
Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

author:The Paper

Where is the Iron Throne that set off the bloody storm in Westeros?

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

The Iron Throne is real, and which characters are clustered around it, do you recognize them? The pictures in this article are all taken by Qian Chengxi

The answer is: Belfast. At the just-opened Game of Thrones tour of Northern Ireland, you can catch a glimpse of the Iron Throne and sit on a replica of it. The Paper-Private Geography was invited to visit the new exhibition that has just opened.

Northern Ireland has a deep relationship with Game of Thrones, and there are too many familiar footage filmed in Northern Ireland, and most of the indoor scenes in the TV series are done in the studios in The Titanic District of Belfast. Therefore, for most of the exhibits in this traveling exhibition, although this is a touring exhibition, it can also be said to be homecoming. Apparently, several of the Game of Thrones cast members who participated in the tour's opening event, Isaac Hempstead-White, who played Bran Stark, Liam Cunningham, who played The Onion Knight, and Ian Beatty, who played Sir Marin Tran (who was killed by Arya Stark in season five), also thought so. Returning to his hometown a year later, Cunningham said, "For 10 years, the Titanic district has been like my home and other crew members. ”

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

The three actors were intimate and natural at the opening event

Isaac lamented, "I feel selfish if I hide these beautiful clothes and scenes." These clothes and scenes have many amazing details that are sometimes difficult to see clearly on a TV screen. Liam Cunningham was full of praise for Little Rose's wedding dress, while Ian Beatty added that his favorite show was the white winter coat that Daenerys went outside the Great Wall in season seven, "I want to steal it and give it to my wife!" ”

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

Wedding costumes of Little Rose and Joffrey are on display

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

Winter coat that Ian Beatty wants to steal

Game of Thrones costume designer Michelle Clapton also attended the opening event, and when asked if her most proud piece was the costume, she did not hesitate to reply that it was the costume of the "Army of the Untainted". "It's fun to design clothing for individuals, but when you're designing uniform clothing for hundreds of people, you have to be very calculated."

A few months ago, the exhibits were still fulfilling their mission in the crew, and now they are right in front of my eyes. Passing through the foggy, snow-covered permafrost of the North outside the Great Wall, the air is filled with the smell of "rotten meat" specially created by the exhibition, although it smells a bit smoky and fiery. After that, the costumes appear in turn.

Michele Clapton's ingenious design makes the costume impressive even if it is worn by the character only once, and all the storylines emerge from the exhibition. Not only the onion knight, who can forget the little rose's dress with a trail full of roses? The wedding dress was all handmade and took 12 weeks. Arya's and the Hound's two clothes contrasted strongly, one petite and the other huge, but both were torn, and Arya's pants legs were still torn, reminiscent of their difficult wandering life between the rivers. The blue robe that Daenerys wore in Slave Bay was guarded by six unsullied people; the coat that Jon Snow wore when she was convicted, the red robe that Melisandre never changed...

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

Trailing details of the little rose wedding dress

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

Costumes of Arya and the Hound as they wander between the rivers

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

The Dirtless one guards Daenerys

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

Remember the fear of being dominated by "little skinning" Rams Burton?

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

Sansa and Tyrion's wedding costume

The props are also full of surprises, you can see Tywin Lannister's "Hand of the King" brooch, Jaime's prosthetic hand, Joffrey's crown, and even the dragon egg. The huge keels under King's Landing also have a dedicated exhibition room, and their size is intimidating.

Compared to previous touring exhibitions, Belfast has one more family tomb of the Stark family in Winterfell. In the trailer for the eighth season, the tomb reappears, with Jon Snow, Sansa, and Arya of the Stark family appearing here and seeing their own statues together, causing viewers to worry about the future fate of the three children of the Wolf family. Rest assured, however, at least in this Belfast tomb, there is no grave and statue of these three people.

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

Huge keel

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

James's prosthetic hand was always hidden

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

A map of the continent of Westeros with the coats of arms of each house

There are many surprising interactive designs in the exhibition, such as multiple multimedia backgrounds for photography. And what I think is most special and favorite is the human face wall in the "Black and White Courtyard" of the Faceless. Place your face in the middle of the screen, close your eyes, and take a picture. The next second, your face will appear on the human face wall, and the effect is very real, enough to be terrifying. The real human-facing wall that appears in the play is just behind these two virtual walls, and in the middle are the two costumes of Arya and her master Jacqueline.

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

The virtual human face wall effect is weird

Winter is approaching in Belfast? Why did Bran and the Onion Riders join in the fun?

The human face wall actually used in the play also came

Cunningham said at the opening event: "Last year, after the last shoot, I hung up the costume for the last time and couldn't help but watch it for a full minute. At that point, I knew it was time to say goodbye to Sir Davos. ”

However, for fans, coming to this exhibition, seeing the familiar costumes and props again, the memory emerges, and yesterday's revisiting should be a beautiful reunion.

Winter is approaching.

Game of Thrones Tour

Belfast Titanic Centre

April 11 - September 1

Tickets cost £15 for adults and £10 for children

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