
The Four Precepts of The Mortals: If you want to change your destiny, start with these six points

author:Chinanet Buddhist Channel

People often blame fate for disobedience, is there really such a thing as "fate"? If so, can we change our destiny?

A wise man once said: The most important thing in a person's life is the spirit, and to see a person's inner spirit can see the external destiny and future.

With the spirit, one can predict one's future, and the spirit is like a seed. If a person has a spirit, the future will be good; if a person does not have a spirit, the future will not work.

The Four Precepts of The Mortals: If you want to change your destiny, start with these six points

The Four Precepts of The Four Teachings of The Fan is the essence of Mr. Yuan Yifan's lifelong pursuit of the Taishang Induction Chapter, revealing the secret of transforming fate.

Mr. Yuan Yifan wrote out the experience of changing his life and gave his son family training, so as to teach his son, understand the truth of fate, distinguish the standards of good and evil, and change the good.

Mr. Yuan Yifan also warned his son not to be bound by the word "fate", fate can be changed, we must continue to improve ourselves and transform our destiny!

If you want to change your destiny, and change your destiny, the following six points must be paid attention to!

1. Mean

The filthy people of the earth have many creatures, the clear people of the water are often without fish, and the rest is clean, and it is advisable to have no children.

The filthy people of the earth are many creatures, and the clear people of the water are often without fish.

What do you mean?

Where there is filth and uncleanness, there are more things that grow, and if the water is too clear, the fish cannot survive.

That is to say: there are rotten and filthy things on the land, but they can provide nutrients for plants, the water flow is clear to the bottom, clean is clean, but the fish can not reproduce and grow.

Accepting the imperfections in life and accepting the shortcomings is the wise approach.

Demanding perfection and demanding perfection in everything is not just self-inflicted trouble, but may even be stretched and difficult to move.

There is no such thing as perfection in the world! Some people who are not accustomed to it, things that do not meet their own wishes, as long as it is not a matter of principle of great right and wrong, instead of resisting entanglement, it is better to face it calmly and accept it happily.

Don't see yourself too perfectly, don't take yourself too seriously, be easy-going and natural, be calm and do things.

Keep a low profile, be easy-going, and don't pretend to be high, high. To people and things, do not be too harsh, do not be harsh and mean to others, should be easy-going and tolerant, no matter what environment you live in, you can be calm and self-assured, and live in harmony with others.

The Four Precepts of The Mortals: If you want to change your destiny, start with these six points

2. Irritability

Harmony can nurture all things, and Yu is good and angry.

If you can't do a "and" word, you will be angry at every turn, which is actually very blessed.

Home and everything is happy, people and everything is done.

What should I do if I get angry easily?

The easiest and most effective way to do this is to divert attention.

Anger came up, quickly take a deep breath, after three deep breaths, think about this matter is not a big deal, ah, what am I angry about, angry that I am not paying for medicine?

People have been so many decades in their lives, isn't it stupid to punish themselves with the mistakes of others, you know: one more minute of annoyance, less than sixty seconds of happiness! No heart and no lungs, living is not tired, everything is competitive, morning and evening a day to tire themselves down.

If a person wants to be angry, just relying on restraint is not the best policy, only from their own cultivation and realm improvement, is the way to cure the root cause.

How to improve your own realm?

Just remember the word "and"!

The spring breeze is harmonious, and all things grow; the autumn wind kills, and the grass and trees wither.

Harmony is warm, harmony is expensive, and harmony is born. Under the anger, dangers arise, and those who are angry will surely be blessed with a poor life.

The Four Precepts of The Mortals: If you want to change your destiny, start with these six points

"The Mean" so-called: in the undeveloped words of joy and sorrow, the hair is the sum of the middle verses.

What do you mean? Don't easily indulge your emotions, you should be happy and sad, this is the middle; even if you show it, you must be decent, in moderation, this is the sum. How to calculate the degree of moderation? No loss of attitude, no loss of control.

