
Deng Enming: Half-born Libo Half-life Shandong A major representative of the Qiannan Aquarium in Guizhou

author:Lightning News

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Qilu Network Lightning News, May 12 (Shandong Tv Comprehensive Broadcasting, Li Wei, Kong Yi, Liu Yan) Deng Enming, at the age of 16, left his hometown of Libo, Guizhou, to study in Shandong, led the student movement and the workers' movement in Shandong, and participated in the CPC National Congress as a representative of Shandong with Wang Gemei -- this revolutionary martyr who came out of the Qiannan Shui tribe in Guizhou, half of his life in Libo and half of his life in Shandong, became a special figure in the history of the CPC. A few days ago, a comprehensive radio reporter from The Shandong Radio and Television Station traveled thousands of miles to Libo, Guizhou, and re-walked the Enming Road.

Deng Enming: Half-born Libo Half-life Shandong A major representative of the Qiannan Aquarium in Guizhou

Shuipu Village, Yuping Subdistrict, Libo County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, where Deng Enming, a major representative of the Communist Party of China, was born. Wei Xingheng, a lecturer at the Party School of the Libo County Party Committee who devoted himself to the study of Deng Enming's life, said that the experience of living at the lowest level of society in his childhood deeply affected Deng Enming: "When he was five or six years old, he wrote such a song: "People who cultivate fields do not have enough to eat, people who spin yarn are not well dressed, people who sit in sedans sing high-pitched, and people who carry sedans run all over the ground." It expresses little Deng Enming's dissatisfaction with some social status quo and his desire to change this life.

Deng Enming: Half-born Libo Half-life Shandong A major representative of the Qiannan Aquarium in Guizhou

A stone path looms in the grass, Wei Xingheng told reporters that this preserved Nanyi Ancient Road has become a "must-go road" for local party history education and study. It was along this path that Deng Enming moved with his parents to Libo County, and from Libo to Shandong. It is said that teenagers do not know the taste of sorrow, but Deng Enming sprouted the idea of saving the country at a young age. In 1917, in order to realize his ideal of studying to save the country, Deng Enming left his hometown of Libo and went to Shandong to study, and since then embarked on the road of revolution.

Deng Enming: Half-born Libo Half-life Shandong A major representative of the Qiannan Aquarium in Guizhou

In 1918, Deng Enming was admitted to Shandong Provincial No. 1 Middle School with excellent results. After the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement in 1919, he became acquainted with another student leader, Wang Gemei, and the two became revolutionary comrades-in-arms. In 1921, Deng Enming and Wang Gemei represented the Jinan Communist Group at the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In 1922, he went to Moscow to participate in the first revolutionary congress of communist parties and revolutionary groups in Canada, and after returning to China, Deng Enming successively carried out the workers' movement in Jinan, Qingdao, Jiaozhou, Zibo and other places, organizing the sifang airport workers' strike, the Jiaoji railway workers' strike, and the Qingdao Dafang Spinning Factory workers' strike, making important contributions to promoting the qingdao workers' movement.

Deng Enming: Half-born Libo Half-life Shandong A major representative of the Qiannan Aquarium in Guizhou

In January 1929, Deng Enming was arrested for the third time for informing traitors. In the early morning of April 5, 1931, Deng Enming sang the "Internationale" calmly. From leaving his hometown at the age of 16 to his heroic righteousness at the age of 30, Deng Enming never returned to his hometown, but as the only representative of the ethnic minority, the only representative from the southwest region, the only representative of middle school students, and the only representative who heroically and righteously on the execution ground, he became the eternal pride of the Libo people.

Deng Enming: Half-born Libo Half-life Shandong A major representative of the Qiannan Aquarium in Guizhou

Under the century-old banyan tree that accompanied Deng Enming to grow up in Libo County, Deng Enming's former residence stood quietly, and groups of people who visited and studied stopped for a long time before the exhibition of Deng Enming's portrait and deeds. Wei Xingheng said that Deng Enming dedicated his life to the revolution and also left a valuable spiritual wealth for future generations: "We in Libo have set up a party sex education base, with the party school of our Libo County PARTY Committee as the carrier, undertaking training classes for party members and cadres from all over the country every year, going inside to visit the revolutionary deeds of Deng Enming's life. ”

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