
When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body

author:Lazy kitchen

I love to drink fish soup, every three to five will buy some crucian carp, come back to cook tofu soup to drink, for myself and my family to increase nutrition.

Today, when buying vegetables in the vegetable market, I found that there was a fresh wild crucian carp, selling fish is an old grandmother, she is not sold by the pound, but on the plate of selling, a plate of small crucian carp 10 yuan, looking at the fish is very fresh, I also bought a plate.

Today we do not burn tofu soup, do not fry, with some noodles, made a meal of fish soup noodles, soup white juice, delicious taste, do not worry about fish bones, let's see how to make it!


Crucian carp, noodles, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, salt, oil, hot water.

When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body


To make fish noodle soup, it is best to choose wild crucian carp, remove the scales, offal and gills, wash it; cut the ginger into slices.

When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body

Pour oil into a pan, add sliced ginger and green onion knots and fry until fragrant.

When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body

Pour in the washed crucian carp, fry it slightly, add a little cooking wine to remove the fish, and then mash the crucian carp with a spatula.

When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body
When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body
When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body

Pour in the right amount of hot water and cook the fish soup over high heat.

When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body

Bring water to a boil, bring the water to a boil and add the noodles.

When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body

When the fish broth is cooked until thick and white, season with salt and white pepper.

When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body
When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body

After boiling again, use a tight colander to filter out the fish residue from the fish soup and place in a bowl.

When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body
When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body
When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body

Raise the pot, pour the water, wait until the water is boiling and then remove the noodles, cook the noodles until there is no white core, and put them in the fish soup bowl.

When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body
When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body
When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body

Sprinkle with a little chopped shallots at the end. A bowl of hot fish noodle soup is ready, simple and fast, autumn and winter to a bowl, warm the stomach and warm up. Folk often say "eat a bowl of fish soup noodles, race past the old life star", although a little exaggerated, but it really shows the benefits of this fish soup noodles, rich in nutrition.

When the weather gets cooler, teach you to make a steaming bowl of fish noodle soup, which is nutritious and warms your stomach and body

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