
What is platonic love?

author:Footprint blossoms

One day Plato asked Socrates: What is love? ­

Socrates said: I invite you to cross this rice field and pick the largest and most golden ear of wheat to come back, but there is a rule: you cannot go back, and you can only pick it once. ­

So Plato did it. After a long time, he returned with empty hands. ­

Socrates asked him how he had returned empty-handed. ­

Plato said: When I was walking in the field, I saw several ears of wheat that were particularly large and brilliant, but I always thought that there might be bigger and better in front of me, so I did not pick them; but when I continued to walk, I always felt that the ears of wheat I saw were not as good as what I had seen before, so I did not pick anything in the end... ­

Socrates said meaningfully: This is love. ­

What is platonic love?

Another day, Plato asked Socrates: What is marriage? ­

Socrates said, "I ask you to go through this wood and cut down the thickest and strongest tree and come back and put it in the house to make a Christmas tree, but there is a rule: you cannot go back, and you can only cut it once." ­

So Plato did it. After a long time, he returned with a tree that was not the tallest and thickest, but also not a lai. ­

Socrates asked him how he had only cut down such a tree and returned? ­

Plato said: When I was crossing the woods, I saw several very good trees, and this time I learned the lesson of the last time I picked the ears of wheat, and when I saw that the tree was not bad, I chose it, and I was afraid that if I did not choose it, I would miss the opportunity to cut down the tree and return empty-handed, although it was not the best one I had ever encountered. ­

At this time, Socrates said meaningfully: This is marriage. ­

What is platonic love?

Another time, Plato asked Socrates: What is happiness? ­

Socrates said: I invite you to cross this field to pick the most beautiful flower, but there is a rule: you cannot go back, and you can only pick it once. ­

So Plato did it. After a long time, he returned with a more beautiful flower. ­

Socrates asked him: Is this the most beautiful flower? ­

Plato said: When I crossed the field, I saw this beautiful flower, and I took it off, and decided that it was the most beautiful, and when I later saw many very beautiful flowers, I still held on to my most beautiful faith and never wavered. So I picked the most beautiful flowers. ­

At this time, Socrates said meaningfully: This is happiness. ­


What is platonic love?

Plato asked his teacher, Socrates, one day, what was an affair

Socrates told him to go to the woods once

Can walk back and forth

Take one of the best flowers on the way

Plato went out again with confidence

Two hours later, he was energized and brought back a brightly colored but slightly faded flower.

Socrates asked him, "Is this the best flower?" ”

What is platonic love?

Plato replied to the teacher:

"I searched for two hours and found that this was the most blooming and beautiful flower, but when I picked it and brought it back, it gradually withered."

At this time, Socrates told him:

"That's an affair"

Another day he asked the teacher what life was

Plato had the lessons of the past

And went out with confidence

After three days and three nights, he did not return. ­

What is platonic love?

Socrates had to go into the woods to look for him, and finally found Plato camped in the woods. ­

Socrates asked him, "Are you looking for the most beautiful flowers?" ”

Plato pointed to a flower on the side and said, "Is this the most beautiful flower?" ”

Socrates asked, "Why not take it out?" ”

"If I take it off, it will wither immediately. Even if I don't pick it, it will wither sooner or later. So I lived next to it while it was still in full bloom. When it withers, find the next one. This is already the second most beautiful flower I am looking for. ”

"You already know the true meaning of life"

What is platonic love?

After reading this, how will you understand it?

The most to miss is love.

After experiencing the helplessness of love, there will be a big change in attitude towards marriage, and you will choose a suitable, but not the best.

Happiness is the satisfaction of constant searching.

The affair looks beautiful, but it will wither and eventually nothing will be found.

Life is about constantly looking for happiness!

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