
International well-known investors and entrepreneurs have congratulated Yang Rui as an international partner of Titanium Media, and look forward to Titanium Media creating world-class influence

author:Titanium Media APP

On May 8th, Titanium Media Group's international strategic upgrade conference and Yang Rui's joining of Titanium Media Welcome Tea Party was held in Beijing Daxing Titanium Media Innovation Park. Yang Rui, the first chief producer of CCTV English Channel News Review Studio and senior editorial board member of the channel and the host of the most internationally influential Chinese English news talk program CGTN Dialogue, announced that he officially joined Titanium Media and served as an international business partner, helping Titanium Media build a world-class influential financial technology information service platform.

"I am confident to continue to work with the titanium media team with professionalism to overcome difficulties and build titanium media into a world-class new media group of science and technology finance!" Yang Rui said firmly.

International well-known investors and entrepreneurs have congratulated Yang Rui as an international partner of Titanium Media, and look forward to Titanium Media creating world-class influence

Zhao Hejuan, founder & CEO of Titanium Media Group, announced yang rui's joining, but also stressed that this move will mean a further upgrade of titanium media's international strategy: under the leadership of Yang Rui, titanium media international will strive to become the world's preferred private English channel for paying attention to China and understanding China's business and market; and will create an important communication platform for global technology and business thought leaders to gather.

Yang Rui has been evaluated by many international peers as China's "first person to spread English internationally", and the New York Times also commented in 2012 as a symbol of China's soft power construction. Yang Rui won the CNN World Report "Special Award" in the 1980s, and three years ago South Africa's New World Fortune media rating agency called him the world's five most objective and fair international communication hosts. Jeff Lehman, president of NYU Shanghai and president of the Sino-American Chamber of Commerce, publicly praised Yang Rui as "the preferred English channel for Europeans and Americans to understand complex China."

Yang Rui has also won almost all the highest official awards in related fields in China, such as the "four batches" of cultural celebrities of the Chinese government in 2019; the best host of China's first foreign language TV program "Golden Microphone" and the best host of "Sixty People in the Sixty Years of the Republic".

At the welcome tea party, Yang Rui and many common industry friends of Titanium Media also sent congratulations online, we sorted out the following small video, thank you for your sincere blessings, may we live up to our mission (in alphabetical order).

