
How did Yang Rui, the Sixth Gentleman of Wushu, die?

author:Good Stories Collection
How did Yang Rui, the Sixth Gentleman of Wushu, die?

In 1857, Yang Rui was born in a scholarly mendi in Mianzhu, Sichuan, and was raised by his father and brother since childhood, received a good education, and in a good year, he had already shown his prominence.

Later, Yang Rui followed his brother Yang Cong to participate in the hospital examination, and was praised by Zhang Zhidong, comparing the two brothers to Su Shi and Su Rui in shuzhong. When he grew up, Yang Rui joined Zhang ZhidongFu, who was already the governor of Liangguang at the time, and entered the shogunate. This is a position similar to a staff clerk, after Yang Rui joined Zhang Zhidong's camp, he advised Zhang Zhidong, which was quite successful, so he was respected by Zhang Zhidong and became an important staff member. It is said that during the fifteen years that Yang Rui entered Zhang Zhidong's mansion as an aide, Zhang Zhidong presented the imperial court with important documents, most of which were written by Yang Rui.

In 1884, France sent troops to threaten the Qing Dynasty and invade the border between Langshan and Yunnan and Guizhou. Yang Rui advocated resisting the French army at that time, and suggested that Zhang automatically use the retired patriotic veteran Feng Zicai. Feng Zicai led his troops out of the customs and fought against the French army, and soon defeated the French three-way attack, seriously wounding the French commander Nigri, and the battle was a great victory. Yang Rui's contribution was not insignificant, and afterwards Yang Rui drafted the "Guangjun Aid Gui Song Draft" on behalf of Zhang Zhidong, which became an important document in modern history.

In 1889, Yang Rui was admitted to the Cabinet Zhongshu, was named Zhang Jing, and co-edited the Great Qing Huidian (大清会典). After the compilation of the Great Qing Huidian, Yang Rui was successfully promoted to cabinet attendant. After Yang Rui entered the court, he actively participated in the cause of national salvation.

In 1894, the Sino-Japanese War was scorching, the Qing army was defeated by the Japanese army, and the news that the ruler wanted to negotiate peace came out. The most important thing is that at this time, In order to celebrate the sixtieth birthday, Empress Dowager Cixi actually embezzled naval military funds to build the Summer Palace. At that time, the eunuch Kou Liancai was killed, and no one dared to speak out and dissuade him.

At a time when everyone in the court chose to shut up and close their eyes, Yang Rui alone encouraged Yushi Wang Pengyun to enter the court and play on behalf of Wang. "Qi Qinggong was defeated by the saddle, did not drink alcohol and eat meat for seven years, and was defeated by Huiji, and twenty years of lying down to taste courage." This incident angered Cixi, and if it were not for Prince Gong's intercession, Yang Rui would only end up with an army.

In 1895, after the defeat of the Sino-Japanese War, the Qing Dynasty signed the Treaty of Maguan with Japan, which humiliated the country. Yang Rui joined forces with more than 1,300 test takers in Beijing to launch a "book on the bus", thus opening the prelude to the restoration and reform of the law.

In 1897, when Germany forcibly occupied Jiaozhou Bay, Yang Rui and Shangjing stated that Kang Youwei, who had changed the law to save himself, planned to change the law. Under the active operation of Yang Rui, the change measures that had been repeatedly obstructed by the conservative ministers were finally brought to the face of the Guangxu Emperor. With the efforts of all parties, approved by the Guangxu Emperor, the restoration and reform of the law began.

However, it is sad that this change of law finally lasted only more than a hundred days, and it failed due to the obstruction of the stubborn conservative faction led by Empress Dowager Cixi.

After the failure of the reform, Empress Dowager Cixi wantonly brutalized the reformers. Yang Rui was arrested at the ropesmith hutong apartment and killed with Tan Sitong, Liu Guangdi, Lin Xu, Yang Shenxiu, and Kang Guangren at caishikou in Beijing at the age of 41.

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