
"Pigeon Information" has an in-depth understanding of trichomoniasis

author:The big carrier pigeon in the sky
"Pigeon Information" has an in-depth understanding of trichomoniasis

Gangrene (aphthous sores)

Gangrene is a yellow, cheese-like substance composed mainly of pus and cellulose. Gangrene is said to be infected rather than a description of a disease or symptom. The gangrene itself is dead tissue, and even though it continues to grow, it seems to have just grown, but it is actually a new dead tissue, accumulating underneath and then pushing the gangrene out of the mouth.

Fanciers often think that gangrene is only combined with trichomoniasis, and I have seen gangrene without trichomoniasis. Infections with a certain bacterium can create gangrene-type diseases, and although I have said that, I would say that most diseases of gangrene are the result of trichomoniasis infections.


Trichomoniasis is an infection caused by protozoan organisms. Pigeons can have the genus Trichomonas, but do not produce the typical gangrene because the organism does not invade the mucous membranes.

Most fanciers believe that there is no trichomoniasis unless you see gangrene. They say, "My pigeons have never had gangrene", because they have never seen a disease of gangrene. But if you examine their pigeons, they may be full of caterpillars, and when the catrichomoniasis population rises, the pigeon performance decreases, regardless of whether there are any obvious diseases.

Most pigeons have a low amount of the genus Trichomonas, and almost all pigeons examined have trichomoniasis. Pigeons are able to tolerate it and avoid the genus Trichomoniasis.

Trichomonas protozoa depend on tissue detritus and bacteria for their livelihoods. That's why if you happen to be given antibiotics, trichomoniasis seems to become milder, and that's because you just happened to deprive The catrichomoniasis of its food, the bacteria, and you didn't actually get rid of the Trichomonas genus with antibiotics.

We don't know how the genus Trichomoniasis continues to exist, it does not form sacs. After the treatment, the organism may not be found in any pigeon, but he will always crawl back. So it has some scientific basis for survival, which has not yet been understood or discovered.


Gangrene is the most visible sign of trichomoniasis infection. Because trichomoniasis mainly involves mucous membranes, most of the gangrene of the mouth is in the mouth or throat, either tangible or visible, because of the enlargement of yellow cheese or the appearance of hard lumps.

Pigeons also have gangrene in the umbilicus, and occasionally in young pigeons there will be internal gangrene, which invades internal organs, especially the liver, but is not common. It is sometimes visible on the almost transparent skin, in the anus, but usually it is treated as a hard lump. Gangrene at the mouth of the umbilicus is usually the result of spilled pigeon milk, full of trichomoniasis organisms, after dripping into the nest bowl. The young pigeon nests inside the nest bowl, and since the umbilicus is still a little open, protozoa can invade it.

Only when the genus Catrichomoniasis begins to invade deeper tissues, the body creates gangrene. When the trichomonas genus becomes abundant, the catrichomoniasis genus can create their own diseases. Most gangrene in the mouth and throat is a very small disease, and the result, either wounds in the mouth and throat, is the beginning of the process. The very small disease just opens the door and allows Trichomoniasis to invade deeper tissues.

This is probably why young pigeons are often victims. They eat grains that are larger in proportion, so they may get more micro-damage. Sometimes gangrene is more likely to occur in young pigeons in the posterior nest, because during the reproductive period, the resistance of the parent pigeons decreases, their system is gradually exhausted due to egg laying or vomit feeding, or both, causing the number of trichomoniasis to increase the risk of infection to the next generation. The number of organisms on hot days also tends to increase.

When gangrene of the mouth does not appear, the symptom of infection is increased swallowing. If you happen to observe your pigeons and see that they swallow slightly more often, they may have trichomoniasis. Another clue is that inside the throat, there is a little more mucus and a little increase in red. Gangrene has the highest range of influence and can be found in young pigeons in nests or young birds that have been incubated for 6 weeks. But infection can occur when the pigeons are in a weak condition. Older pigeons undergo harsh races or the urgency of breeding, which may appear on the surface in smaller forms.


The way to test the genus Trichomoniasis is to take a sample with a cotton swab throat. If properly sampled and examined under a microscope, you may see tens of thousands of trichomoniasis species. If the fancier is experienced in the use of microscopes, he can find out, but most of the time it is best to find a professional to do it.

When some people see a white dot in their mouth, they think it is a gangrene, which is incorrect. The white spots at the back of the throat are often salivalites as secretions made by the body in the salivary glands, as a response to some other inflammation, often the herpes virus. These white spots are definitely not important because they appear after inflammation or resolution of the infection.


If you have a pigeon infected with gangrene, will it infect the whole loft? If anyone watches the pigeon drinking water very closely, when it drinks water, you will see a pile of debris, or a countercurrent from its mouth into the water dispenser. These organisms cannot stay in clean water for long, but usually pigeons drink water after eating feed, and they drink water at about the same time, so you can understand how easy it is to get infected, so the answer is yes. Not all pigeons will be infected, as many single pigeons are more resistant to infection.

During the season, should you have regular processing tables? Of course, the team of pigeons should be fully processed before the start of the season, possibly before the start of training, and then again before the start of the season. The volume of trichomoniasis is elevated during the urgent period of the race, and the handling of pigeons 1-2 days a week can prevent the increase in numbers. This breaks the rules of effective medical treatment, but I recommend that this be an exception.

If you remove the dead gangrene tissue, do not cause too much trauma to the underlying tissue, and the treatment stops the growth of the genus Catrichomoniasis, the pigeons usually heal quickly. After removal of gangrene, if you rub the wound with a cotton swab dipped in a weak iodine solution, it may kill a lot of trichomoniasis, but this is not a complete treatment. If there is very little gangrene in the throat, you massage the place you break is harmless, it will go through the pigeon's system and be handled carefully. Because the removal of gangrene can cause severe bleeding.

When you have the death of gangrene in the umbilicus, it is the more severe type of trichomoniasis. Is it worth treating it? If it is small, it can be treated. If it is large and seems to invade the abdomen, treatment is a waste of your time. Because you may have permanent organ damage at the cost, especially the liver. In our case, we do not have a full range of anti-trichomoniasis drugs because the meat industry abuses drugs, so that some of the meat consumed by consumers has drug residues.

For me, the best is nitroimidine vinegar. It has five times more room for safety than emtryl, and it seems to be effective. The next best, I might say, is true nail file, which sells under the trade name flagyl. It can be taken orally once or twice a day. This is at least better than giving sparrix (the name of the drug), and probably better. It can also soak in water, but it is reported to be unstable in water and easy to crystallize, but it seems to do its part.

Another effective drug is emtryl (active ingredient to sit in the middle of the day). Emtryl in the United States is good, but not in the market. In my experience, emtryl in Mexico and Canada is often ineffective. In some cases it seems to have no effect based on some reason, so I am very skeptical of its utility.

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