hi, i am jeff lehman, and i’d like to extend my sincere congratulations to the tmtpost. recruiting yang rui to lead your international business department was a brilliant move. Hello guys, I'm Raymond. First of all, I would like to extend my most sincere congratulations to Titanium Media. Titanium Media has just hired Yang Rui to lead the international business department, which is a wise decision. the tmtpost is already a hugely influential player in the chinese-speaking tech space. the content is sophisticated, rigorous and informative. the values are professional and ethical. Titanium Media has become a leading media Chinese with great influence in the field of science and technology. Titanium Media's reporting standards are strict, and the content is wise, informative and accurate. Titanium Media practices journalistic professionalism and upholds noble professional ethics. but the tmtpost aspires also to be globally influential. it aspires to have influence overseas to be one of the key information sources about china’s tech industry for foreigners who are based in europe and north america. by bringing yang rui onboard, the tmtpost has acquired instant credibility in the sophisticated english-speaking world. Titanium Media also aims to become a media with global influence. Titanium Media hopes to become an important source of information for European and American audiences to understand China's technology industry. The joining of Yang Rui will enable Titanium Media to immediately gain credibility in the complex English-speaking world. over the past 20 years, he has become the no. 1 english-speaking voice for europeans and americans who want to go deep, who want to grapple with china’s complexity. he built “dialogue” into a powerhouse forum where one can quickly get multiple perspectives on complex issues. through the force of his intellect, he connected with a broad audience of people, who might not agree with him on a specific policy issue, but who do agree with him that ideas matter and that the future belongs to people who are committed to serious and honest discussions about challenging problems. Over the past 20 years, Yang Rui has become the preferred English channel for Europeans and Americans who want to gain a deeper understanding of China's complexities. He has made the English-language news talk show Dialogue a core forum in which parties confronted each other sharply on complex issues, and through the power of his wisdom, many European and American audiences resonated with Yang Rui. While European and American audiences do not necessarily share Mr. Yang's views on a particular policy, they fully subscribe to Mr. Yang's worldview: ideas matter; the future of the world belongs to those who are committed to serious and sincere discussion of challenging issues. it is the perfect time for the tmtpost to explore the many complex dimensions of the relationship between chinese technology and international business. and yang rui is the perfect person to lead that project. congratulations! Titanium Media's expansion overseas is also opportune. Titanium Media will also devote all its efforts to exploring the complex relationship between Chinese science and technology and the world economy in multiple dimensions. Yang Rui can be said to be the perfect candidate to lead the international business of Titanium Media. Congratulations again!
International well-known investors and entrepreneurs have congratulated Yang Rui as an international partner of Titanium Media, and look forward to Titanium Media creating world-class influence
Dear Yang Rui, As a friend, I have had the privilege of meeting you since July 2009, and I have had the privilege of following your dedication and dedication on CCTV, especially as the host of the Dialogue column. During my tenure as Ambassador to Beijing, you, as moderator of The Dialogue, have given me the privilege of participating in many delicate moments. I distinctly remember your balanced, just, wise and objective attitudes, while striving to make your audience aware of the complex problems of the world. As a diplomat, I am particularly proud that I have been consciously giving a full and accurate presentation to your audience over a long period of time. I just learned that you are going to join Titanium Media as an international business partner. I am fully confident that with your extensive experience in a complex world, you will bring new developments to Titanium Media. Telling news with high quality, multi-dimensionality, fairness and objectivity is of valuable value, especially in today's world where disinformation is rife. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you continued success in your new career!
Hello everyone, Brother Yang Rui, (Zhao) He Juan is always good. First of all, I would like to warmly congratulate Brother Yang Rui and Titanium Media on their good marriage. Although the stay-at-home ban here has not been completely lifted, everything is gradually being liberalized. Behind me is Silicon Valley's famous Hagong Bay Half Moon Bay Golf Course, reopened on the first day of today, indicating that everything is in the process of recovery. Brother Yang Rui jumped out of the system this time, which is an unusual decision made in an unusual period, which not only requires the courage to jump out of the system, but also needs to judge and examine the future time and size up the situation. The topic that everyone thinks about and talks about the most now is what the world will be like after the epidemic and what kind of huge changes will happen. While there are countless possibilities and infinite uncertainties, there are a few key words that are bound to be the top priority, hot spots within hot spots. The first is the huge change in the international pattern with China and the United States as the core; the second is the breakthrough of cutting-edge technology with artificial intelligence big data as the core; plus the new industrial institutions in the industry model of cross-regional and even transnational super platforms. The changes are no less than the impact of the first and second industrial revolutions on the world and humanity. Brother Yang Rui chose this time to join Titanium Media, and (Zhao) He Juan chose this time to go international, which fully illustrates the vision and ambition of the two. It is believed that the entrepreneurial boat of titanium media is bound to add wings to the tiger under the leadership of the two, ride the wind and waves in the great changes, and grow into a leading international new media in the industry. I wish Titanium Media, Brother Yang Rui, Zhao Hejuan and all of you and Hemei, a complete circle and all the best! Thank you.
