
Delicious and nutritious mushroom soup, super easy to make!

author:Gourmet healthy cooking

Delicious mushrooms have a special umami flavor, which is very delicious for cooking soups and stir-frying. Mushrooms are a very high nutrient food that can be consumed by men, women and children. Several mushroom soups are recommended to make a steaming and delicious mushroom soup in a few minutes.

1. Oyster mushroom egg soup

Delicious and nutritious mushroom soup, super easy to make!

Ingredients: 2 oyster mushrooms, 1 egg, salt, green onion, a little MSG


1. Rinse the fresh oyster mushrooms with water and tear them into small strips, beat an egg and set aside

2. Heat the pot, add a small amount of oil and pour the torn mushrooms into the pot

3. Add a little salt and sauté for a minute or two, add the right amount of water to boil, then add salt to taste

4. Pour the beaten eggs into the pan and wait a little while for the eggs to take shape

5. Stir well, add the green onion, add a little MSG and you can get out of the pot

2. Tofu shiitake mushroom soup

Delicious and nutritious mushroom soup, super easy to make!

Ingredients: 1 piece of tofu, a little shiitake mushrooms, oil, salt, green onion and ginger, chicken essence

1. Cut the tofu into cubes, slice the shiitake mushrooms, and chop the green onion and ginger

2. Stir-fry the chives and ginger in hot oil and sauté the shiitake mushrooms for a while

3. Add tofu and an appropriate amount of water and simmer for 3 minutes

4. Finally, add salt and chicken essence to taste and then taste

3. Loofah mushroom soup

Delicious and nutritious mushroom soup, super easy to make!

Ingredients: 1 loofah, shiitake mushrooms, shallots, ginger, salt, chicken powder

1. Peel the loofah and cut into hob pieces; slice the shiitake mushrooms; mince the ginger; and cut the green onion into small pieces

2. Heat the oil in the pot, add minced ginger and green onion and stir-fry until fragrant

3. Add shiitake mushroom slices, sauté until soft, pour in plenty of warm water

4. After the water is boiled, add the loofah and wait for the loofah to cook

5. Add the right amount of salt and chicken powder to taste

4. Shrimp soup with winter melon oyster mushrooms

Delicious and nutritious mushroom soup, super easy to make!

Ingredients: 300 grams of winter melon, 100 grams of oyster mushrooms, 100 grams of shrimp, oil, salt, green onion and ginger, cooking wine, chicken essence

1. Blanch the oyster mushrooms, peel and slice the winter melon, rinse the shrimp, and chop the green onion and ginger

2. Stir-fry the chives and ginger in hot oil, then add the shrimp and fry until the color changes

3. Add 1 tablespoon of cooking wine and 2 bowls of water, then add the winter melon and mushrooms

4. After the heat is boiled, turn to medium heat and burn for about 15 minutes

5. After the winter melon is cooked, add salt and chicken essence to taste

5. Mushroom soup with miscellaneous bone mushrooms

Delicious and nutritious mushroom soup, super easy to make!

Ingredients: Mixed bone, mushrooms, 5-6 slices of American ginseng, 5-6 goji berries, a few slices of ginger, a few knots of green onion, a little cooking wine, a little salt, a little white pepper

1. Rinse the stray bones with water, blanch the water and fish out, rinse off with water

2. Put the mixed bones in a pot, pour in a sufficient amount of water, add ginger slices, green onion knots, cooking wine and American ginseng

3. Bring to a boil over medium heat and reduce heat, cover and simmer for about half an hour

4. Wash the mushrooms and soak them in salt water for 10 minutes, then drain them

5. The bone broth in the pot is almost stewed, put the mushrooms and goji berries in the pot

6. Cover and continue simmering for about half an hour

7. Finally, add salt and white pepper to taste, sprinkle with green onion

6. Fresh mushroom soup with sliced meat

Delicious and nutritious mushroom soup, super easy to make!

Ingredients: 50 grams of sliced meat, 1 mushroom, 5 grams of shredded ginger, 5 grams of green onion, a little sliced carrot, 1/4 tsp of salt, a little rice wine, a little pepper, a little sesame oil

1. Wash and slice the fresh shiitake mushrooms, wash the meat slices and set aside

2. After boiling in the pot, add the sliced meat and fresh mushrooms and continue to boil

3. Add shredded ginger and mix well with all the seasonings

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