
He went to school as a thief and killed Guan Sheng when the emperor was picked up by Yue Fei

author:The woman who speaks history

(The Woman Who Speaks history - No. 698) In history, whenever the country is in trouble, there will always be some heroes who save the country and save the country, but there are often some greedy and afraid of death, who betray the country and seek glory, bend their knees and surrender, these people are commonly known as "traitors". Today, I would like to talk about a big traitor of the Song Dynasty, who was not a good bird when he was a child, and who was a thief when he was in school; later, when he became an official, guarded the city, and when the enemy soldiers besieged the city, in order to surrender to the enemy, he brutally killed guan Sheng, a fierce general who swore to die to resist the enemy, and became a traitor. This traitor later became emperor with the support of the enemy, but in the end there was a bad retribution, and as a result, when he was mad, he was picked up by a generation of famous generals Yue Fei. So who is this big traitor? Was the Guan Sheng he killed a good man of Liangshan, Guan Sheng? How did he betray the country and become emperor? In the end, how was yue fei picked up? For more information, this issue is broken down.

He went to school as a thief and killed Guan Sheng when the emperor was picked up by Yue Fei

First, as a teenager, he used to be a thief

This traitor's name was Liu Yu (劉豫), a native of Fucheng (present-day Yongjing County, Hebei) during the Song Dynasty's Yongjing Army. He came from a peasant family, liked to read since childhood, but lacked education, when he was a child, he liked to steal petty theft, and once stole his classmates' platinum cups, gauze clothes and other things, that is, stealing his classmates' lunch boxes, clothes and other things. However, Liu Yu was still relatively smart, well read, and lucky, so he went to Beijing to take the exam during the Northern Song Dynasty (1098-1100). In the second year of Masakazu (1112), he was appointed as the imperial attendant of the temple.

Because of his past bad deeds, he was attacked by the court officials, but emperor Huizong of Song, who cherished talent, believed that the past was the past, and now is the present, and issued an edict not to investigate his past ugly deeds. In the sixth year of Xuanhe (1124), Liu Yu sentenced Guozi to prison, and Bai Guan was sentenced to Hebei. This position is probably equivalent to the current president of the provincial court, not a small official, if he continues to work well in this position, it may be very promising, because he is also 50 years old at this time, and it is still a very golden age for people with career paths.

However, when Liu Yuzhi was satisfied, history entered a period of great turmoil. The iron hooves of the Golden State rushed south.

Second, the Jin army suppressed the territory, and Liu Yu, who was greedy for life and afraid of death, killed the general Guan Sheng and surrendered as a traitor

In 1126 AD, Jin Bing quickly set foot on the West Hebei Road where Liu Yu was serving with the momentum of sweeping away the fallen leaves in the autumn wind. Liu Yu was also a coward, in order to save his life, the official did not do it, packed up the guy and fled south, running all the way for more than two thousand miles, running from Hebei to Jiangnan.

This year is the first year of the famous Song Qinzong Jing Kang in history. This is a history that everyone does not want to recall, this year the Second Emperor Hui Qin was captured by the Jin Dynasty, when the world's richest country, the Northern Song Dynasty, collapsed. At this historical juncture, many national heroes will naturally emerge, and of course, it is also the time when the traitors "multiply.". Our protagonist Liu Yu unfortunately did the latter.

After Emperor Huiqin was captured at that time, Zhao Shuo, the ninth son of Emperor Huizong of Song, had the privilege of escaping the pursuit of Jin Bing and went to Nanjing (present-day Shangqiu, Henan) to claim the title of emperor, the first emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty, Emperor Gaozong of Song. Due to the surge of the anti-Jin movement, the Jin soldiers had to temporarily retreat to the north of the Yellow River, so most of the area south of the Yellow River that had been occupied by the Jin soldiers returned to the Southern Song Dynasty. The world is temporarily safe. Liu Yu abandoned his official post and fled to Yizhen (which belonged to Yangzhou, Jiangsu) to avoid chaos. This man had a good life, and he had a good friendship with Zhang Yu, the attendant of Zhongshu, so in the first month of the second year of Jianyan (1128), on the recommendation of Zhang Yu, Liu Yu was appointed as the prefect of Jinan. At that time, thieves in Shandong swarmed, and Liu Yu was reluctant to go in Jiangnan, and asked to be reappointed to a county in the southeast, but was not allowed by the imperial court. The good villain was also an official, and although Liu Yu was unhappy, he still reluctantly took up his post.

