
Du Yuming died, in order to wait for Yang Zhenning to rush back from the United States, half a month later, a memorial service was held to experience the ups and downs of the heavens and the family reunion

author:Literature and history

On May 7, 1981, Du Yuming died. Although Du Yuming was once a general in the Nationalist Army, he was also a hero of the Anti-Japanese Resistance, and he underwent ideological reform after liberation and realized his past mistakes, so on the whole, Du Yuming still deserves a positive evaluation.

After Du Yuming's death, his memorial service was arranged by the state, Du Yuming's son-in-law Yang Zhenning immediately came from the United States after hearing the news, in order to take care of Yang Zhenning, the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference also deliberately postponed the date of the memorial service by half a month, so that Yang Zhenning could catch up.

Du Yuming died, in order to wait for Yang Zhenning to rush back from the United States, half a month later, a memorial service was held to experience the ups and downs of the heavens and the family reunion

Du Yuming and Yang Zhenning are both well-known and famous people, especially Yang Zhenning, who is known as the greatest of the living physicists today. Many people initially saw these two names and may not remember their relationship, after all, Du Yuming is engaged in military affairs, Yang Zhenning is engaged in scientific research, and it seems that they will never intersect with each other. At first, it was true that the Yang and Du families had no contact, but in the days when Du Yuming was defeated and captured, his daughter Du Zhili met Yang Zhenning in the United States.

When Du Zhili met Yang Zhenning in the United States, it was the darkest period of her life. Originally, Du Zhili had superior living conditions, her parents loved her very much, and the first time she and Yang Zhenning met was not in the United States, but in the classroom of Southwest United University High School, when Yang Zhenning was the math teacher in Du Zhili's class.

Du Yuming died, in order to wait for Yang Zhenning to rush back from the United States, half a month later, a memorial service was held to experience the ups and downs of the heavens and the family reunion

Du Zhili had some impressions of this clever math teacher, but the young woman had not thought too much about love, and their first encounter was very hurried, and within a few months, Yang Zhenning embarked on a journey to study in the United States, and Du Zhili was also admitted to the university in Beiping, and the two people's lives briefly intersected, and then quickly separated.

If there were no accidents, perhaps Du Zhili and Yang Zhenning would never meet again, but fate arranged a series of coincidences. During the Liberation War, Du Yuming decided to send his children to the United States to study, first, the educational environment in the United States was better, and second, just in case. Du Zhili understood that his father's situation seemed to be beautiful, in fact, it was full of dangers, and it was uncertain which day his family would collapse, but his father had some good intentions, she had to obey, just like this, Du Zhili came to the United States with a heart.

The bad news soon came that Du Yuming was captured by the People's Liberation Army in the Huaihai battlefield, his life and death were unknown, and in order to appease people's hearts, the old Jiang insisted that Du Yuming and other captured generals were "martyred by their bodies." Du Yuming's wives and children in the mainland were forcibly taken to Taiwan by Lao Jiang to control, and the family's life was so difficult that the mother could not even pay for her daughter's study abroad.

Du Yuming died, in order to wait for Yang Zhenning to rush back from the United States, half a month later, a memorial service was held to experience the ups and downs of the heavens and the family reunion

In order to alleviate the financial pressure on his family, Du Zhili transferred to St. Vincent's College, where tuition was cheaper, and usually worked part-time to make ends meet. On Christmas Day 1949, a troubled Du Zhili came to a Chinese restaurant for lunch, and coincidentally, on this day, Yang Zhenning also came to this restaurant, and they recognized each other.

As soon as the golden wind and jade dew met, they won countless victories in the world. Love soon burns, and the two fall in love and become married. Life after marriage is happy and happy, the only thing that makes Du Zhili feel sorry is her relatives, she knows that her father seems to be undergoing reform in the mainland, but what happened to her father?

