
If you want to be a mother, you have to go through the five most difficult stages from pregnancy, which first stage you are going through: the second stage of pregnancy: the third stage of pregnancy: the fourth stage of childbirth: the fifth stage of puerperium: lactation

author:Maternal and infant reference

People often say that being a mother is very hard, but it refers to the day of giving birth, the mother needs to go through ten levels of pain to give birth to the child, and the mother who is more dangerous in the process of giving birth to the baby has an accident, and may not see the newborn at a glance, and then pass away.

Therefore, many people say: "The child's birthday is the mother's good friday." ”
If you want to be a mother, you have to go through the five most difficult stages from pregnancy, which first stage you are going through: the second stage of pregnancy: the third stage of pregnancy: the fourth stage of childbirth: the fifth stage of puerperium: lactation

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But if you want to be a mother, from the beginning of pregnancy, you go through the "Good Friday" and not only the childbirth period, in fact, there are five of the most difficult stages, which one are you going through?

Shortly after pregnancy, because of changes in body hormones, most pregnant mothers will react early, but do you think it is only vomiting and eating?

They will have chills because of the acceleration of body metabolism, increased calorie consumption, and in the hot summer, they need to lie on the bed wrapped in a thin quilt; in the spring, even if they wear a few sweaters and a few down jackets, they still can't stand it.

There will also be a situation of drowsiness due to increased progesterone levels, and the muscles will be painful and groggy every day.

Because of the increase in blood supply and oxygen consumption in the body, I feel physically and mentally exhausted.

If you want to be a mother, you have to go through the five most difficult stages from pregnancy, which first stage you are going through: the second stage of pregnancy: the third stage of pregnancy: the fourth stage of childbirth: the fifth stage of puerperium: lactation

Pregnant mothers with serious early pregnancy reactions can hardly get out of bed to move, otherwise they will be dizzy and may have to quit their jobs to rest at home.

In the third trimester, in order to leave enough room for the fetus to develop, the internal organs are severely squeezed, and the pressure on the spine, bones, and muscles of the waist and legs will also increase, so the pregnant mother in the third trimester will have various discomforts:

The stomach capacity becomes smaller, you can't eat anything, you are hungry immediately after eating, and you need to eat many times a day; The bladder becomes smaller, drinks a little water and wants to go to the toilet, often needs to get up at night; Can't find a suitable sleeping position at night, either the fetus is uncomfortable, or it is uncomfortable, and it is not good to sleep at night; Bending over, laborious, inconvenient mobility, walking a short distance, tired and breathless, travel will be dangerous; I often feel chest tightness and waist pain, and I can't breathe. ······
If you want to be a mother, you have to go through the five most difficult stages from pregnancy, which first stage you are going through: the second stage of pregnancy: the third stage of pregnancy: the fourth stage of childbirth: the fifth stage of puerperium: lactation

In addition, there are all kinds of psychological worries, the third trimester is also a dangerous period, and the frequency of obstetric examinations is increased to once a week, because the baby may be suffocated due to various conditions.

Every time the obstetric examination, do not feel the fetal movement or fetal movement too frequently, the body suddenly all kinds of discomfort, will be afraid of the baby problem.

Pregnant mothers suffer during childbirth, I believe that people who have not given birth to children are more or less aware, but in addition to physical pain and difficult childbirth when they are born, they will also experience contractions for several hours before birth.

The pain of contractions is actually similar to the pain of giving birth to a baby, because when giving birth to a baby, in addition to the force of the pregnant mother, the body muscles will spontaneously transport the baby out.

If you want to be a mother, you have to go through the five most difficult stages from pregnancy, which first stage you are going through: the second stage of pregnancy: the third stage of pregnancy: the fourth stage of childbirth: the fifth stage of puerperium: lactation

Within two hours of the baby's birth, the pregnant mother is not out of danger, and there may be heavy bleeding, abnormal blood pressure and heart rate.

When the mother has finished giving birth to the baby and then stayed safely in the delivery room for two hours, she has also successfully started the puerperium period, that is, she needs to confinement.

After giving birth, the mother's birth wounds, enlarged uterus, displaced internal organs, loose belly and other body parts need to be restored, if the rest is not good, the body may fall into "confinement disease".

If you want to be a mother, you have to go through the five most difficult stages from pregnancy, which first stage you are going through: the second stage of pregnancy: the third stage of pregnancy: the fourth stage of childbirth: the fifth stage of puerperium: lactation

In addition, the most serious problem that plagues mothers is postpartum depression, which is caused by changes in body hormones, insufficient sleep for mothers, mental problems and other problems.

The situation may be more serious without the care of a considerate in-laws and husbands.

The puerperium period is also a time to test the feelings of husband and wife, many mothers find that the person they marry is very bad, and the in-laws like to make people difficult, so physically and mentally they become very painful.

The period from the time the mother begins to breastfeed the baby until it stops is the lactation period, which coincides with the puerperium period, so it will also aggravate the degree of hardship of the mother, and the pain of different mothers is also very different:

If you want to be a mother, you have to go through the five most difficult stages from pregnancy, which first stage you are going through: the second stage of pregnancy: the third stage of pregnancy: the fourth stage of childbirth: the fifth stage of puerperium: lactation
"The situation of milk swelling and milk blockage is very serious, it is really painful, and there is inflammation, even if it is touched by clothes, it will be very uncomfortable."
"Being used as a feeding machine, there are always people who make you eat a little more to feed well, and if the baby has any problems, the mother-in-law asks you: 'Is there not enough milk?'" What did you eat? Can't eat this, it's not good for children? And it's often watched. ”
"It's so uncomfortable to have to get up in the middle of the night to feed."
"The baby's feeding is not standardized, the body wounds have not been good, and I want to wean him early."
"Before the end of the lactation period, I came out to work, I would leak milk when I went to work, and I had to go to the toilet to express my breast milk for the baby to eat, which was very inconvenient and a little embarrassing."

From the beginning of the mother's pregnancy, for a long time need to be carefully cared for, I hope that the family can care for them, understand them, and be a little more tolerant.

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