Warm congratulations to Teacher Yang for joining Titanium Media! Your joining will surely bring Titanium Media's international business to a new level.
Knowing Ms. Zhao Hejuan and Mr. Yang Rui for many years, both a loyal reader of Titanium Media and a perennial audience of dialogue programs, I just learned that Mr. Yang Rui will join Titanium Media and serve as the international partner of Titanium Media Group, deeply happy for the two friends, Mr. Yang Rui has deep achievements in international history, Eastern and Western cultural comparisons, and even art, fashion, unique insights, coupled with years of dialogue with the world's top thinkers polished out of wisdom, will certainly help Titanium Media become an international media platform. I look forward to getting more information through Titanium Media in the future, and also through Titanium Media and more dialogue with the world.
Warm congratulations to Mr. Yang Rui for joining Titanium Media! Sincerely wish titanium media international business to expand the territory and show great ambitions! Congratulations to Mr. Yang Rui to start a new glory in life and career!
I am pleased to hear that my brother and friend, Mr. Yang Rui, a leader in the field of international communication in China, joined Titanium Media as a senior partner in international business, and hereby sends my sincere blessings and warm congratulations! In the more than 20 years of acquaintance with Brother Yang Rui, he has been engaged in international media news commentary for a long time, a well-deserved Chinese face, and maintained an equal "dialogue" with opinion leaders at home and abroad, and his sharp and cold insight, balanced objective thinking ability, and tireless learning ability have impressed me! Looking forward to the new appearance of Brother Yang after turning to new media, I also wish titanium media a comprehensive upgrade of the international business! The world needs the "sharp" wisdom of the East, and the media needs the Chinese "titanium" degree!
Hello, Yang Rui, congratulations on joining Titanium Media tmtpost from CGTN. I have watched your show silently for about ten years, and I have the impression that you are like this, "hi, this is rui, represent cgtn from beijing china, china." Then the way you ask questions is like this," president obama, i would like to know what is the biggest challenge facing your country in light of this covid-19 outbreak." But in the future you may be like this," hi,this is rui from tmtpost. i would like to know what is the biggest challenge facing your country in light of this covid-19. "So the style has changed, and your Oxford accent hasn't changed. But your boldness, your courage, and your past patterns and visions have made you fully prepared. I'm sure you'll succeed, congratulations!
Yang Rui, hello, this special special to bless you today, this has begun a new journey of life. I want to say goodbye to this familiar CCTV platform for 32 years, and I think that at this time, you must have unlimited emotions in your heart. At the same time, I want to join the international cause of Titanium Media on this platform, you must be full of special expectations and expectations. The first thing I want to bless you is to have the courage and the opportunity to start a new life, especially to experience the landscapes and experiences of different lives. I have three people in this life, at least three of my predecessors and elders, mentioned that this life 60 can start again. One is my father, one is the famous nuclear physicist Mr. Wang Ganchang, and the other is Mr. Wang Shi. In fact, all three of them mentioned that life 60 can start again. I think this, for an era like ours today, there is too much uncertainty and too many choices. Some people live for the results, some people live for the process. I usually say it as someone being teleological and someone being a processist. I am a particularly typical process theorist, I think that in fact, the time of life, not long, short is not short, what you can experience depends on how you define your own process. So today I especially wish Brother Yang Rui to take such a step and have the opportunity to experience a new life course and a new process. Titanium Media is a good friend that I am particularly familiar with, and it is also a good partner for us to start a business, and it is also a new media company that I feel particularly respected for the Internet and this future-conscious. I believe that the accumulation of 32 years in CCTV, especially in the CCTV international channel, especially on the international platform of this deep accumulation and the accumulation of this strong connotation, Yang Rui brother will certainly be able to bring a particularly new stream to the development of titanium media's international cause and a particularly powerful driving force, and it is also a powerful boost for titanium media in the future of international undertakings. So I also want to bless and congratulate Titanium Media here and find such strong support as Brother Yang Rui. I believe that with the support of Brother Yang Rui, the titanium media business will definitely make great progress. Once again, I would like to extend this deep blessing to my good buddies, and I deeply admire your courage and choice. I've also been a business for five years, this platform for this public company that left for 23 years. In the past five years, there have been many emotions and many experiences, but the overall feeling is very worthwhile! Life needs to have such an experience of challenging ourselves and transcending the original boundaries, and I think this process is for our life to make us more plump, more meaningful and more memorable. Bless Brother Yang Rui, but also bless Titanium Media, bless us to continue to move forward and develop towards a better life! Thank you.