Du Yuming died, in order to wait for Yang Zhenning to rush back from the United States, half a month later, a memorial service was held to experience the ups and downs of the heavens and the family reunion

Whenever he thought of his father, Du Zhili's heart was depressed. Her mother Cao Xiuqing's situation is not optimistic, and Lao Jiang controls her, but since Yang Zhenning won the Nobel Prize, Lao Jiang's attitude towards Cao Xiuqing has taken a one hundred and eighty degree turn, and the reason is also very simple, he wants to use Cao Xiuqing to win Yang Zhenning over.

Old Jiang's thoughts, Cao Xiuqing was clear, she was absolutely unwilling to help abuse, but Cao Xiuqing had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly thought that she could use this to escape. So Cao Xiuqing told Old Jiang that he was willing to go to the United States to persuade Yang Zhenning to come to Taiwan, and Old Jiang was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly agreed, but after Cao Xiuqing arrived in the United States, he no longer had contact with The Taiwan side, but lived with his daughter and son-in-law.

In December 1959, Du Yuming was pardoned, Cao Xiuqing and Du Zhili were overjoyed, Cao Xiuqing decided to return to the mainland and be with her husband, Du Zhili bid farewell to his mother, his heart was full of mixed feelings, fortunately, the heavens protected them, and their family was still safe.

Du Yuming died, in order to wait for Yang Zhenning to rush back from the United States, half a month later, a memorial service was held to experience the ups and downs of the heavens and the family reunion

Yang Zhenning actually very much wants to return to China to have a look, but he has joined the United States, with the current relationship between the two countries, it is more difficult to return to the mainland, Yang Zhenning had to wait silently, until 1971, Yang Zhenning got the opportunity to return to China.

After Yang Zhenning returned to China, Premier Zhou warmly received him, and also specially arranged for Du Yuming to meet with Yang Zhenning, saying that this was the first time Yang Zhenning and his father-in-law met, although he had heard Du Zhenming's story countless times in his wife's mouth, Yang Zhenning still felt very strange. And he looked at Du Yuming in front of him, he didn't know what kind of attitude the mainland had, and he didn't know if he could express his affection to his father-in-law, after hesitating for half a day, Yang Zhenning could only call Du Yuming "Mr. Du".

Du Yuming died, in order to wait for Yang Zhenning to rush back from the United States, half a month later, a memorial service was held to experience the ups and downs of the heavens and the family reunion

Seeing Yang Zhenning's name like this, Premier Zhou on the side smiled and said, "Wrong, it should be called Father-in-law!" Hearing Premier Zhou say this, Yang Zhenning put his mind at ease, called Out to Du Yuming a "Daddy", heard his son-in-law call himself like this, Du Yuming also laughed out, weng and son-in-law talked about wine, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Du Yuming was quite satisfied with his son-in-law, and if nothing else, just by virtue of Yang Zhenning's love for Du Zhili, Du Yuming was very relieved, not to mention that Yang Zhenning was still a physicist with amazing achievements. If there is any regret, that is, Du Yuming was not able to see his daughter and son-in-law's wedding with his own eyes, but now that his relatives can be reunited, nothing else matters.

Du Yuming died, in order to wait for Yang Zhenning to rush back from the United States, half a month later, a memorial service was held to experience the ups and downs of the heavens and the family reunion

Since then, Yang Zhenning and the Du Yuming family in the mainland have maintained correspondence exchanges, and he and Du Zhili have also loved each other all their lives, and although there are regrets in the story, they are still complete in the end. After Du Yuming's death, Yang Zhenning was very sad, the first time he got the news, he pushed off all his work to the mainland, but at that time the transportation was inconvenient, Yang Zhenning ran from the United States to China for a long time, considering that Yang Zhenning and Du Zhili were very important relatives of Du Yuming, and the social status was extremely high, so after consulting with Cao Xiuqing, everyone unanimously decided to postpone the memorial service.

Du Yuming died, in order to wait for Yang Zhenning to rush back from the United States, half a month later, a memorial service was held to experience the ups and downs of the heavens and the family reunion

Finally, half a month later, Yang Zhenning appeared at his father-in-law's memorial service as promised, and bid farewell to Du Yuming with everyone. Du Yuming's life has ups and downs, but he can end well, which is also a relatively good ending.

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