
After understanding these 3 kinds of thinking, I suddenly stopped worrying (Good Article Collection!). )

author:MBA Think Tank

Text/mba Think Tank May Haizi Editor/mba Think Tank Ryu Liu

Is there a phenomenon around you that many times, good people will get better and better, and those who are not good will continue to be mediocre.

Do good people know the faster path to success, or do they have the extraordinary willpower that the average person doesn't have?

There is no denying that there are reasons for this, but in the end, it lies in the difference in thinking.

Different ways of thinking bring about different choices, and the quality of choice affects the effect of action, and ultimately brings about a wide variety of results.

And those who are powerful, most of them have the following 3 kinds of strong thinking in the bottom.


Funnel Thinking: Filtering the Dross and Refining Key Information

Before, I have always had a doubt about the profession of "headhunting": their main job is to dig up and match the right talents for enterprises, and the cost of recruiting people is much higher than the normal recruitment channels, but why do many bosses like to find them?

Later, I asked a friend who was a headhunter, and the friend smiled and told me that they knew the key information about talent.

He said that companies usually recruit people by identifying resume information to screen talents, but many companies are facing candidates' packaged resumes, in the face of over-rendered information, it is difficult to identify the key points in this information, thus ignoring the true side behind the resume.

The more important the talent, the more scarce it is, and as a headhunter, they will match the right talent according to the needs of the service enterprise, and confirm whether the talent is suitable for a certain enterprise through the core value information such as experience, work facts and related results.

It seems that the cost of these bosses is very high, but it saves recruitment costs and recruitment time for the company, and overall this matter is more cost-effective.

Similar to headhunting, the process of helping enterprises select the best quality talents from many candidates is the process of filtering non-important information and letting key information precipitate out, which is also the process of many excellent people, in the face of many choices, to save the essence, and then make a reasonable choice according to the key points.

I've heard a word called "growth hacking" before, which is used to describe a group of people in a large company, what kind of people are this, a mysterious strategic department composed of people from different departments such as product, technology, design, etc.

The main task of this group of people is to help the company's performance to achieve exponential growth, and many CEOs of companies attach great importance to this department, and their high-value realization path is also dependent on "funnel thinking".

After understanding these 3 kinds of thinking, I suddenly stopped worrying (Good Article Collection!). )

Each layer of the funnel has a certain capacity, the lower the capacity is smaller, and the relationship between each layer and each layer is the conversion rate, and when the business activities of the enterprise leak to the last layer, it is the income of the enterprise.

This group of people will not start from the top level to deduce how to increase income, but from the bottom, after grasping the core elements that affect income, from the bottom up to develop a plan to expand capacity, targeted to increase the growth rate of income.

In short, funnel thinking can help a person to be bombarded by the massive amount of information in life, not to be blinded by external information, so as to maintain their ability and vision of independent judgment, find key points from it, and finally grasp the best opportunity for their own growth.


Flexible thinking: softening inner stubbornness, moderate compromise and flexibility

What kind of thinking, resilient thinking?

In one issue of Round Table Pie, cultural critic Zhu Dake was invited, who mentioned in the program that some primary school Chinese teachers are very stereotypical in their teaching methods:

The teacher wanted to tell the students that spring was coming, so he asked the students to say, what did they see from the window?

Some students said they saw new shoots growing on the trees, and some said they saw blue skies and white clouds.

The teacher said: Wrong, the standard answer is: see spring.

Although this answer is very poetic, it cannot be said that the students' answers are all wrong.

Behind the teacher's rigid teaching mode, it reflects that they do not understand the flexible stereotype thinking, and the opposite is elastic thinking, accepting differences, not being stubborn, and allowing the brain to maintain flexibility in dealing with changes at any time.

In his book Resilience: Flexible Thinking in Turbulent Times, theoretical physicist Monlodino talks about the example of Wallerstein, a master of innovation.

In the 1960s, Wallerstein worked for a movie theater whose main income was not the box office, but the surrounding foods — popcorn and Coke.

His main job was to sell popcorn and coke to people who came to see the movies at the time, but at first, Wallerstein felt frustrated, because he tried all kinds of ways to increase popcorn and coke sales, including the use of buy one get one free, providing related coupons in the form of promotion, but with little success.

In the end, he had the inspiration to break away from the traditional thinking habits and frameworks, and make flexible changes to increase sales.

