
In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

author:Five thousand years of caves


In 1993, Yang Shangkun completely retired from the leading position of the party and the state. While living the old age of a retired elderly, he also continued to pay attention to the country's modernization construction and reform and opening up.

In Yang Shangkun's study, there is still a photo of Deng Xiaoping talking with him cordially. In this regard, the staff said: "From 1989 to 1991, for three consecutive years, Yang Shangkun spent time in Shanghai with Comrade Deng Xiaoping. ”

It can be seen that the relationship between Yang Shangkun and Deng Xiaoping is extraordinary.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="5" >01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet District</h1>

Yang Shangkun's acquaintance with Deng Xiaoping was in the Central Soviet Region. During this time, the two also worked together.

In early August 1931, Deng Xiaoping came from Shanghai to Ruijin, Jiangxi. On May 5, 1933, he was dismissed from his post as propaganda director of the provincial party committee, and was severely punished, and came to Le'an County to serve as an inspector in the Jianshenancun District Committee.

Soon, Deng Xiaoping was transferred to the General Political Department of the Red Army as secretary general at the suggestion of Wang Jiaxiang, director of the General Political Department of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and He Chang, deputy director of the Red Army.

On May 8 of the same year, the General Political Department of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army moved to the White House of Jinshazhouba. In July of the same year, Deng Xiaoping was transferred to the General Political Department of the White House as an officer of the Propaganda Department, responsible for editing the Red Star newspaper.

In November 1972, Deng Xiaoping came to Ruijin, Jiangxi Province, to revisit his hometown. After going through countless hardships, he finally found the "white house" where the two worked before, and said with emotion: "I lived here in the first place." The Red Star is also edited here. ”

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Pictured| Jiangxi Ruijin White House

At the same time, he also introduced himself to the staff around him: "This is the office of the General Political Department, and the other is the office of the Armed Mobilization Department." Director Wang Jiaxiang originally lived in this house, and Deputy Director Yang Shangkun lived in another room. ”

At the end of January 1933, Yang Shangkun secretly came to Ruijin, Jiangxi from Shanghai. In early June of the same year, the Central Revolutionary Military Commission came to Ruijin from the front, and Yang Shangkun served as deputy director of the General Political Department of the Central Military Commission and director of the Political Department of the Red Army, allowing Teng Daiyuan to succeed him as political commissar.

It was in June of the same year that Yang Shangkun and Deng Xiaoping, secretary general of the General Political Department, began their work.

On July 1, 1933, Yang Shangkun, deputy director of the Political Department of the Central Military Commission, accompanied Peng Dehuai to fujian to fight. In August, Yang Shangkun and Peng Dehuai jointly commanded the last battle fought by the Central Red Army, the Battle of Gaohunai in Guangchang County, Jiangxi.

At that time, Deng Xiaoping was very concerned about the situation and progress of this campaign, and also published three special articles in the Red Star newspaper for reporting and propaganda.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Photo | "Red Star" sponsored by Deng Xiaoping

After the defeat of the anti-encirclement and suppression struggle, the CPC Central Committee and the Central Revolutionary Military Commission set out from Ruijin, Jiangxi on October 10, 1934, and began a strategic transfer, and Yang Shangkun and Deng Xiaoping also participated in the Long March and carried out a strategic transfer.

At that time, the Red Star led by Deng Xiaoping was organized in the Second Field Column ("Red Seal Column"), while Yang Shangkun followed Peng Dehuai to lead the Red Third Army on the Long March.

On October 17, in accordance with the instructions and arrangements of the Central Military Commission, Deng Xiaoping followed the field column and the Red Third Army led by Yang Shangkun and Peng Dehuai to cross the river in the fog and began the mighty Long March.

Subsequently, together with the main force of the Central Red Army, they broke through the four blockade lines set up by the enemy in succession and experienced the extremely tragic Battle of the Xiang River together.

From January 15 to 17, 1935, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held an enlarged meeting of the Politburo (the Zunyi Conference) in Zunyi, which was attended by yang Shangkun and Deng Xiaoping.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Deng Xiaoping (second row left) with Xu Teli, Yang Shangkun, Li Bozhao and others on the Long March

At the meeting, the two witnessed such an important moment of life and death in the history of the Communist Party of China and resolutely supported the correct propositions put forward by Mao Zedong.

