less seafood, and exercise appropriately. Be careful not to overwork, otherwise it is not conducive to the improvement of the condition.

2. Maintain good body resistance, and the recurrence of vaginal trichomoniasis has a lot to do with the body's immunity. You must have a thorough recovery before you can have intercourse, otherwise you will most likely transmit the virus to your spouse.

3. Before and after the treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis, smoking and alcohol should be quit. Because each cigarette can cause the body to lose about 3 to 5 mg of vc, which is an important vitamin for strengthening immunity.

4, should eat more vitamins, protein-rich foods, such as fresh vegetables, fruits and milk, eggs and so on. Physical exercise is carried out at the same time.

5. You can enhance your own resistance and immunity by taking honey or royal jelly. Recurrence of vaginal trichomoniasis tends to recur in the setting of low resistance. Therefore, an optimistic spirit is the best medicine.

Everyone now has a further understanding and understanding of the treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis, vaginal trichomoniasis is a very serious infectious disease, the harm caused to patients and friends is very serious, so we must go to the regular hospital for treatment in time for this disease in our daily lives.

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