
Exclusive | Died on the same day in the same month The same age and the same heart The indissoluble love affair between Yang Kaihui and Jiang Jie, two martyrs

author:Wah Seng Online

Same day of the same month death Doujinichi elementary intention

The indissoluble love affair between Yang Kaihui and Jiang Jie, two martyrs

Exclusive | Died on the same day in the same month The same age and the same heart The indissoluble love affair between Yang Kaihui and Jiang Jie, two martyrs

[A group photo of Sister Jiang's son Peng Yun's family when they came to the Former Residence of Itakura on October 26 this year.] From right: Yi Xiaoye (Xiang Ziye's daughter, Peng Yun's wife), Peng Yun (Jiang Jie's son), Peng Zhuangzhuang (Jiang's grandson), Yi Xiaoqun (Xiang Ziye's daughter), Meng Xiaoling (Yi Xiaozhun's wife), Yi Xiaozhun (Xiang Ziye's son, deputy director general of the World Trade Organization), Yi Xiaoli (Xiang Ziye's daughter)]

Hunan Daily, New Hunan, November 14 (Reporter Cao Hui Li Zhi) Today is the day of the 89th anniversary of the heroic sacrifice of Chairman Mao's wife, Yang Kaihui. This day is only 8 days after her 29th birthday (November 6). On the same day in 1949, Sister Jiang was righteous. Liu Xiangshang, deputy director of the Yang Kaihui Memorial Hall, revealed a little-known historical fact today - Yang Kaihui and Jiang Jie not only died at the age of 29 and were righteous on the same day, but also the two were related.

On November 14, 1930, Yang Kaihui resolutely bid farewell to his elderly mother and three young children, and heroically took up his duty at the Literacy Ridge Execution Ground outside Liuyang Gate in Changsha, at the age of 29. In order to torture Yang Kaihui, the ferocious enemy fired three shots at her, first wounding her, making her bleed and ache, and torturing her to death one by one. Yang Kaihui was suffering in pain, and her two hands were deeply cut into the dirt, leaving two deep pits with countless finger prints on the ground around her... Before Yang Kaihui was killed, his cousin Xiang Ziyezeng and his mother Yan Jia sent Yang Kaihui a prison meal.

Exclusive | Died on the same day in the same month The same age and the same heart The indissoluble love affair between Yang Kaihui and Jiang Jie, two martyrs

(On November 14, the sky was clear and a rainbow appeared in the sky.) In the afternoon of the same day, the staff of Yang Kaihui Memorial Hall photographed the tomb of the martyr under the rainbow with reverence. Photography by Liu Xiangshang)

Liu Xiangxiang introduced that Xiang Ziye's father was called Xiang Mingqing, and Kaihui was called the sixth uncle, and he was the younger brother of Yang Kaihui's mother Xiang Zhenxi. Xiang Ziye's mother was called Yan Jia, and Kaihui was called the sixth uncle. Kaihui's uncle's family was in the Brick House in Pingjiang Stone Cave, and Kaihui had received a lot of help from relatives and friends of the Brick House when she avoided living in Bancang.

On November 14, 1949, on the eve of the imminent liberation of Chongqing, Sister Jiang was killed by Kuomintang military agents at Geleshan, sacrificing her life at the age of 29 for the communist ideal. Like Yang Kaihui, Sister Jiang left a handwritten letter from TuoGuo, which brought people to tears.

Exclusive | Died on the same day in the same month The same age and the same heart The indissoluble love affair between Yang Kaihui and Jiang Jie, two martyrs

(The martyr Yang Kaihui, who sacrificed his life for the country and shed the last drop of blood for the revolution, is immortal!) Photography by Liu Xiangshang)

What is less well known is that Sister Jiang's son Peng Yun married Xiang Ziye's daughter Yi Xiaoye. Because of this family relationship, the relationship between the two famous female martyrs became closer.

On October 26, Sister Jiang's son's family came to the former residence of Itakura to pay respects, and with the heroic spirit of Comrade Kaihui, they revealed the relationship between the two families.

Both admirable female martyrs sacrificed their precious lives for the Chinese Revolution at the age of 29, coincidentally on the same day. It can be said that the same month and the same day died, the same age and the same original heart.

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[Editor-in-Charge: Rong Tingfang]

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