
Every friend who has been exposed to the Gate of the Stone of Destiny has invariably commented on it as a divine work

author:The edge leaf is two-dimensional
Every friend who has been exposed to the Gate of the Stone of Destiny has invariably commented on it as a divine work

The Gate of the Stone of Destiny

Traveling back in time and space, I believe that many people have had such fantasies, and what we are going to talk about today is an anime related to time travel, "Gate of the Stone of Destiny".

Adapted from the text adventure game of the same name, Destiny Stone Gate is a hypothetical science TV animation produced by White Fox in April 2011, and has since produced the 2013 theatrical version of the animation "Destiny Stone Gate Déjà VU in the Overload Field", and the 2018 sequel TV animation "Destiny Stone Gate 0" (also known as "0 line"),each of which has been well received.

For every friend who has been exposed to "The Gate of the Stone of Destiny", the evaluation of it is the same - God's work! When I first came into contact with this anime, it was given to me by my high school roommate Amway, and when I clicked on the first episode, I watched 25 episodes of tv animation and theatrical version in 2 days. What gave me was shock, fantasy, and thinking about life. Let me tell you what makes it appealing.

Every friend who has been exposed to the Gate of the Stone of Destiny has invariably commented on it as a divine work


Rintaro Okabe, a junior high school student, fantasized about developing a time machine to change the dominant structure of the world, and at an academic lecture, he witnessed the genius girl Makise Hongli perched in a pool of blood, and sent a message to his friend Hashida through a text message, thus inadvertently triggering the change of the world line, the text message was sent to the past, and he also jumped to another world line, thus beginning the three weeks that he would never forget. World Line Bundle - The death of his friend Masayuki arrives, so that In order to avoid The death of Mayari, Rintaro has to jump between different world lines, and finally can only eliminate the d-email sent in the past to restore the world to its original state. Because As an "observer", Rentaro has memories of different world lines, and witnesses The death of Masayuki again and again in different world lines for three weeks, making his spirit almost collapse, it is Hongliqi's comfort and encouragement that makes him regain hope, and the two also have feelings. But having to eliminate the original d-email meant returning to the world line where Hong Liqi died, and finally he returned to the original world line under the encouragement of HongLiqi and in a passionate kiss with Hongliqi. However, he was told by Awan Yin Suzuba from the future that world war III broke out because of Hongliqi's dead future, and Luntaro had to borrow the future time machine to embark on a time journey to save Hongliqi again. After failing once, he gets a video reminder of "future self", restores the scene of hongliqi falling in a pool of blood with his own blood, and successfully enters the "Destiny Stone Gate World Line" where Masayuki and Makise Hongli coexist.

Every friend who has been exposed to the Gate of the Stone of Destiny has invariably commented on it as a divine work

Infinitely close to reality of the imaginary future science fiction ——

The story is set in Japan in 2010, and the story of the protagonist, Rintaro and others, takes place in Akihabara, giving us a very real sense of substitution with real scenes. The scientific research organization sern (cren) involved in the story does exist in reality, and the first death of Shinyuri in the story is because the development of the time machine was learned by sern to come and hunt down the "institute" personnel. And the story of the development of the time machine with hackers into the sern website to use the computer ibm5100 and 2000 on the Internet claimed to be from 2036 John Tito said "the purpose of my trip is to get back an ibm5100", John's incident also appeared in the animation, "John Tito" is the screen name from the future Awan Yin Lingyu.

For traveling through time and space, the average person's understanding is that a single time to return to the past or go to the future, which will violate the "time refutation" in science, so the "Gate of the Stone of Destiny" designed the world line theory, that is, not only through time and space, but also jumped the world line, the past due to the impact of "crossing" The world will change accordingly, in addition to the "observer" Luntaro to maintain memory, most of the others only have a vague "sense of déjà vu", which makes the setting of the work based on scientific theory. The "world line closure" mentioned refers to the intersection of many world lines at a certain point, so that the event of convergence will occur on each world line. In the story, Rentaro jumps through many world lines, only to find a world line that deviates from the "death of True Reason".

Many of the scientific theories in the animation are also understood by the audience in plain language, and the imaginative authors such as "telephone microwave ovens" do not spend much ink to explain. In simple terms,

This makes the work suitable for teenagers who have general cognitive and comprehension abilities and imagination about technology.

