
Scrambled eggs with tomatoes: battles in a pot

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
Scrambled eggs with tomatoes: battles in a pot

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes: battles in a pot

Author: Zhu Yongyi, Class 1 (8) of the Affiliated Middle School of Sun Yat-sen University

Cooking is not easy! It's like a fierce battle, just in a different place—in the kitchen filled with blazing flames. When the oil joined, the fierce battle officially began: the soldiers should be on the top, and the most important thing is that I, as the main general, must direct the battle. When a strong smell came in burst after burst, I knew I had won! But it's not over, how can this booty be let go!

Cook, cook! I prepared the pot, spatula, knife and the protagonist tomato, eggs, and began to make my specialty dish, scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Speaking of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, many people who learn to cook with zero foundation are probably promoted from this dish. And I am still stuck in this small white stage with a bad foundation, and the only dish that can be cooked decently is probably this tomato scrambled egg.

First, beat the eggs first. The beginning is not good! It wasn't that the eggshell had fallen in, but that the egg hadn't gone into the bowl at all and rolled onto the table next to it. I smiled awkwardly and quickly grabbed the egg that had run away with my hand and threw it into the bowl. Unfortunately, a lot of egg whites were wasted. The second egg is obviously much better than the first. The innings were drawn.

Then, it's time to cut the tomatoes. Look at my left knife, right knife, and after a while, it was easily cut. Then comes the big play. I carefully poured oil into the pot, and in an instant, the whole battlefield boiled over. I hurriedly sent my "general", egg liquid, to show the prestige of my team. The egg liquid thumped and thumped in the pot, set up a formation, and attacked forward. It's time for the tomatoes to play too, and lo and behold, this one after another is bouncing around in the pot, rampageing the little tomatoes. I picked up the spatula and turned it over here and there again to prevent the tomato eggs from "sticking" like this.

When a wisp of fragrance came out of the pot, I knew that the battle was finally over, and I was finally victorious. I jumped up, took a plate in the cupboard, and served my winning booty, little by little, a plate of fragrant tomato scrambled eggs was on the table!

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes: battles in a pot

Who wouldn't like such a simple, affordable dish? Although tomatoes and eggs are indeed not as valuable as big fish and meat, and even less than seafood such as crab oysters, it is because of this that this dish has a unique flavor. The red of the tomato and the yellow of the egg, the combination of these two colors makes people feel how comfortable it is in their hearts, and they can't help but want to eat a bite quickly, eat a bite, and then eat a second bite. A simple dish is full of seductive colors, like life, sometimes simple, maybe the best. And because of the close cooperation between tomatoes and eggs, this dish is perfect. Whether there is a tomato or an egg missing, the taste of this dish will change greatly. It can be seen that the relationship between tomatoes and eggs is really good!

Tomatoes and eggs work closely together, I ask, this fierce battle, can I not win?

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes: battles in a pot

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Scrambled eggs with tomatoes: battles in a pot

Finishing: Nandu reporter Liang Yanyan

Editor: You Manni Intern Huang Jing

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