In the winter of the same year, the Jin army invaded the south on a large scale and soon reached Jinan. Liu Yu hurriedly sent his son Liu Lin to fight, and the Jin army heavily surrounded Jinan, but thanks to the reinforcement of the deputy commander Zhang Kam, the Jin army withdrew. Jin Guo knew that Liu Yu was greedy and afraid of death, and had abandoned the city and fled, so he took the opportunity to send someone to persuade Liu Yu to surrender.

At this time, there was also a fierce general who guarded Jinan with Liu Yu, named Guan Sheng. According to expert research, this Guan Sheng is the Liangshan good Han Da Dao Guan Sheng who was written by Shi Nai'an in the "Water Margin", that is to say, the Jinan Provincial Guard Guan Sheng is the character prototype of the fifth good Han Guan Sheng of Liangshan Po. According to the "Great Song Xuanhe Testament", after the Liangshan rebels were surrounded by Song Dynasty officers and soldiers in Haizhou, they accepted the invitation of Zhang Shuye, the Taishou of Haizhou, and the imperial court did not give Song Jiang and other rebel leaders to death as written in the "Water Margin", but they were not at ease with them, so they were reduced to pieces and assigned to different places as officials. According to historians, at that time, the big knife Guan Sheng was probably arranged to serve as a defender in Jinan Province.

At this time, Guan Sheng was ambitious, and in the face of the invading Jin soldiers, he decided to swear to die to serve the country and fight the enemy to the death. However, after liu Yu was persuaded to surrender by the Jin army, after weighing the pros and cons several times, he made up his mind to get rid of Guan Sheng as a greeting gift for surrendering to the Jin soldiers. So he designed to kill Guan Sheng. As for how it was killed, the historical records are unknown, but the "History of Jin" only has such a record, "Regarding the victor, Jinan Xiao will also repeatedly go out of the city to resist the war, and Yu Sui killed Guan sheng and surrendered."

There is also a record of this incident in the "Song Shi Renegade Ministers, Biography of Liu Yu": "Yu punished qian, plotted against the animals, killed his general Guan Sheng, and led the people to reduce the gold." The people do not obey. That is to say, Liu Yu plotted a rebellion, killed his subordinate General Guan Sheng, and led the people to lower the gold, but the people did not obey, but Liu Yu still surrendered the city.

The novel depicts Guan Sheng as the commander-in-chief of the Terracotta Army of the Daming Prefecture in Beijing, and his death due to illness caused by drunkenness and fall from power during his tenure is fictional. In this way, when Liu Yu was in trouble in the country, he killed the Zhongliang general Guan Sheng and defected to the enemy as a traitor.

He went to school as a thief and killed Guan Sheng when the emperor was picked up by Yue Fei

3. Liu Yu was appointed by the Jin State as the Pseudo-Qi Emperor

After Liu Yu surrendered, he was trusted by the Jin Dynasty. In March of the third year of Jianyan (1129), when Emperor Wushu of Yan heard that Zhao Zhuo had crossed the Yangtze River, he sent Liu Yu to serve as the prefect of Dongping, serving as an envoy to pacify the provinces of Jingdongxi and Huainan, and to control the prefectures of Damingfu, Kaidefu, De, and Cang, and to make his son Liu Lin the prefect of Jinan, south of the Yellow River, under the command of Liu Yu.