Regarding this major historical event, Yang Shangkun recalled: "During the Zunyi Conference, Deng Xiaoping served as a recorder. Unfortunately, up to now, Comrade Zhang Wentian's outline of his speech and the minutes of the meeting have not been found. ”

On January 19, the Central Red Army left Zunyi and officially moved north. In June of the same year, Deng Xiaoping followed the main force of the Central Red Army from the treacherous Jiajin Mountains to Weizhen and met with a part of the Red Fourth Front led by Li Xiannian.

After Yang Shangkun was responsible for commanding and completing the task of covering the main force of the Central Red Army to cross the Jiajin Mountain, he also led his subordinates to successfully cross the Jiajin Mountain and came to dawei Town.

In early August of the same year, the headquarters of the Red Army formulated a plan for the Battle of Xiatao, and decided to mix the Red First and Red Fourth Fronts into two roads, divided into two roads, and went north, and the First Army of the Red Front, which was the director of the Political Propaganda Department of the Red First Army, and the Third Army of the Red Army led by Yang Shangkun were incorporated into the Right Route Army.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

The picture | the conference room where the Zunyi meeting was held

From November 21 to 24, the Red Army fought the Battle of Zhiluo, in which both Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun took part. From February to May of the following year, the two also participated in the Red Army's Crusade together.

From the end of the Red Army's Long March in the second half of 1936, military telegrams between Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun were frequent.

For example, on October 13 of the same year, Yang Shangkun and Zhou Enlai wrote to Deng Xiaoping and Peng Dehuai:

On September 23, Comrade Xiaoping wrote to us that we fully agree with the resolution of the Party Affairs Committee of the First Army and hope that you will adhere to this policy...

In August of the same year, Deng Xiaoping, Zhong Renfang, and Zhu Rui announced that the Political Department of the Red First Army reported to Zhou Enlai and Yang Shangkun on the work of the Red First Army in August.

In February 1937, Deng Xiaoping and the Red First Army successfully arrived in the area of Gonghe Town, Ning County, Gansu Province. At that time, there were many connections between Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Picture | a group photo of the Red First Army and the Red Fifteenth Army after meeting the division. Deng Xiaoping on the right, Yang Shangkun on the right, and Luo Ruiqing on the right

On April 17, Deng Xiaoping, Luo Ruiqing, Yang Shangkun, and others attended a meeting of cadres held by the Red First Army and the 15th Army. At the meeting, they listened to Ren Bishi convey the spirit of the "Decision of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on Comrade Zhang Guotao's Mistake" and the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held in March, and criticized Zhang Guotao's mistake in splitting the Central Committee.

During the meeting, Deng Xiaoping, Yang Shangkun and Liang Biye lived in the same house. On June 10, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee made a decision: Yang Shangkun and Peng Zhen were in charge of the work of the Northern Bureau, and North China sent Liu Shaoqi as the representative of the Central Committee; Deng Xiaoping, director of the Political Department of the First Army, took over Yang Shangkun's original post.

< h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="23" >02 The two fought side by side</h1>

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Yang Shangkun and Deng Xiaoping also fought side by side. On September 21, 1937, Zhu De, Deng Xiaoping, and others led the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army to successfully arrive at Taiyuan Chengcheng Middle School, where they met peng Dehuai, Zhou Enlai, Yang Shangkun, and others who had already arrived.

On the evening of the same day, Deng Xiaoping, Zhu De, and other responsible persons of the Eighth Route Army discussed the course of action of the Eighth Route Army and the situation of the War of Resistance in North China.

On December 14, Deng Xiaoping telephoned Peng Dehuai, Zhu De, and others, and told Yang Shangkun, who had just become secretary of the Northern Bureau, that he put forward five suggestions for changing the way of working and consolidating relations between the upper echelons.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Photo | Yang Shangkun

In 1938, Deng Xiaoping served as political commissar of the 129th Division. Since then, Deng Xiaoping has worked closely with the division commander Liu Bocheng for a total of 13 years. During this period, Liu Deng and Yang Shangkun also coordinated their battles with each other and exchanged letters and telegrams many times.

On November 9, 1938, the CCP decided to have the secretary of the Northern Bureau assist Peng Dehuai, Zhu De, and others in leading the anti-Japanese guerrilla war in North China.

In mid-November of the same year, Yang Shangkun returned from Yan'an to the Taihang Mountains with Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, arrived in Xi'an on the 23rd, and sent Liu Shaoqi to Henan and to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in Guxian Town, Tunliu County, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province; yang Shangkun returned to Shanxi at the end of the month, led the Northern Bureau organs to move to southeastern Jin, moved closer to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, and fought in the Taihang Mountains.

