
Integrated control measures for trichomoniasis pigeons

author:Poetry number1

Abstract: Trichomonas pigeons are single-celled organisms of the genus Trichomoniasis of the family Trichomonas in the family Trichomonas, which are mainly parasitic in the digestive tract and have a great impact on the occurrence and impact of diseases in the life history of pigeons. Good water source, temperature, humidity, ventilation, care, feed nutrition, insect vector and feeding management can produce good prevention and control effects on the occurrence and control of diseases. In the process of continuous research and attempts to remove parasites, trichomonas and solve the problem of insect accumulation in the body, it was found that when used in combination with traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese and Western medicines, it can effectively reduce the incidence and case fatality rate of trichomonas, and form an important prevention and control experience in the clinical breeding of meat pigeons and prevention and control.

With the rapid development of the pigeon industry, the harm caused by the epidemic of pigeons has become more and more serious, and the impact of diseases such as Newcastle disease and trichomoniasis that plagues China's poultry industry, especially the pigeon industry, has never stopped. Animal scientists are also constantly studying the breeding management of pigeons, disease prevention and control drugs and other means to improve the status quo of the meat pigeon industry, which is not highly raised.

Integrated control measures for trichomoniasis pigeons

1 Epidemiology

Breeding pigeons can remain with worms for life, breeding pigeons with worms are fed to suckling pigeons through pigeon milk, the earliest cases of peptic ulcer can be found at the age of 3 days, and by the age of 8 days, there is emaciation, difficulty swallowing and other symptoms and death, breeding pigeons with worms are infected, the mortality rate is as high as 55%, mainly through drinking water or feeding. After clinical observation of 855 pigeon eggs in 4 batches of eggs in 3 months, the results showed that trichomoniasis had no significant effect on the death of eggs during egg hatching.

2 Pathogenic microbiology

Trichomonas pigeons are single-celled organisms of the genus Trichomonas of the family Trichomonas of the family Trichomonas, which live mainly in the digestive tract, especially at the edge of the mouth, cleft palate, throat, sac, umbilicus, and sinuses, causing the breeding of inflammatory exudates, and the visceral types are mainly bile ducts, liver, and lungs. In the temperature environment of 209C ~ 30C, the growth rate is relatively good, in the free-range, large-scale breeding farms in our province, there is a widespread phenomenon of trichomonas infection, adult pigeons over 4 months old are mostly adults with insects with hidden infection, suckling pigeons have an incidence rate of more than 30%, and the case fatality rate ranges from 50% to 60%. The incidence of infection in child pigeons is high, mainly concentrated at 2 to 5 weeks of age, the digestive tract is the main parasitic site, and the infection route can also be obtained through trauma and unclosed umbilical cords.

3 Clinical symptoms

According to the site where the caterpillars cause infestation to the pigeons, the pigeon trichomonas are divided into three types: pharyngeal visceral type and umbilicus type.

3.1 Pharyngeal type is more common, often mixed with Candida albicans infection, resulting in more serious economic losses, the pigeon is often manifested as difficulty swallowing and high difficulty breathing, mental atrophy, fluffy feathers, digestive dysfunction, diet subsidence, increased water intake, yellow-green stool, early infection of large pieces of porridge feces, body wasting. Young pigeons are infected by contact with breeding pigeons, the onset is urgent, the oral secretions are increased and yellowish-white cheese-like exudation, in mild cases, it can be scraped off with forceps or hard objects, obvious ulcer foci can be seen, and in severe cases, the lesions expand to other areas of the head and neck, including the nasopharynx, orbit and neck soft tissues, with the increase of exudative nodules, a large amount of liquid flows from the mouth when lifted, and dyspnea will occur in the short term.

Integrated control measures for trichomoniasis pigeons

3.2 The clinical symptoms of visceral pigeons are similar to those of pharyngeal types, but no nodular exudates appear in the upper gastrointestinal tract, and the mortality rate of young chicks is high.

3.3 The umbilical type is mainly manifested as redness and inflammation of the umbilical cord, blackening of the entire abdomen before death, paralysis lying on the side, depression, difficulty in being fed by breeding pigeons due to illness, starvation and emaciation.

4 Pathological changes

The main pathological changes in sick pigeons are:

4.1 Casey necrosis of the upper gastrointestinal tract, resulting in obstruction of the upper gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract, hindering feeding and normal breathing, infected sick pigeons due to toxin poisoning in the hungry body and death. On partial examination, the mouth and esophagus contain large amounts of necrotizing substances and may extend to the mouth, skull, and sometimes through the tissues around the neck that may involve the skin. The esophagus and sacs appear yellow and form circular bulges. The sac may be covered with a yellowish cheese-like substance and may extend to the glandular stomach. The intestines are empty, the walls of the intestines become thicker, accompanied by bleeding spots, and the glandular stomach forms nodules

4.2 The most common pathological changes in internal organs are the liver, the liver is enlarged, the surface is the first to produce lesions, with the prolongation of the course of the disease, the inside of the liver gradually changes from the substance to hard, and the eye can see a yellow or yellow-green circular necrotic foci from mung bean to soybean size. Adhesions and pathological changes on the surface of other internal organs may be caused by the contact spread of pathological changes in the liver, such as: swelling of the kidneys, lungs with bleeding spots, slightly enlarged spleen.

5 Diagnoses

Through clinical symptoms and pathological changes, the onset of Trichomonas can be preliminarily diagnosed, and then the disease tissue and disease material of the digestive tract are collected, placed under a 100-fold microscope, and the worms and adults are found to confirm the diagnosis in time.

Integrated control measures for trichomoniasis pigeons

6 Drug prevention and treatment

In the process of checking eggs and carefully feeding, once the sick and dead pigeons are found, they should be picked out in time for harmless treatment, and the whole group is administered, using the "yellow and white pioneer" 2 ~ 4kg / ton material produced by Guangdong Alpine Group, mixing material regularly, taking 5 ~ 7d as a course of treatment, continuously investing 3 courses, can receive obvious results. At the same time, metronidazole or dimetrazole is fed in water, and 3 courses of treatment, 3 days / course, 250 g / t water.

7 Summary

The incidence of trichomonas is closely related to feeding management, and effectively strengthen the management of water sources, nutritional temperature, light, ventilation, vaccine prevention and control, disinfection, environmental hygiene, stress and other factors, and strengthen the comprehensive feeding management of feeding tanks, sinks, health care sand and other comprehensive feeding management, which can greatly reduce the prevention and control effect of trichomonas, such as feeding the "acid point" produced by Henan Muxiang Co., Ltd. in water can reduce the accumulation of scale and increase the hygiene of water sources. Reasonable combination of drugs can reduce the incidence of mixed infections of gram-negative bacteria, Candida albicans and other pathogens (such as: regular use of material sulphur No. 1 + Wenbai San + alpine bus can effectively solve the occurrence and treatment of common diseases).

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