At this time, Liu Yu was once again full of ambition, like a generation of tyrants. But he was not satisfied, perhaps he thought of the famous "child emperor" Shi Jingyao in history, and started the idea of becoming an emperor. Once, when Ruihe grew out of The Shunyu Gate in Beijing and the fishermen in Jinan caught eels, Liu Yu thought that this was an auspicious omen for his ascension to the throne, so he sent his son Liu Lin to bribe Yan Chang, the left overseer of the Jin State, with a heavy gift, and asked the Jin State to make him emperor. After Yan Chang sent emissaries to Liu Yu's department to investigate the situation, in view of the need to contain the Southern Song Dynasty- because the Jin State's use of troops against the Southern Song Dynasty was not smooth at that time, it was resolutely resisted by Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, and others, and morale was greatly frustrated, so he wanted to come up with a strategy of defeating the enemy with the enemy and further use Liu Yu to attack the Song Dynasty, so it was convenient for Jianyan to make Liu Yu emperor on July 27, 1130, the fourth year of Jianyan (1130), and crowned Liu Yu as emperor, with the name of Daqi and the capital Of Damingfu.

On the ninth day of September 1130, Liu Yu became Emperor of Daqi, but this Qi was known in Chinese history as "Pseudo-Qi". Liu Yu was even more proud of his claim to the title of empress dowager, and he granted amnesty to "Tianxia", with Zhang Xiaochun as the chancellor, Li Xiaoyang as the left minister, Zhang Kam as the right chancellor, Li Li as the inspector of imperial history, Zheng Yinian as the attendant of the Ministry of Works, and his son Liu Lin as the Taizhong Doctor, the leader of the various roads and soldiers and the governor of Jinan. Liu Yu then made his mother Zhai empress dowager and his concubine Qian shi empress. In this way, Liu Yu became emperor like a decent person, but in fact he was just a puppet of the Jin Dynasty.

Fourth, Liu Yu aided and abetted the attack on the Song Dynasty for jin

Liu Yu surrendered himself, and vigorously encouraged others to surrender. He repeatedly sent people to persuade Shangguan Wu, the deputy of Tokyo, to stay behind, and bribed Shangguan Wu's close confidant Qiao Sigong to persuade Shangguan Wu to surrender the gold, but not everyone was willing to be a traitor, and Gengzhi Shangguan Wu resolutely refused to obey, and bitterly beheaded Qiao Sigong and others who had persuaded him to surrender; Liu Yu also summoned Zhao Li of Chuzhou Zhizhou, and Zhao Li did not even read his letters and immediately beheaded him; Liu Yu then sent Zhao Li's friend Liu Wei to use a banner with big characters written on it to induce him to surrender, but Zhao Li once again beheaded Liu Wei; Li Yu also persuaded Liu Changru, the judge of Bozhou, to surrender, and was also severely refused. As a result, he was imprisoned by Liu Changru, but Liu resolutely refused to comply. Although the Song people were weak, there were still many people with iron bones.

Liu Yu made a fool of himself for the tiger and searched for the Song Dynasty clan room, and there was a undertaker, Yan Qi, who hid the Song Dynasty clan room, and after Liu Yu knew about it, he arrested him and killed him. At that time, many loyal and righteous people were drawn in by Liu Yu, but they did not obey Liu Yu, and many of them abandoned their officials

Liu Yu became emperor, had power in his hands, and basically did all the bad things. In April 1131, Liu Yu moved the capital to Beijing. Therefore, he enshrined the spiritual seat of his ancestors in the Taimiao Temple of the Song Dynasty, honoring his grandfather as Emperor Huizu Yiwen and his father as Emperor Ruiren of Yanzu. I don't know how his father and grandfather felt under the Nine Springs. Liu Yu also solemnly pardoned "the world" in Beijing, and told the people that "from now on there will be no indiscriminate pardon, no eunuchs, and no monks." Miscellaneous uses of civil and military, unlimited qualifications. "There is actually no eunuch, it feels a little deafening, huh."

At that time, Henan, Hebei, Shaanxi, and Shandong were all stationed with Jin soldiers, and Liu Yu's son Liu Lin recruited more than 100,000 township soldiers as the thirteenth army of the Crown Prince's Mansion; and set up sand officials in many parts of Henan, resulting in the excavation of tombs in this area, making the people unhappy and the people complaining.