How did he do it, he found that the reason why people buy popcorn once and then don't go back to buy a second time is because people actually want to eat it, but they are embarrassed to buy two bags, because it will make them look very greedy.

Wallerstein came up with a way to provide large barrels of popcorn, and this unexpected move caused popcorn sales to skyrocket, and Coke sales went up.

The same popcorn, just the popcorn bucket from the small bucket to the large bucket, the small workaround attempt not only releases the psychological burden of people when buying, but also invisibly achieves the purpose of increasing sales.

After understanding these 3 kinds of thinking, I suddenly stopped worrying (Good Article Collection!). )

Wallerstein's approach is a typical expression of flexible thinking: it is not limited to finding solutions from one perspective, but to extract from the original thinking path and change directions to open the card point.

When a person faces a problem, if he is trapped by his own thinking, he will fall into the blind spot of more and more limited thinking, and will not find a smooth way to the answer.

But if you give your mind a huge elasticity and keep your brain soft, you can glimpse new opportunities and create new possibilities.


Strong boundary thinking: Control your own boundaries and achieve a "strong" core

Many excellent people, who may have created more achievements on top of their original achievements, but fell more miserably because they stood tall, because their ambitions were inflated, they were very happy, and finally they crossed the boundaries of their abilities, resulting in disastrous results.

I remember when I graduated from college, my counselor shared a sentence with us: It is man who does one thing well, and only God does several things at the same time!

Although the truth is simple and easy to understand, it is nothing more than "greed and chewing", but there are very few people who can really understand the value behind this sentence.

In my opinion, this sentence is the embodiment of "strong boundary thinking".

After graduating from college, the first company I entered was to engage in electric energy, and the company was in a period of rapid growth, connecting to several big orders and making some money.

After the company has money, the boss begins to expand the business line and diversify the company.

But the reality is not as good as the ideal, because the new field is not understood, the various business units then began to lose money, developed to the back, and even can not support, the money earned in the main business is also used to subsidize the loss brought by the new business, and finally the money is not earned, and their own advantages are also dragged down!

The boss thought bitterly at the summary meeting, and finally decisively cut off those businesses that he was not familiar with, and stopped the loss in time.

Later, the boss strictly stipulated the company's business scope, only operated in the industry he was most familiar with, and only did business within his ability.

After this, because the company has a clear development goal, its own advantage projects are becoming more and more mature, the market share is gradually improving, and the company's performance has also achieved steady growth!

After understanding these 3 kinds of thinking, I suddenly stopped worrying (Good Article Collection!). )

The company is so, people are the same, everyone has their own circle of ability, if you do not consider the boundaries of their own circle of ability, see the various outlets and dividends of the outside world, with the wind leap forward, in the end can only be a cost of effort and effort but not worth the loss.

Many times, for a person, it is far more important to know the boundaries of one's own ability, to strengthen the advantages and barriers within the boundaries of one's own ability, and to consolidate one's strong competitiveness than to blindly take the circle of ability and strive for a larger territory.

Silicon Valley investor Peter Tille said:

Instead of striving to become a mediocre who knows nothing about all aspects, and calling it an "all-round talent", instead of working tirelessly and finally only turning himself into a featureless, it is better to choose the most important thing to do and concentrate on doing this well in order to dominate one side.

Write at the end

In the face of the same problem, the difference between masters and ordinary people lies in the difference in the logic of the underlying thinking.

Instead of going with the flow in the torrent of information, it is better to learn to peel back the cocoon and extract valuable information for my use;

In the face of change and uncertainty, maintain the multi-dimensionality of vision, present the flexibility of thinking, and see the opportunity to break the game;

Learn to cultivate your strengths within the scope of your own ability, build core competitiveness, and then wait for opportunities to seize opportunities when it is appropriate.

The thinking of the strong is not born, but on the contrary, it becomes the inertia of thinking and is stored through continuous practice.

In the face of the current changes, I hope that we can all continue to learn from the masters and grow into a better version of ourselves.

-the end-

● This article is the original debut of MBA Think Tank, please contact us for reprinting. Author: May Haizi (MBA think tank columnist), with time, empathy with writing, half lake water, half hot land. MBA Think Tank - a professional learning and growth platform for managers, with both hot spots and dry goods, top management knowledge, and advanced workplace guides. App, headline number, Weibo @mba think tank. Image source: Figureworm creative.

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