
Migratory birds have crossed the border, guess what I saw at the Yalu Jiangkou National Wetland Bird Watching Park?

author:Happy South Lake Travelogue

This article is the 41st article of Huanhua Self-driving Travelogue.

Previous:Dalian's landmark building, the Star Bay Bridge, passes through the thick fog, can you see its full picture?

In Dalian, it is not easy to find a hotel with a good price and free parking.

I had planned to visit Bangchui Island the next day, but from the perspective of saving money, I decided to leave Dalian city and stay in Jinzhou District, which is a little farther away.

Continue east along the coastline, feeling that the water birds are gradually increasing, and from time to time you can see birds flying in front of you.

Driving to the Yalu River Estuary National Wetland Bird Watching Park, I found that the scenic spot was unattended.

Fortunately, however, the popular science exhibition hall of the Bird Watching Park is open as usual.

As can be seen from the picture below, the Yalu River estuary is the main route for waders. In addition, China's Yellow River Delta, Jiangsu Yancheng, Shanghai Chongming are all wading birds.

Migratory birds have crossed the border, guess what I saw at the Yalu Jiangkou National Wetland Bird Watching Park?

The time of transit of each bird is different, and the time for this spot-tailed sandpiper "e7" to cross the Yalu River estuary wetland is from March 25 to May 1.

Migratory birds have crossed the border, guess what I saw at the Yalu Jiangkou National Wetland Bird Watching Park?

I had rarely noticed in the past that a bird's beak was so interesting. For example, the regurgitated sandpiper in the picture below has a slender and upturned beak.

Migratory birds have crossed the border, guess what I saw at the Yalu Jiangkou National Wetland Bird Watching Park?

The white-waisted sandpiper's beak is equally slender, but curved downwards.

Migratory birds have crossed the border, guess what I saw at the Yalu Jiangkou National Wetland Bird Watching Park?

The most common birds have beaks that resemble gray-spotted plovers.

Migratory birds have crossed the border, guess what I saw at the Yalu Jiangkou National Wetland Bird Watching Park?

Usually we often see a lot of birds that are similar to sparrows, but in fact they are very different. For example, if I see this sandpiper below, one hundred percent will be mistaken for a sparrow. hehe!

Migratory birds have crossed the border, guess what I saw at the Yalu Jiangkou National Wetland Bird Watching Park?

So, for me, a bird blind, watching this kind of popular science exhibition may be more interesting than seeing real birds. First, seeing a real bird can't tell what it is? Second, seeing birds flying by without seeing details; third, according to my photographic techniques, the possibility of capturing clear birds is too small. So, if you're like me, I recommend going at this time. How good is it to watch the popular science exhibition for free!

The total area of Yalu Jiangkou Wetland National Nature Reserve is 81,430 hectares.

Migratory birds have crossed the border, guess what I saw at the Yalu Jiangkou National Wetland Bird Watching Park?

Every spring, starting in late March, thousands of migratory birds stop here, forage and breed. Looking at the pictures in the exhibition hall, it is quite spectacular. If you have the chance, you will also want to see the migratory birds in transit.

Migratory birds have crossed the border, guess what I saw at the Yalu Jiangkou National Wetland Bird Watching Park?

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