In order to curry favor with his new master and help the Jin Dynasty complete its plan to annex the Southern Song Dynasty, Liu Yu sent troops to invade Jiangnan every year, so that the war in the Jianghuai area would not be extinguished and the lives of people would be ruined.

In October 1131, Liu Yu sent troops to invade the Song. He sent his general Wang Shichong to lead the Han and Han troops to attack Luzhou, but the Luzhou defender Wang Heng used a trick to lure Wang Shichong and defeated his army.

In the first month of 1133, Liu Yu sent troops to attack the Southern Song Dynasty. But Song Jun is not good at bullying. The Song army of Li Heng soon defeated Liu Yu's soldiers and horses at Yingshun and Changge. Subsequently, Li Heng led his troops to Yingchang Province, and the pseudo-Qi defender Zhao Bi held the city, Li Heng attacked violently, Zhao Bi fled, and Li Heng recaptured Yingchang.

The Song army was not easy to provoke, and Liu Yu was repeatedly defeated, so he asked his master Jin Guo for help. After Emperor Yanzongwang sent Jin Wushu to help, Liu Yu also sent Li Cheng to lead 20,000 people to attack the Song army at Mutuogang, northwest of the capital. Under the enemy's attack, the Song army Li Heng was defeated, and Yingchang fell again. In April 1133, with the help of Jin Bing, Liu Yu attacked Yu Prefecture and won, and the defender was Xie Gao, a beiliang man, who vowed not to surrender, pointing to his abdomen and saying to the enemy: "Xie Mou is only loyal to the Great Song, this is my red heart!" "Then commit suicide by caesarean section!"

Liu Yu then surrendered Xu Wen, the defender of MingZhou, and obtained sixty ships and more than 4,000 officers and troops. This time Liu Yu made a lot of money again, so he ordered Xu Wen to lead an army to attack and harass the Song army. Then Liu Yu sent Li Cheng to attack Dengzhou, and then attacked Xiangyang, Yingzhou, etc., and for a time Liu Yu had unlimited scenery, and actually had an attempt to rule with Song.

However, his little calculation was wrong. Could the Great Song watch this puppet emperor do his best? Soon the Southern Song Dynasty turned to a counter-offensive.

He went to school as a thief and killed Guan Sheng when the emperor was picked up by Yue Fei

Fifth, the crazy Liu Yu was finally picked up by Yue Fei

Just when Liu Yu was triumphant and extremely arrogant, a generation of famous generals Yue Fei led the Yue family army to kill the generals, and soon recaptured Xiangyang with the momentum of destruction and decay, and within a few months, Yue Fei recaptured Tangzhou, Dengzhou, and Suizhou, and also beheaded the Suizhou general Wang Song.

In addition to Yue Fei, the famous Southern Song Generals Han Shizhong and Zhang Jun also posed a great threat to Liu Yu. This time Liu Yu was gone. Had to ask Kim for help again. However, the Jin people began to doubt Liu Yu's ability in the face of Liu Yu, who had always suffered defeats, so they blamed Liu Yu for his guilt and began to have the intention of deposing Liu Yu. However, at this time, Liu Yu also brazenly applied to the Jin Dynasty to make his son Liu Lin the crown prince, and it was rare for a slave to achieve such a point.

In order to let Liu Yu continue to attack Song, the Jin people promised him to make his son crown prince if he had meritorious service in attacking Song, so he ordered his son Liu Lin to attack Song again, but Lao Tzu was stupid and stupid, and Liu Lin also failed.

Although Liu Yu was defeated and retreated on the front line, he was lawless in his "State of Qi", corrupt in governance, ruled the darkness, slaughtered the people, and even angered people. The people he ruled had long since become intolerable to him.

At that time, the people resented Liu Yu; Liu Yu repeatedly defeated the Southern Song Dynasty and constantly asked for help from the Jin Dynasty; and the Jin Dynasty also lost confidence in Liu Yu, believing that this person was a waste, of course, there was also a side that did not trust him, because Liu Yu may have ambitions, so he had planned to depose Liu Yu. Liu Yu was in an embattled state.