So-called: Harmony, the world's path also. Harmony is the fundamental truth and purpose of the world, and it is the road that the world follows together. If one can bring oneself to the state of neutralization, one is a person with the Tao, so-called: neutralization, heavenly status, and nurturing of all things.

Therefore, if you ask for blessings, you must achieve a harmony word - peace of mind, peace and tranquility.

The Four Precepts of The Mortals: If you want to change your destiny, start with these six points

3. Cool thinly

Yu Wei cherished his honor and often could not sacrifice himself to save others.

You know, the self-interested one is altruistic first.

Some people are just unwilling to help others, even if they raise their hands, they are too lazy to do it, and they are afraid of losing their own losses.

As the old saying goes: help others, be happy with yourself, people who are willing to help others, popularity is good, popularity is good, luck is good.

Of course, helping others is not to let you harm your own interests, even if you encounter special circumstances, there must be a way to have the best of both worlds, both to help others and to protect yourself.

Don't worry that you will suffer losses if you help others, the so-called Heavenly Dao is good, what you lose here, the Heavenly Dao Law will definitely be returned to you in another form somewhere else.

Click to read: You only care about kindness, and the heavens will be responsible for consideration

The Four Precepts of The Mortals: If you want to change your destiny, start with these six points

4. Say more

More words and gas consumption, it is advisable to have no children four.

Too much to say. Don't say that some of them have nothing to say, there are too many words, and it is not certain which sentence will lay the root of the curse, many times, more than one mouth is not as good as one mouth less.

5. Alcoholism

Like to drink the essence, it is advisable to have no children five.

Disorderly sex after drinking, loss of morality after drinking, "spitting out the truth" after drinking, alcohol is easy to hurt the liver... The disadvantages of alcohol are obvious, although for most people, it is not realistic to quit alcohol completely.

But everything must be measured, do not make a big fuss because of drinking more than a few cups, ugly, detract from the blessings.

The Four Precepts of The Mortals: If you want to change your destiny, start with these six points

6. Stay up late

It was good to sit all night long, and I didn't know the God of Baoyuan Yu.

Staying up late hurts the vitality, the vitality is small, and the blessing is thin.

But many people stay up late, get used to it, can't change it for a moment and a half, what to do? Master it yourself and try not to rest too late!

After reading the six manifestations of Mr. Fan's derogation of blessings after reflecting on himself, I don't know how you feel.

In your spare time, you may wish to compare yourself, if you have to change it, if you have none, you will be encouraged, Mr. Fan as a person who has summarized his life experience, we learn with our hearts, there must be no harm.

If a person wants to be lucky, these six points must be paid attention to!

After this self-analysis and self-examination, Mr. Fan found out the real reason for his poor luck, and also took a solid first step for the next step of changing his life!

Click on the video to watch, CCTV promotion: "Fan Jia Feng"

The Four Precepts of The Mortals: If you want to change your destiny, start with these six points

A wise man once said: When fate changes, everything will change automatically.

If you don't cultivate the inside, the light pursues the outside. There are two kinds of results, one is not pursued, and the other is pursued, but if virtue is not worthy, there will be disasters.

So warn yourself every day not to just hope to get what you don't deserve. Many times people always want not to pay and want to get, always want to get what they don't deserve.

A tractor, wanted to pull the container, hoisted the container up, the result of the whole tractor into steel plate.

How can a tractor pull a container? Tractors can pull some potatoes and sweet potatoes, but they can't pull containers.

What kind of life we are, we must follow it first, and then change our lives.

What is a change of life? Itself is quasi-loaded 0.5 tons, the power, the carriage is modified, modified to a quasi-load of 2 tons, so that it can be loaded with 2 tons. If it is 0.5 tons permissible, isn't it dangerous to load 2 tons?

Therefore, we must work hard to cultivate internally, not just from the outside to pursue, and if we cultivate on the inside, our lives will be good.

When fate changes, everything on the basis of fate will automatically change.

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The Four Precepts of The Mortals: If you want to change your destiny, start with these six points

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