Special congratulations to Yang Rui to join titanium media, after hearing this news is very happy for Yang Rui, but also happy for titanium media, because Yang Rui has a good platform to show, titanium media has Yang Rui's joining in the international business, I believe there will be a great progress. I have known Yang Rui for more than ten years, and we also have cooperation in all aspects. I used to be a guest of his famous dialogue "Dialogue" column, Yang Rui has also hosted our business many times, presided over the research results of China's top 100 real estate enterprises released by our China Index Research Institute (need to be confirmed) at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse and other places, and almost every year Yang Rui comes to host us. Look forward to Yang Rui's joining can make titanium media have greater development in international business, international business is very important, titanium media under the joining of Yang Rui, can speak for China, bring greater influence in the world, this is our expectation. Finally, I wish Yang Rui and Titanium Media greater development again.
I am glad to hear that my good friend Mr. Yang Rui has become a senior partner of Titanium Media's international business and is about to start a new journey in his life, here, on behalf of the China Business Civilization Research Center and Qin Shuo's circle of friends, I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations. Mr. Yang Rui's "Dialogue" is a legend in the history of our country's television, and he himself is also a brand, a valuable asset, the core of these assets, such as his global career, his rich network of contacts, his idealism and his deep insight into many aspects of the world, I believe that the characteristics of some of these brand assets will not fade, but will continue over time, showing his rich value. On such a new platform as Titanium Media, Mr. Yang Rui's brand equity will be combined with a new channel distributed by such an all-media platform, there will be a lot of new chemical reactions, and the majority of audience friends, are eagerly looking forward to Mr. Yang Rui's closer.
Titanium Media is the forerunner of China's vertical subdivision of science and technology media, after eight years of exploration and innovation, it has grown into a high-quality "news precious metal" and a healthy and energetic "negative ion of public opinion" in the domestic media ecosystem. Mr. Yang Rui's joining marks a substantial step in titanium media's global strategy to expand, and I believe that his "second degree of entrepreneurship" will definitely upgrade the "titanium degree" that measures the level of high-tech development to the "attitude" that affects the direction of international public opinion, help titanium media enter the spotlight of the global news and public opinion field, so as to set a new model and benchmark for telling China's science and technology story and spreading China's professional voice.
It is hoped that Titanium Media and Yang Rui brothers can shake off their arms, take steps, have the courage to explore and innovate; be fair, objective and high-quality in media operation, establish international credibility, and finally realize the purpose of Titanium Media's "technical belief, professionalism and global influence". Finally, I wish Yang Rui brother success in leading the journey of "Titanium Media International", and wish Titanium Media to become a towering tree with international influence in Chinese media at an early date.
Warm congratulations to the village chief (Yang Rui) of the Nagging Group for joining Titanium Media! The village chief joined (Zhao) He Juan, presiding over the international business of Titanium Media is definitely the first major event in the life of our village (Nao Village) in 2020, and it is a rare happy event in the world in 2020! The village chief is one of the best in China's foreign media army that I know. In his decades of hosting, the village chief has dabbled in almost all of the world's major topics, interviewed, and talked to hundreds of global leaders. What is more important is that the village chief has faced all kinds of temptations, interferences, pressures, and persistence in being a professional media person for decades. The village chief is especially concerned about the impartiality, objectivity, balance and independent thinking of a professional media person, he Juan's letting go of support, the heavens and the earth will be wider, I believe that the village chief will be able to tear out a bright light in the thick clouds, and draw a lightning bolt in the night!
(Zhao) He Juan, Yang Rui and titanium media friends Hello, today is my idol and friend Mr. Yang Rui for many years to join the titanium media day. Yang Rui has a career dream, I know he has a dream, but also know the transnational layout of titanium media, I also know that Zhao Hejuan has a grand layout, doing the internationalization of Chinese communication is a big thing. At this moment, I am broadcasting live in Manhattan, the center of the global new crown pneumonia, Manhattan, New York, and sending my blessings to Brother Yang Rui and He Juan. First of all, I would like to congratulate Brother Yang Rui on his victory in opening the banner and carrying forward your 20 years of global dialogue on CCTV on the titanium media platform and recreating glory. Secondly, I would like to bless Zhao Hejuan, Yang Rui is the "heavy weapon of the country", "voice of China", look forward to the arrival of Yang Rui brother, titanium media internationalization pace, so take a more solid and smooth step. Brother Yang Rui joined Titanium Media, which is a good thing for me to be double-happy, not only because I am an investor in He Juan, but more importantly, I am her fan. Here's a little secret. At that time, I was moved to see the article written by He Juan, and found He Juan through Hu Shuli, just to express my respect and praise to her. Zhao Hejuan is China's "news conscience" and "sword", and Yang Rui is China's viewpoint leader and face value. With Yang Rui, my average appearance looks good. I wish Yang Rui on the new platform such as water fish, wish titanium media such as water fish, but also wish all colleagues of titanium media success in their careers and family happiness. Remember to wear a mask when you go out and wash your hands when you get home.
