
Come and unlock new skills: French romantic cream mushroom soup must be made

author:Yangzhou Net

The first time I knew that the cream mushroom soup was watching the TV series "Mr. Good", Lu Yuan was a dish made for Gan Jing when he was learning to cook in the United States, he was very fascinated by this dish at that time, but the essence of the foodie was suppressed by the enthusiasm of the drama at that time, after so long, he suddenly remembered this cream mushroom soup or felt that he was obsessed, so today he deliberately searched for the practice of cream mushroom soup on the Internet, or the single Wang men rushed to unlock this new dish, I believe that this year's Singles' Day will not be fed dog food again.

Exclusive French romance: creamy mushroom soup

Cream mushroom soup is one of the French recipes, with mushrooms as the main ingredient, cream mushroom soup cooking techniques are mainly white boiled, the taste belongs to the milk soup salty and fresh. When making the creamy mushroom soup, stir constantly to make the batter evenly melt into the soup until the soup is thick.

Creamy mushroom soup recipe one

Ingredients: 1 canned mushroom, lean pork, milk, flour, lard, salt, green onion, cooking wine, chicken essence


1, cut the pork into small cubes and put it in the pot to cook, the pot is skimed off the foam, add green onion, cooking wine, and cook over low heat;

2, sit in the pot and light the lard to heat, put in the flour and stir-fry the yellow with low heat, stir-fry the aroma, and pour the boiled meat into the pot three times and stir it evenly into a paste;

3: Pour the mushrooms into the pot 2-3 times with soup and milk, add salt and chicken essence.

Cream mushroom soup recipe two

Ingredients: mushrooms, fresh cream, milk, butter, carrots, tomatoes, onions

1: Take a pot and add 2 bowls of water, milk and fresh cream and start cooking over low heat;

2、 Slice mushrooms, shred carrots, cut tomatoes into small pieces, chop onions and set aside;

3: Put a small piece of butter in the frying pan, crush the onion and stir-fry until fragrant, then add tomatoes and carrots in turn and fry, if you feel dry, you can put the butter down, and then put salt until the tomato peel falls off, you can pour it into the cream soup and continue to cook.

4, or stir-fry the mushrooms in butter and then put them in the soup;

5: Boil the soup over high heat, and then you can hook a thin mustard.

Creamy mushroom soup to make three

Ingredients: 900ml milk, 2g salt, 10g cream, 3g chicken essence, 20ml olive oil, 2 slices of ham, 60g of flour, 5 mushrooms, bread slices for garnishing the soup, 1 slice is fine

1: Stir-fry the flour in a pan with olive oil until you smell the aroma of the roasted buns.

2: Cut the mushroom into thin slices, chop the ham into small pieces, cut the bread into cubes and set aside.

3: Use a rolling pin to roll out the noodles and add a small amount of water to make a paste.

4: Pour the milk and cream into the pot and cook over low heat, then add mushrooms, ham and sautéed batter, stir well and bring to a boil.

Creamy mushroom soup recipe four

Ingredients: fresh mushrooms, bacon, seaweed, butter, milk, flour

1. Cut the mushrooms into slices, cut the bacon into strips, and then put the mushroom slices and milk together into the crusher and crush them;

2, sit in the pot and light the fire, pour a little oil, put the bacon into the frying and fish out the oil control;

3: Bring the butter to a boil, add a little flour and stir-fry to make the aroma, then pour the beaten mushroom soup into the pot, add chicken essence, salt, boil and then out of the pot, add seaweed and bacon to the soup to eat.

Creamy mushroom soup recipe five

Ingredients: 800g of white mushrooms, 400g of shiitake mushrooms, 200g of chopped onion, olive oil to taste, 600cc of fresh milk, 200cc of whipped cream, 1000cc of water, 20g of Italian spices, a little salt, a little pepper

1: Wash and slice the white mushrooms, soak the shiitake mushrooms in cold water first, then wash and slice them for later.

2: Pour the right amount of olive oil into the hot pot, sauté the chopped onion, Italian comprehensive spices, then add the white mushroom slices and shiitake mushroom slices of Recipe 1 and stir-fry until the aroma overflows, then add water and fresh milk and cook until boiling.

3: Add the whipped cream to the pot of recipe 2 and stir well, then season with salt and pepper.

Nutritional value of creamy mushroom soup

1. Mushrooms

Mushrooms can improve the body's immunity to various diseases, mushrooms contain crude fiber, semi-crude fiber and lignin that are difficult for the human body to digest, which can maintain the water balance in the intestine, absorb the remaining cholesterol, sugar and excrete it from the body, which is very beneficial to the prevention of constipation, bowel cancer, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, etc., and has a significant effect on reducing blood pressure.

2. Cream

The fat content of cream is increased by 20 to 25 times compared with milk, while the remaining ingredients such as non-fat milk solids (protein, lactose) and moisture are greatly reduced, which is a seasoning with a high content of vitamin A and vitamin D.

3. Onion

Onions can resist cold, resist influenza virus, have a strong bactericidal effect, can stimulate the secretion of stomach, intestines and digestive glands, enhance appetite, promote digestion, and regular consumption has a health effect on hypertension, hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients.

4. Flour

Flour is rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc., which have the effect of nourishing the heart and kidneys, strengthening the intestines, removing heat and quenching thirst.

5. Butter

The main ingredient of butter is fat and the content is about 90%, and the rest is mainly water, cholesterol, and basically no protein. Consuming natural butter in moderation may improve symptoms of anemia caused by consumption of unsaturated fatty acids or margarine.

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