On the occasion of leaving home from Yan'an, Deng Xiaoping, Together with Yang Shangkun and his wife, He Long, Guan Xiangying, Wang Ruofei, He Long, and others, went to Chairman Mao's residence to say goodbye and eat and celebrate together.

From April 11 to 26, 1940, the Northern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting of senior party, government, and military cadres (Licheng Conference) in Licheng, which was presided over by Yang Shangkun.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Picture | Yang Shangkun with Li Kenong, Liao Chengzhi and others

On April 22 of the same year, Deng Xiaoping delivered a speech at the meeting in his capacity as secretary of the Taixing Military and Political Committee. The establishment of the joint offices of Taihang, Ji'nan, and Taiyue and the financial and economic issues, political power issues, and army building issues of the three districts were elaborated in detail.

At the meeting, Yang Shangkun delivered a political report entitled "The Current Political Situation and Strategic Issues in the United Front." Later, Deng Xiaoping spoke highly of the meeting: "Emphasizing the three major principles of army building, party building, and government building in the base areas, remarkable achievements have been made, which are basically correct and successful. ”

In August 1940, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army launched the famous "Hundred Regiments War", in which both Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun participated. Deng Xiaoping and Liu Bocheng led 46 regiments into battle, and in late July, Yang Shangkun attended the "Hundred Regiments War" military conference deployed by the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army. After the battle began, he also actively organized and cooperated with the Eighth Route Army in combat.

On November 13 of the same year, Yang Shangkun, Together with Peng Dehuai, Zhu De, and others, called Deng Xiaoping, Liu Bocheng, and others:

In order to save the current situation, the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army should be prepared from all aspects to deal with sudden events.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

The Battle of the Hundred Regiments, the machine gun position of our army in the Battle of Lion's Brain Mountain

Soon, Yang Shangkun left the Northern Bureau to attend the Seventh National Congress, which was originally scheduled to be held in May 1941.

As important leaders of the army, Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun also participated in the Liberation War together, during which Deng Xiaoping led his subordinates to fight bloody battles on the front line, while Yang Shangkun has been holding important positions in the central leading organs.

Although the opportunities for the two to meet were not very many, they were both fighting together to win the victory of the Liberation War, and the two sides also exchanged letters and telegrams many times.

In May 1948, Yang Shangkun served as secretary general of the Central Committee and secretary general of the Central Military Commission, and served as the commander of the central guards and the director of the general office of the central government, assisting Zhou Enlai in handling the daily work of the Central Military Commission and the central government.

On February 19, 1949, Yang Shangkun drafted a telegram to Deng Xiaoping and Liu Bocheng, agreeing to form the Former Committee of the Second Field Army with Deng Xiaoping, Liu Bocheng, and five others, with Deng Xiaoping as its secretary.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Pictured| Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping

From March 5 to 13, the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was held, deng Xiaoping attended and spoke at the meeting, and Yang Shangkun attended and attended the meeting.

On March 14, Yang Shangkun attended a meeting of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee to discuss and resolve organizational issues concerning the major military regions, and appointed Deng Xiaoping as the first secretary of the East China Bureau.

In this way, they ushered in the birth of a new China together.

03 After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the two committed themselves to promoting modernization

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Deng Xiaoping was transferred to the Government Council in late July 1952 and returned to Beijing from Chongqing. On August 7, the central government appointed him as vice premier of the Council of State. Since then, the interaction between the two has become closer. From July 1952 to November 1965, Yang Shangkun worked with Deng Xiaoping in the Secretariat of the Central Committee for 13 years.

During this period, Deng Xiaoping would often talk to Yang Shangkun, and Yang Shangkun would often attend meetings convened by Deng Xiaoping to discuss the arrangements for work meetings and listen to work reports.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Figure | Yang Shangkun and Deng Xiaoping, Liu Shaoqi and others in the Soviet Union The figure | Yang Shangkun and Deng Xiaoping, Liu Shaoqi and others in the Soviet Union

In April 1954, a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee decided to appoint Deng Xiaoping as secretary general of the Central Committee and Yang Shangkun as deputy secretary general, and contacts and exchanges became more frequent.

In the 13 years of working together in Zhongnanhai, Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun personally experienced and witnessed major events in history, leaving many precious souvenirs and photographs.

After Sino-Soviet relations deteriorated, Deng Xiaoping made many representations and polemics with the Soviet Union. Because Yang Shangkun had five years of experience in studying and working in the Soviet Union, he also participated in it.

