
She married Ye Jianying at the age of 21 and is now 94 years old, with a son who is a successful businessman and a granddaughter who is a singer

author:Mortals talk

That year, several cannon fires rang out, the Qing Dynasty opened its doors, and China began to degenerate into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. Although the Xinhai Revolution overthrew the Qing Dynasty, it did not solve the problem fundamentally, the people continued to be exploited by the landlords and the upper class, imperialism continued to run amok, countless uncertain factors became more and more numerous, the people were caught in the middle, and the suffering was tasted by them all.

Seeing this situation, countless people and people in China want to save the country, but how to save it, how to save it? These are all problems that are urgently wanted to be solved. Subsequently, the Communist Party of China was born, the first revolutionary group to fight for the Chinese workers' and peasants' class was born, and its birth was supported by hundreds of people, whose eyes had never been so clear and bright, like a spring spring. After twenty-eight years of struggle, countless people finally established the People's Republic of China, behind the successful founding of the country, countless people silently paid, Marshal Ye Jianying is one of them, Haoyue Starlight, scorching Qihua, Cangsong Gentleman, when like Ye Shuai.

She married Ye Jianying at the age of 21 and is now 94 years old, with a son who is a successful businessman and a granddaughter who is a singer

Marshal Ye Jianying was born in Guangdong in 1897, and as early as a few decades ago, Guangdong bore the brunt of its geographical location by the influence of the great powers, which not only brought prosperity to commerce and trade, but also brought advanced ideas to China. Marshal Ye Jianying's family is considered to be middle-class, his father does some business, and his life is not bad, at least he does not need to worry about eating, drinking, cold and warm. The parents attached great importance to Marshal Ye Jianying's education, and spent a lot of money to send him to the Xinxing Academy, they did not want their son to know only a few big characters with them, and they could not memorize a few Tang poems and Song poems. When he was a child, he was also beaten up by his parents because he did not want to go to the academy, and it was in the past few years when he was a child that Ye Jianying began to be exposed to new ideas.

After the Xinhai Revolution, seeing the turmoil in the country, he began to have the idea of saving the Chinese people. After staying in Yang for a year, he returned to China, when the Yunnan Daowutang was famous in China, so he went to the Yunnan Daowutang to learn how to command the army, laying the foundation for the subsequent revolution. After completion of school. He followed Dr. Sun Yat-sen in his second revolution and accompanied the army in his crusade against the warlords. As his understanding of the Kuomintang deepened, he became more and more aware of the infighting within the Kuomintang. Under the influence of Marxism and at the invitation of our comrades, he joined the Communist Party of China and became a communist revolutionary.

She married Ye Jianying at the age of 21 and is now 94 years old, with a son who is a successful businessman and a granddaughter who is a singer

After our army established its own armed forces, he took up important military posts in our army, led our party's army to participate in four anti-encirclement and suppression wars, and the quick-witted Ye Shuai flexibly commanded the army, smashed the attacks of the Kuomintang reactionaries again and again, and won the trust of our party. When the Lugou Bridge Incident broke out and the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out in an all-round way, Ye Jianying led our party's army to launch an attack on the Japanese army, and in the midst of strategizing, decisive victories were fought thousands of miles away, and many beautiful victories were fought, which boosted the anti-Japanese morale of our army. During the Liberation War, Ye Jianying was not afraid of difficulties and sacrifices, personally went to negotiate with the Kuomintang, and when the Kuomintang set off a civil war, he was almost arrested, and only after the rescue of comrades did he retrieve a life. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Ye Jianying was awarded the rank of marshal, and half of his life walked in the rain of bullets and bullets, and his hard work was continuous, but he never gave up.

Marshal Ye Jianying commanded our army on the battlefield to fight like a god of war, but Marshal Ye Jianying in life is the dream lover of countless people, and has been married six times in his life, of which Li Gang is the last wife, although the marriage only lasted for seven years, but the two were accompanied all the way is also very precious. In particular, Li Gang also gave birth to a son and a daughter for Ye Shuai, and both children have achieved something.

She married Ye Jianying at the age of 21 and is now 94 years old, with a son who is a successful businessman and a granddaughter who is a singer

Li Gang's family is a famous and prestigious family, the proper management of the elders has made the family have not fallen, and the days have gotten better and better, so Li Gang also contains a child born with a golden key. As a young woman, she joined the revolution early and threw herself into the patriotic movement. Marshal Ye Jianying and Li Gang met in the late stages of the Liberation War, since the ancient hero loves beauty, although Ye Shuai is already fifty-one years old, but the two get along immediately, each other have a sense of dependence on each other, and then Ye Shuai and Li Gang married. But life is not so much romantic, more is the trivial things in life, the contradiction between the two is getting bigger and bigger, seven years later the two peacefully broke up, but the story of the two children continues.

The rupture of the relationship between the two did not have a big impact on his son Ye Xuanlian, who has been studying hard and increasing his cultural attainments. Ye Xuanlian did not enter the army like his father, he chose to do business. After years of hard work, he became the chairman of Poly Company, the business is booming, the business is getting bigger and bigger, and the enterprise projects are all over the country. Ye Xuanlian's daughter Ye Qingqing also participated in "The Voice of China" and became a singer.

She married Ye Jianying at the age of 21 and is now 94 years old, with a son who is a successful businessman and a granddaughter who is a singer

Marshal Ye Jianying has made great contributions to our country, and in many crises in our country, Ye Shuai has saved the overall situation. Although Ye Shuai is far away from us, the younger generations still inherit the revolutionary spirit of their fathers, and they have never changed their original intentions in business or politics.

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