
Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

author:Travel through Gangnam cuisine

#Taizhou Headlines ##吃在中国 #

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow


2 pork stick bones, 500 grams of wild crucian carp, 250 grams of eel bones, 30 grams of ginger slices, 10 chives, 400 grams of water surface.

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow


Rapeseed oil 100 g, white wine 10 g, salt 4 g, white pepper 4 g, green onion (or garlic) 5 g.


1. Slaughter the crucian carp and wash it for later;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

2. Cut the pork stick bone from the middle and set aside;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

3. Wash the eel bones and set aside;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

4. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot on the heat, and blanch the pork stick bone under the cold water of the pot;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

5. Add an appropriate amount of liquor to remove fishiness;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

6. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam and continue to cook for two minutes;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

7. Skim off the foam again;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

8. Fish out and wash;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

9. Then put it in the soup pot and stew first;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

10. Add sliced ginger, chives and a little white wine.

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

11. Then cover the pot;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

12. After cooking until boiling, add a larger amount of rapeseed oil;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

13. After the oil temperature rises, first fry the eel bones into the pan until crispy;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

14. Fry the fish bones until semi-dry, then add an appropriate amount of ginger slices to continue frying;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

15. After the fish bones change color, they become crisp and fragrant, and fish out the oil control;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

16. Then add to the soup pot;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

17. Then pour the crucian carp into the oil pan and fry until both sides are golden and crispy;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

18. Fry the appropriate amount of ginger slices together;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

19. Fry until almost timely add chives;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

20. Fry the crucian carp until it is completely crispy and then fish out the oil;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

21. Then add the fried crucian carp to the soup pot as well;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

22. Keep on high heat and simmer for 10 minutes until the soup is thick and white;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

23. Reduce the heat to simmer for more than one hour;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

24. After the fish soup is stewed, start preparing the following;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

25. Add an appropriate amount of boiling water to the pot;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

26. Add an appropriate amount of salt and white pepper to the bowl;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

27. Then scoop in the appropriate amount of fish broth;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

28. Put the water surface into the pot;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

29. After boiling the pot, cook the noodles for 20 to 30 seconds;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

30. Then stir in cold water;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

31. Scoop up the noodles and put them in a bowl;

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

32. Sprinkle with a little green onion or garlic at the end.

Huaiyang cuisine chef explains the traditional Taizhou morning fish noodle soup method in detail, the soup is delicious and the taste is mellow

▲Chef Tips:

1. After the fish bones are fried until crispy, the fish soup is thick and white and has no fishy taste.

2. When boiling fish soup, to make the soup thick and white, first of all, you must choose fresh live fish, whether cold water or hot water under the pot, the soup will be milky white; secondly, through frying can effectively remove the fishy smell, while making the soup more fragrant; with lard, it will make the soup more concentrated and white.

3. In some restaurants outside, salt and white pepper are served with fish noodle soup, while fish noodle soup is not seasoned.

4. If possible, sprinkle a little garlic in the fish soup noodles, because there is no green garlic in this season, so you can only sprinkle some green onions at the end.

5. Due to the rapid maturity of the water surface, the local restaurants in Taizhou generally use the water surface (freshly pressed wet noodles), and the purpose of stirring into the cold water is to make the noodles more powerful and smooth.

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