In November 1957, a Chinese delegation headed by Mao Zedong went to Moscow to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the October Revolution, with Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun among them.

In September 1960, Deng Xiaoping led a delegation to the Sino-Soviet talks, including Yang Shangkun. In July 1963, the two also attended talks between the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and Moscow, headed by Deng Xiaoping.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Picture | Yang Shangkun with Deng Xiaoping and others

In his diary, Yang Shangkun detailed Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic skills and activities.

In 1966, the contacts and contacts between Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun were reduced, and direct contact could not be obtained, but their hearts were connected. In 1975, Yang Shangkun and Li Bozhao were in Linfen, Shanxi Province, and they also studied Deng Xiaoping's speech at the National Agricultural Dazhai Conference.

On December 10, 1978, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China appointed Yang Shangkun as a member of the Standing Committee and Second Secretary of the Cpc Guangdong Provincial Committee, Deputy Director of the Provincial Revolutionary Committee and First Secretary of the GUANGZHOU Municipal Committee of the COMMUNIST Party of China.

At this time, Deng Xiaoping suddenly took a fancy to Yang Shangkun, who had worked with him for 13 years and had 20 years of experience as the director of the central office. Therefore, after the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, Deng Xiaoping specially sought out Yang Shangkun and hoped that he would stay in Beijing for the time being to assist Hu Yaobang and Yao Yilin in rectifying the leadership team of the CPC Central Committee and restoring the normal work order of the CPC Central Committee.

In this way, Yang Shangkun temporarily stayed in Beijing for more than 20 days to carry out the work of assisting the CENTRAL Office.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Pictured| Deng Xiaoping with Yang Shangkun

During the two years of working in Guangdong, Yang Shangkun actively implemented the spirit of the Party Central Committee on the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, rectified the chaos, and enabled Guangdong to walk in the forefront of reform and opening up.

In June 1981, the Central Committee held the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee. At the meeting, Deng Xiaoping was successfully elected chairman of the Central Military Commission. On July 10, Yang Shangkun became a standing committee member and secretary general of the Central Military Commission, responsible for presiding over the daily work of the Central Military Commission.

Since then, Yang Shangkun has presided over the work of the Central Military Commission for eight years under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, and has become an important collective member with Deng Xiaoping as the core of leadership. Deng Xiaoping also gave great support and trust to the military work led by Yang Shangkun.

On July 9, 1981, Deng Xiaoping spoke with Geng Biao, Yang Shangkun, and others from the Central Military Commission. During this period, Deng Xiaoping said to Yang Shangkun: "There are quite a few military problems, and after you take office, you must do more investigation and study, sort out some clues for army building, and draw up several systems to solve the problem of one entry and two exits." At the same time, it is also necessary to consider what it will look like to build the army within five years. ”

The important task entrusted by Deng Xiaoping to Yang Shangkun can be said to be a full trust in him.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Photo | yang Shangkun's later years

After that, under the deployment and leadership of the chairman of the Central Military Commission, Yang Shangkun began to carry out drastic reforms of the army, streamlining the military and government, managing the army according to law, and strictly administering the army.

In mid-July, Deng Xiaoping told Yang Shangkun in Beidaihe: "The army is too thick. What this remark means is that there are too many people in the upper organs.

Soon, Yang Shangkun submitted the "Plan for streamlining and reorganizing the headquarters of the Central Military Commission" to Deng Xiaoping's instructions on resolutely implementing the army's efforts to reduce swelling and straighten out relations. In August of the same year, Deng Xiaoping agreed to the plan.

In September 1982, at the First Plenary Session of the 12th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Yang Shangkun was elected as a member of the Politburo, executive vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, and secretary general of the Central Military Commission, and under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, he carried out the work of streamlining and reorganizing the army.

China's million-dollar disarmament, which took place from 1985 to 1987, was carried out by Yang Shangkun under the decision of Deng Xiaoping. There is great resistance and difficulty in streamlining and reorganizing the troops.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Figure| In 1991, Deng Xiaoping was with Zhu Rongji, Yang Shangkun and others

In this regard, Deng Xiaoping repeatedly warned Yang Shangkun: "The work of streamlining and reorganizing the troops is full of difficulties and great resistance, so we must be prepared to be scolded." You have to plug your ears with a ton of cotton, don't listen to gossip, don't listen to other people's black guns. ”

From May 23 to June 6, 1985, Yang Shangkun presided over an enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission, and in accordance with Deng Xiaoping's proposals, he made a strategic change in the guiding ideology of disarmament and army building.

