
Cheese made into a salad is a weight loss reward, today's tomato cup salad, please check 01 first prepare the sauce 02 ingredients to test the time to test the technology

author:Zebra Film Studios
Hungry in the evening, come to some fried chicken burger milk tea donuts, hot pot barbecue instant noodles with beer But there is still 1 day to break the New Year's Eve, there is still more than a month to celebrate the New Year, how much fat to eat, or eat some salad to relieve hunger Today's salad is mango-flavored, with a slightly sweet tomato texture, like a mango-flavored milk candy
Cheese made into a salad is a weight loss reward, today's tomato cup salad, please check 01 first prepare the sauce 02 ingredients to test the time to test the technology

Mango sauce (as much as you want to eat, no mango sauce, mango chopped will be a bit)

15 grams of yogurt (not finished drinking in the refrigerator can be used)

Cooked white sesame seeds 5 g

Lemon juice 5 ml (about one-third of the lemon is enough)

Mix the mango sauce, yogurt, lemon juice well, and mix well with the cooked sesame seeds

Tomato one (big, not small cherry tomato)

Apples (put as much as you want to eat, don't put too much, bloat your stomach)

Pumpkin 50 g (raw)

50 g sweet potatoes (raw)

50 grams of green pepper (raw, fat not spicy kind, you have to buy two thorn sticks, I respect you are a man)

Bitter chrysanthemum to taste

Cheese to taste

A pinch of salt

Cheese cooking is a bit complicated, I'll talk about it slowly 01: Rub the cheddar cheese into thin wires with a wire inserter (I think it is also possible to use the magic of cutting vegetables instead) 02: Spread the shredded cheese flat in a non-stick pan and heat over high heat until melted 03: Reduce the heat, wait for 1-2 minutes after the pot starts to bubble, and remove the pot when the cheese is in a net 04: Let the pot cool quickly (it is really not possible to put the bottom of the pot in cold water to bubble) with a fork or knife tip to peel off the cheese and break it Note that ha, the scorched only comeback, the brand of cheese can also be made with hard cheeses such as Parmesan cheese and Romano cheese
Cheese made into a salad is a weight loss reward, today's tomato cup salad, please check 01 first prepare the sauce 02 ingredients to test the time to test the technology

Start by setting up the pot and draining the ingredients

Cut off the top of the tomato and hollow out

Cut the apples into cubes and soak in brine and set aside

Dice the green peppers

Put on the steaming rack, bring water to a boil, add sweet potatoes and pumpkins. Steamed (chopsticks can be rubbed through just like) take out and dice

Mix the diced ingredients, stir in the sauce and place in a tomato cup

Just put some cheese cheese and bitter chrysanthemum

Work together so you can eat a late night snack while watching TV

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