These Yue Fei had already seen it in his eyes, and he felt that it was time to get rid of this big traitor. In fact, Liu Yu was a bug in Yue Fei's eyes, and Yue Fei did not take him seriously at all, if it were not for the Southern Song Dynasty court interfering with him several times, he would have destroyed this scourge long ago. When he learned that the Jin Dynasty had the intention of deposing Liu Yu, he decided to use a plan to get rid of Liu Yu.

During a song-qi battle, Yue Fei's subordinates captured a jin army agent. Yue Fei decided to use this secret agent to carry out a counter-plot. He ordered the agent to be brought to the lobby and interrogated himself. Instead of torturing the agent, he pretended to recognize the wrong person. When the secret agent was brought in, Yue Fei asked, "Aren't you the Same Zhang Bin that our army sent to Liu Yu?" I asked you to agree that Liu Yu would use a trick to trap Jin Wushu, why did you not come back for a long time? Later, I sent someone to Liu Yu to inquire about the situation, and Liu Yu had already agreed to use the bait of attacking the Yangtze River with Jin Wushu as bait and capturing him alive at Qinghe. You actually went away without news, but now you have been arrested and returned, how did you do it? What are you doing? Don't hurry up and recruit from the real thing! ”

The Jin Dynasty spies were scared to death when they heard it, but he was also very clever, and knowing that there must be a reason for it, he lied that he was Zhang Bin. Yue Fei then wrote a letter in which he had conspired with Liu Yu to capture Jin Wushu alive, sealed the envelope with wax, and handed it to the secret agent. He also instructed him to be careful on the road, and to be sure to deliver the letter safely to Liu Yu's hands without losing anything. The Jin Dynasty secret agent said that he would wear the guilt and make meritorious deeds, and he would definitely do it.

As a result, this secret agent ran back to the Jinguo camp and handed over the letter written by Yue Fei to Jin Wushu, who could not help but be angry when he saw the letter, "Good you Liu Yu, you white-eyed wolf, you dare to betray me!" So he immediately rushed to Yan Chang and made a report. After Yan Chang finished, he made up his mind to depose Liu Yu, the puppet emperor, and he deposed Liu Yu, the emperor, on the grounds that Shangshu Province had no achievements in playing Liu Yu's rule of the country. In 1137, on November 18, the Jin state officially deposed Liu Yu, but still made him a powerless King of Shu.

This article says that Liu Yu was picked up by Yue Fei, which actually includes two points, one is that Liu Yu was repeatedly defeated by Yue Fei on the battlefield; but Yue Fei used the anti-plot to borrow the hand of Jin Guo to clean up Liu Yu. However, there is no clear record in the history of Yue Fei's use of anti-plots, but it is said in the folk history, and most of the people also recognize it, and Yue Fei's plan is very happy!

It is said that after Liu Yu learned that his emperor's rice bowl had been smashed, his heart was very unhappy, so he begged the Lord of Jin, saying: "There is nothing sorry for our father and son." Yan Chang said: "I think that when I destroyed the court of the Song Dynasty and the Second Emperor of the Zhao clan left the capital, many of the people could not bear it, many people set themselves on fire to death, and the sound of crying could be heard near and far." Now that you have been abolished, no one has pitied you, and you have not wondered why? Is your emperor too incompetent? How can you not blame yourself? Liu Yu was speechless.

The lord forced him to leave, and he expressed his wish to live in Han Qi's mansion in Xiangzhou, and Yan Chang agreed. Soon, Liu Yu was moved to the custody of Linhuang Province, the former capital of the Liao Dynasty. Fortunately, Jin Guo considered Liu's "merits", and the good villain also served Jin Guo for several years, without merit and hard work, he was quite polite to him, although he was not given freedom, but still let him keep the prince and give him a field to live and cultivate. Liu Yu died of illness seven years after his dethronement at the age of 65. It is really sad that a generation of big traitors has slipped out of the stage of history! (Text/One meter warm sun)

References: History of song, History of Jin.

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