
Who is Qian Feng? Why is he called the pioneer of the overthrow of Wagyu?

author:Ji I Nu Society
Who is Qian Feng? Why is he called the pioneer of the overthrow of Wagyu?

Ji I Nu Society

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The author of this article is Lei Xiaofan, a member of the Ji Inu Society Youth Association.

Due to the rendering of many film and television works, everyone believes that the biggest greedy and favored courtier during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty was Hezhen, and the most able minister who could "subdue" and grown-ups was the witty and humorous Ji Xiaolan, and the legendary stories of these two people were put on the screen again and again by today's entertainers. In fact, there were not many people in the Qianlong Dynasty who were qualified to pass the battle with He yan, and among them, there were even fewer officials who could defeat He Yan and win victories, and there was such a capable and honest official who was not afraid of power and dared to struggle for a long time, and he was the vanguard of the imperial history of overthrowing He yan - Qian Feng.

Who is Qian Feng? Why is he called the pioneer of the overthrow of Wagyu?

Bust of Qian Feng

Qian Feng (1740-1795) character DongZhu, No. Nanyuan, a native of Kunming, Yunnan. Qianlong was able to enter the official arena after passing the examination for twenty-six years, and throughout his life, he was high-spirited and bright-headed, upright, and had an excellent reputation in both the government and the public. At that time, corruption was rampant inside and outside the imperial court, and when Qian Feng first entered the political arena, he rebelled against the bad atmosphere of mediocrity in the official field and impeached Bi Yuan, the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, for his corruption. Qian Feng became famous and had the reputation of "Mingfeng Chaoyang".

The biggest highlight of Qian Feng's career as an official was the wisdom of breaking the Shandong Inspector Guotai corruption case, which dealt a heavy blow to Cathay and its Hezhen henchmen behind it. In April of the forty-seventh year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1782), Qian Feng, whose official position was only six pins to supervise the imperial history, directly reported to the Qianlong Emperor that Guotai had formed a party to engage in private greed for ink and silver. Cathay was originally a relative of the emperor and the state, with power tilted to the opposition, and was vicious, and had the support of Hezhen in the dprk. Of course, Qianlong was aware of Cathay's close relationship with Hezhen, and deliberately connived and shielded them, and specially sent Hubu Shangshu and Yan and Qianfeng to Shandong to examine the case.

Who is Qian Feng? Why is he called the pioneer of the overthrow of Wagyu?

Qing Dynasty Treasury Silver

He Yan reported to Cathay Pacific very early on, so that Cathay Pacific could prepare for the inspection early. Cathay Pacific borrowed silver from local merchants to fill the amount of money it had embezzled. Cathay And Yan and others thought that this would be enough to hide the sky and cross the sea, so that Qian Feng would return fruitlessly. Unexpectedly, Qian Feng's wisdom was outstanding, and he asked people to open the seal to check the treasury of the official government. After the Ming and Qing dynasties, the treasury silver of government offices was minted by the imperial court and had relevant symbols and seals. Qian Feng carefully inspected the treasury silver and found that most of the treasury silver was variegated silver used in private trade. With Qian Feng's powerful complaint and corresponding ironclad evidence, Cathay Pacific's crime of perverting the law by embezzlement was completely exposed. In the face of such ironclad evidence, the Qianlong Emperor and He yan were intimidated by public opinion and no longer dared to shield Cathay Pacific. Qian Feng's reputation was greatly enhanced by this, and within a year, he was promoted to three consecutive levels and served as the deputy envoy of the Department of Communications and Political Affairs.

In August of the sixtieth year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1795), Qian Feng became ill and fell ill, and died a month later. When his son Qian Jiazao was sorting out his father's poems, he sent a draft of thousands of words in his pillow, listing more than 20 pieces of evidence of the crimes of the Hezhen clique, which shows that Qian Feng has been silently collecting evidence of corruption by Hezhen and his henchmen for many years, but unfortunately, Tianfeng is jealous of the talents, and Qian Feng did not survive to present this recital to Qianlong. Five years after Qian Feng's death, He Yan finally had an incident, was given the gift of hanging himself, and was raided by the imperial court.

Who is Qian Feng? Why is he called the pioneer of the overthrow of Wagyu?

Qian Feng calligraphy works

Qian Feng is not only a capable and honest official, but also a calligrapher, and by watching his calligraphy works, you can read Qian Feng's strong and upright bones. His glorious spirit of fighting corruption and being loyal to the country will inevitably be passed down through the ages with his calligraphy works.


1. Zhang Geng, editor-in-chief: Lian Shi Jian, Beijing: China Procuratorial Publishing House, 2014 edition.

2. Ma Zhaofeng, ed., The Burning Yellow Dragon Flag, the Qing Empire That Sank in Prosperity, Beijing: Beijing University of Technology Press, 2014.

Who is Qian Feng? Why is he called the pioneer of the overthrow of Wagyu?

Hua Xing Spring autumn

Who is Qian Feng? Why is he called the pioneer of the overthrow of Wagyu?
Who is Qian Feng? Why is he called the pioneer of the overthrow of Wagyu?
Who is Qian Feng? Why is he called the pioneer of the overthrow of Wagyu?

Editor: Member of the Ji INu Society Youth Association Zheng Chengzhi Wang Xuehui

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