
Yang Rui of Ruzhou City: College student volunteers help prevent and control the epidemic, highlighting the mission of youth

author:Henan Simulcast

In the face of the complex epidemic prevention situation, Ruzhou Communist Party members, college student volunteers, and ordinary people have responded and actively applied to participate in volunteer volunteers. Yang Rui, a college student, is one of the many college students who have gone to Linru Town to volunteer.

Yang Rui of Ruzhou City: College student volunteers help prevent and control the epidemic, highlighting the mission of youth

Linru Town has a total of 24 administrative villages, 5 large supermarkets, 4 residential quarters, 8 construction sites and more than 100 commercial stores, and the epidemic prevention task is very large. Yang Rui immediately put on the "red vest" in accordance with the division of labor and threw himself into the front-line work, mainly carrying out the work of distributing leaflets, posting announcements, measuring the body temperature of people entering and leaving the construction site and shopping malls, checking double codes, information registration, epidemic prevention and elimination, and going to county card points to persuade foreign vehicles and personnel to return.

Yang Rui of Ruzhou City: College student volunteers help prevent and control the epidemic, highlighting the mission of youth

In the past few days of work, these volunteers are not afraid of the heat, running in the streets and alleys of Linru Town, building a solid defense line for epidemic prevention and control, and their group of retrograde "red vests" has formed a beautiful scenery in the whole town.

"As a contemporary college student who sees that his hometown has been so seriously affected by the epidemic, he naturally wants to do something for his hometown, and the work we have done is far from enough, and protecting our homeland requires our joint participation." In the next step, we will also actively participate in the volunteer activities of epidemic prevention and control and post-disaster reconstruction, and contribute our youth strength to our modest efforts. This is the common voice of Yang Rui and other volunteers.

(Image Network Ruzhou News Hotline: 180 0371 1850, Submission Email: [email protected].) Elephant Network "Elephant Escort" Tel 180 0371 9699)

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