Every friend who has been exposed to the Gate of the Stone of Destiny has invariably commented on it as a divine work

Thousands of world lines are connected into a story -

I think "The Gate of the Stone of Destiny" calls it the connection between the various events of the gods and "gods" in its worldline. Originally a word game, Destiny Stone Gate has the characteristics of a word game with "different choices and different endings", and each world line jump in the animation also depends on Rentaro's choice.

At the end of the original work, when Rentaro, who saved Hongliqi once, was frustrated, it was because Makurei slapped him awake and received news from the future to summon up courage before successfully entering the "Destiny Stone Gate World Line". In 2018, "Gate of destiny stone 0" was after Erentaro failed to save Manauri did not slap that slap and stopped Awan Yin Suzuba, thus opening the [β] world line. Since then, Luntaro is no longer in secondary two, and has also given up saving Hongliqi and developing the time machine to plan to live an ordinary life, but the world line is finally tied to the third world war, so nearly a year later, on the eve of the outbreak of the world war, Awan Yin Suzuha and Masayuki take the time machine back to the roof of the building that Rantaro gave up, and ask the "past self" to encourage Luntaro to give up through the phone. This also coincides with the setting of "after a failure" in the original work, only after Luntaro fails once, he can get a video reminder from the [β] World Line to give up saving Hongliqi. 18 years of "Destiny Stone Gate 0" and 7 in front of the "Destiny Stone Gate" successfully linked. Make the audience feel as if they are watching a blockbuster with 58 episodes (24 episodes each for the main line of both works).

In the 25th episode of the original work, Ryutaro and the others came to the United States and met Awan Yin Yu Yuki, who said that "today I will meet the destined person" is Hashida, who later met and fell in love and gave birth to Awan Yin Suzuba in 2017. At the end of this episode, Rontaro confesses to Makise Hongliqi, who is confused by the "déjà vu" of other worldlines, which also makes the two of them feel emotional on this "Destiny Stone Gate" world line, laying the groundwork for her to cross the world line in the theatrical version of "Destiny Stone Gate Overload Field Sense of Sight" in order to save Lentaro.

In the theatrical version, In order to save Luntaro, who is confused by the memory of multiple world lines, Hongliqi travels through time and space with the help of Awan Yin Suzuba and needs to create a unique and profound memory of Rentaro when he met the teenager at the station, told him a story of "Phoenix Temple Fierce Truth", and after kissing him, encouraged Luntaro to "save" Shinyuri who was sad alone in the cemetery. The kissing between the two successfully explains what Luntaro said when he kissed Hongliqi, "This is not my first kiss", and the picture of the cemetery in the rain also appeared in "0 line", becoming a memory of Maharaja. At the end of the theatrical version, Hong Liqi meets the rescued Luntaro, "Please give me back my first kiss" and "No", time is frozen at this moment, everything is so beautiful, the two meet and fall in love are "the choice of the Stone Gate of Destiny"!

The op "The Lonely Observer" of the anime "Gate of the Stone of Destiny" is the best description of the male protagonist Ryutaro Okabe, who retains the memories of various world lines because of his identity as an "observer", but whenever he crosses the world line, the people around him will not remember the experience related to him. He is strong and lonely, and he has paid so much for the people around him, but no one knows, but I think that this is his greatest satisfaction after seeing that Both Maori and Hongliqi are alive and happy.

The story of "Destiny Stone Gate" is worth our consideration, it gives people the early impression of most of the difficult brain-burning technology, but when I see the back of the story, it makes me cry many times, there is the satisfaction of Luntaro's success in saving Hongliqi and Masayuki in the "Destiny Stone Gate" world line at the end of the story; there is the understanding of Luntaro's loneliness and strength, watching him jump in different world lines only to save his friend's touch and sympathy for his loneliness; there is also the birth of Rentaro and Hongliqi's love, heating up to the final kiss and parting, Touched by the encounter again at the Stone Gate World Line.

Through The Gate of the Stone of Destiny, I saw Rentaro grow up in different world lines, from the first junior in the second grade to the efforts in various world lines to save his friends, to the desire to be seriously injured in order to save Hongliqi and prevent World War III. If you think about it, the phrase "there is no meaning" that is often talked about by Luntaro, everything he does is only for the efforts of friends and people he likes, and there is no special meaning in not asking for anything in return.

Different world lines have different stories, and the weaving of world lines has this beautiful world. Let's look forward to better works in the "Gate of the Stone Gate of Destiny" series in the future! el psy congroo!

Text/sy skeleton

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