Hello Yang Rui brothers! Accept my blessings! I heard that you are going to take up a new job, you are going to titanium media group. Titanium Media Group, I know it is a leading global service provider of digital economy ecology. This platform is very good, and if you want to join this international section, it should be able to add a lot of color to him and expand the capabilities of its platform. The brother's skill has been cross-border on CCTV for decades, and there are many fans at home and abroad. With the professionalism of the brothers and the insight of the cross-border industry, I believe that I can take the international plate of titanium media to a new level. I sincerely wish my brothers, and I also wish that the media can find an excellent CCTV host, and it will definitely shine. After the brothers take up their new duties, we must find an opportunity to celebrate. After the epidemic, I am now because of the epidemic situation, I have always been bearded, don't let me have a long beard and let's celebrate again. I am very happy to hear this news, and I am really envious that my brothers have come this far. There should be several steps in life, one of which is necessary, and the most important step is to do what you like to do, and it is brave to do.
Warm congratulations to Mr. Yang Rui for joining Titanium Media! I believe that under the leadership of Mr. Yang Rui, titanium media's international business will create new brilliance.
Message to Yang Rui In the year of Gengzi, there are too many unexpected things, and the resignation of colleague and friend Yang Rui from the position of CCTV host is one thing. I also resigned from CCTV five years ago to start a business, when I was 53 years old, the oldest in the wave of CCTV resignations. Yang Rui broke my record, he is 57 years old. I still vividly remember the shock he caused when he informed me of this decision on the phone. "Three years left to retire?" As for? ” He's different from me, I'm the choreographer behind the scenes, he's the host of the stars. Once upon a time, I struggled to "find out the truth" in Investigative Journalism. He played the image of a Chinese host in international communication on the English channel "Dialogue" and Chinese and foreign guests. Although the columns have different functions, "using news to promote social progress" is our common career motivation. "Don't want to wait any longer." From Yang Rui's tone, I can feel and understand his anxiety - the helplessness and suffocation brought about by the solidification of life, the restlessness and dissatisfaction of the soul's deep desire for change and expectation of creation, hoping to leap towards the ocean of life, and stimulate new life potential in unfamiliar situations and challenges. A few years ago, I wrote a few theme lyrics for the documentary "Igniting the Ideal Day: The Legend of Oriental Time and Space": Life is so short Can't always wait Life is so precious Mediocrity cannot be allowed to be consumed Give me some ideals Let me ignite again Give me some passion Let me burn again The platform that Yang Rui wants to re-burn is "titanium media", it is said that the melting point of titanium is 1668 ° c, what kind of faith and height is the person who forges such a melting point of the media? What kind of ideals and feelings? My concern and curiosity for Yang Rui drive me to pay attention to and look forward to this media platform that integrates information exchange, it technology information, and new media. Yang Rui's mission is to expand international business and make "Titanium Media" international. At a time of certain uncertainty in the future, Yang Rui has the courage to bid farewell to institutional dependence, fade the aura of CCTV, devote himself to private new media companies, open up new fields, and achieve new transformations, which is no small challenge. In the year of Gengzi, the emergence of covid-19 changed the world. With unprecedented cunning and brutality, it swept through different countries and ethnic groups in the East and the West; it tested the human public health emergency response system and epidemic prevention mechanism; and it tortured the system, civilization, and humanity of human society. It has completely changed our lives – plunging human society into the entanglement of "isolation and openness". The devastation and tearing of life in the world by covid-19 continues, and we cannot assess the final outcome. It is foreseeable that a devastated world will face reconstruction after the epidemic, with state-to-state relations, nationalism and internationalism, the individual and the world... Since human beings cannot return to the past when they were closed to the country and did not interact with each other, they must understand the world in a timely and accurate manner without prejudice, learn to get along with the world, harmonize with each other, and develop together. This is the proposition left to mankind after the pandemic, and it is also the responsibility and space of the media. In view of this, I have high expectations for the internationalization of "Titanium Media" and The new platform and new career of Yang Rui.
In the past few decades, Mr. Yang Rui has shown a high degree of professionalism, professionalism and professionalism on CCTV, and his analytical ability, insight and critical spirit of world current affairs have left a deep impression on us. I believe that this joining Titanium Media will definitely bring a higher light moment to Titanium Media, congratulations to Mr. Yang Rui! Come on Yang Rui!
Warm congratulations to Mr. Yang Rui for joining Titanium Media! Titanium Media is a rising star in China's press. Titanium media platform has excellent professionalism and journalists' feelings of home and country, Mr. Yang Rui, as a well-known English program host of CCTV International Channel, joined Titanium Media this time, which will not only usher in new space for his career, but also help titanium media expand its international business. Here, I sincerely wish titanium media to go to a higher level because of mr. Yang Rui's joining, and Mr. Yang Rui also has a career of progress because of the new platform of titanium media. The future of Chinese journalism needs you!

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