
What are the prevention methods of vaginal trichomoniasis

author:Seek medical advice

Source: Seek Medical Advice Network Time: 2018-07-24 Publisher: Chen Chen Bookmark this article

Vaginal trichomoniasis belongs to a kind of gynecological disease, the infectivity of this disease is relatively strong, the harm of this disease is also more serious, we have to pay attention to the prevention of this disease, many people do not know how to prevent this disease because they do not understand this disease. Let's introduce it to you. What are the prevention methods for vaginal trichomoniasis?

What are the prevention methods of vaginal trichomoniasis

1. Don't start sex too early. This is the key to effective prevention of trichomoniasis vaginitis. During puberty, the cervix is not yet fully mature, and premature sexual life is easy to cause squamous cells to fall off and cause trichomoniasis vaginitis.

2. Avoid unclean sex. Unclean sexual life can easily lead to various pathogens entering the body, which leads to the emergence of the disease of trichomoniasis vaginitis.

3. Active treatment of acute trichomoniasis vaginitis. Regular gynecological examinations, as long as regular examinations, I believe you can find out in time whether you are suffering from trichomoniasis vaginitis. Early detection of trichomoniasis vaginitis is a disease that can be treated early.

4. Pay attention to vulva and vaginal cleaning. In childbirth, miscarriage, pregnant women must pay attention to prevent infection with trichomoniasis vaginitis, many times, it is because of this stage that they suffer from trichomoniasis vaginitis, which leads to their own trichomoniasis vaginitis, and after the completion of childbirth, sexual life should be avoided in the short term.

5. Avoid premature, excessive, and excessively frequent births and miscarriages. Both childbirth and miscarriage can cause cervical damage, and it is easy for bacteria to infect the patient's pelvic cavity at this time.

How should vaginal trichomoniasis be prevented? The above is a more detailed introduction to the prevention methods of this disease, now we should know how to prevent this disease, in order for our physical health not to be affected by this disease, we must do the above points. Patients must treat this disease in a timely manner.

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