After Yang Shangkun made a report, Deng Xiaoping said to him after the meeting: "It seems that everyone wants to go together, and the structural reform is a revolution. ”

Thanks to the efforts of Deng Xiaoping, Yang Shangkun, and others, the million-dollar disarmament was finally successfully completed, and the People's Liberation Army has since embarked on the road of strengthening the army with Chinese characteristics.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="54" >04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up</h1>

Yang Shangkun also resolutely supported Deng Xiaoping's idea of reform and opening up. Yang Shangkun resolutely supported Deng Xiaoping's remark that "we should emancipate our minds a little, take a little faster steps, and be bolder."

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

In April 1979, at the work conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Deng Xiaoping proposed the establishment of export processing zones in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shantou and other places near Macao and Hong Kong.

For his proposal, Deng Xiaoping expressed his approval and said: "It is better to call it a special zone, after all, Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia were also called special zones at the beginning!" The central authorities have no money, so they can give you some policies to do on their own, and strive to kill a bloody road! ”

During the reform and opening up period, Yang Shangkun visited Zhuhai as many as 12 times. Every time he came, he always stressed again and again what Xiaoping said, and how we should do it.

Deng Xiaoping inspected the south, and Yang Shangkun accompanied him many times. In January 1984, accompanied by Yang Shangkun and Wang Zhen, Deng Xiaoping inspected Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Shenzhen and other places.

In April 1988, during the season of a hundred flowers blooming, the cause of reform and opening up was steadily advancing, and the Cpc Central Committee convened the Seventh National People's Congress in Beijing, and many leaders attended and attended the meeting.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Pictured| Yang Shangkun and the national leaders together

At the meeting, Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of socialism with Chinese characteristics and reform and opening up, solemnly recommended to the deputies: The president of the country is an honorary post and should be held by the revolutionary elders. Comrade Yang Shangkun, on the other hand, is a revolutionary elder, and he is fully qualified to hold this post.

Soon, delegates voted to approve the proposal. At this point, Yang Shangkun became the fourth president of the country after Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi and Li Xiannian, and entered the annals of history and the country.

From 1989 to 1992, Yang Shangkun accompanied Deng Xiaoping on four occasions during the Spring Festival to inspect many places in southern Shanghai. Under the vigorous promotion of Yang Shangkun, the central authorities quickly forwarded and sorted out Deng Xiaoping's "Southern Speech."

In short, in the revolutionary careers of Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun for more than 70 years, the two developed extremely profound exchanges and friendships. Under the strong leadership of Deng Xiaoping, the two jointly promoted the process of China's modernization and the process of reform and opening up, and forged a deep friendship.

However, shortly after Yang Shangkun's 92nd birthday, the disease struck him. On June 7 of the same year, Yang Shangkun's condition gradually worsened. Subsequently, he came to the 301 Hospital for treatment.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Picture | Old photo of Yang Shangkun The picture | old photo of Yang Shangkun

The Party Central Committee attached great importance to his illness and gave instructions: Yang Shangkun is a proletarian revolutionary of the older generation, and people must do their utmost to treat him.

Although doctors and specialists from all over the country have come to Beijing, his condition continues to deteriorate.

On September 1, the hospital again issued a critical illness notice, and the central leaders also came to the hospital to visit him one after another, and instructed the doctors to do their best to rescue Yang Shangkun.

During Yang Shangkun's serious illness, Deng Xiaoping's wife Zhuo Lin and her children came to the hospital to visit him and expressed sincere wishes and greetings to him.

Looking at Zhuo Lin and the children, Yang Shangkun couldn't help but think of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, who had fought side by side with him for many years and had now passed away for many years, and couldn't help but feel a thousand emotions.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping received Geng Biao and Yang Shangkun and said to Yang Shangkun in small talk: There are more problems in the army01 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun met in the Central Soviet Region02 The two fought side by side 04 Deng Xiaoping and Yang Shangkun firmly promoted reform and opening up

Pictured| Yang Shangkun with Chairman Mao

At 1:17 a.m. on September 14, 1998, it was a sad moment when Yang Shangkun, a great statesman, proletarian revolutionary, military figure, and important leader of the Party and the state, passed away at the age of 92.

When the news of Yang Shangkun's death came, many people spontaneously came to mourn. In a heavy mourning, people bowed in tribute to his remains. One eulogy poem after another, a pair of pairs of elegance, affectionately express people's deep respect and remembrance for Yang Shangkun.

History will not forget Yang Shangkun, nor will it forget Deng Xiaoping!

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