
Inheriting the Red Family Style, Cultivating the Feelings of the Family and the Country - The Article "Xi Zhongxun's Family Style" has aroused a warm response in the Red Revolution family

author:Women's Voices of the All-China Women's Federation

Comprehensively and strictly administering the party requires the guidance of an ideological beacon, and the construction of leading cadres' family style cannot be separated from the core pilot. On October 15, the "Learning Times" published an article on the front page of "Xi Zhongxun's Family Style", and many descendants of the Red Revolution said that after reading the article, they were deeply encouraged and agreed that "the foundation of the world is in the country, the foundation of the country is at home", the family is the basic cell of society, and the future and destiny of the family are closely linked to the future and destiny of the country and the nation. Comrade Xi Zhongxun's family style is an example for thousands of families to learn from, and it is also a model for thousands of communists. It is necessary to vigorously carry forward and inherit the red family style, attach importance to the construction of family civilization, and make thousands of families an important base point for national development, national progress, and social harmony.

Inheriting the Red Family Style, Cultivating the Feelings of the Family and the Country - The Article "Xi Zhongxun's Family Style" has aroused a warm response in the Red Revolution family

Loyalty to the party is a political character that leads the good family style of society

The article "Xi Zhongxun's Family Style" mentions loyalty to the party, concern for the people, the supremacy of the party, and the supremacy of the people, which is the most distinctive political character and characteristic of Xi Zhongxun's family style.

"From the article "Xi Zhongxun's Family Style", I saw the inheritance of the Xi family's family style, and Comrade Xi Zhongxun has always maintained the feeling of loyalty to the party and the people in both good times and bad times." Liu Songbai, daughter of the old Red Army Liu Type, said.

"After carefully reading the article "Xi Zhongxun's Family Style" published in the "Learning Times", I deeply felt the source of General Secretary Xi Jinping's wholehearted concern for the people, love for the people, for the people, and for the people. Looking back at the glorious course since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the supremacy of the people is the most distinctive value orientation of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core.

All this is inseparable from the family environment in which he grew up, and it is precisely because of the long-term influence and influence of good family style and tutoring that General Secretary Xi Jinping has the feelings of serving the people as a leader of a big country. Li Jiansheng, the grandson of Li Dazhao, one of the main founders of the Communist Party of China, said that to cultivate a good family style, it is necessary to be honest and honest, not to seek private interests, to adhere to the party for the public, to govern for the people, to practice the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and to promote the formation of a new trend of socialist family civilization in which the country loves the country and the family, loves each other, is upward and good, and is jointly built and shared.

In Li Jiansheng's view, Xi Zhongxun's family style fully demonstrates the feelings of the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation who love the party and the country and are loyal to their ideals, the clean and honest nature of strictly observing discipline and honesty in performing official duties, and the red family style of being hardworking, simple, industrious, and thrifty.

"Loyalty to the party and the people is the political pursuit of communists throughout their lives, and the life of Grandpa Li Dazhao is a life of loyalty to the party and love for the people, and deep feelings and absolute loyalty to the party have become an important part of the Li family style." Li Jiansheng said: No matter how much the times have changed and no matter how much the pattern of life has changed, we must inherit and carry forward the red family style, draw spiritual nourishment from the older generation of revolutionaries, and strive to contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the need to "pay attention to the family, pay attention to tutoring, and pay attention to family style", and in the construction of family tutoring and family style, loyalty to the party has been included, which embodies a clear political orientation and puts forward lofty political character requirements.

"Xi Zhongxun's family style is the benchmark of our party style, government style, people's style and social style. The original intention of communists is to seek happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation. Generation after generation of communists have not forgotten their original intentions, kept their mission firmly in mind, adhered to the good family style, and led the people of the whole country to a prosperous and strong life. Wang Taihe, the son of founding major general Wang Yaonan, said that from the moment he joined the party, his father told him to love the party and the people, strengthen his ideals and convictions, pass on the blood of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, and let our party flag never change color.

Wang Taihe said that it is necessary to bear in mind the entrustment of his fathers, practice the mission of party members, not for the sake of fame, not for profit, and only for the people and the nation. It is necessary to inherit this glorious tradition from generation to generation, let the red gene firmly take root in the land of China, and let loyalty to the party become an important cornerstone of leading the good family style of society.

Character education is an important cornerstone for consolidating family education

"Ten thousand tall buildings rise from the ground, and the beginning of a century-old tree family." In the current pluralistic society, how to effectively carry out family education? Many interviewees said that the family is the first lesson in life, which plays a vital role in the healthy growth of people and the formation of ideological character and values. To attach importance to family education, parents should start from themselves and lead by example.

"The family style and family training of 'loyalty to the people, strict self-discipline, diligence and thrift, low-key humility, tenacity, sincerity and frankness, unity and upward mobility, benevolence and reverence, and filial piety of fathers and sons' mentioned in 'Xi Zhongxun's Family Style' fully demonstrates the traditional family virtues of the Chinese nation and is a model for every family to do a good job in family education." Zhu Xiaoqiu, daughter of founding general Zhu Liangcai, said that she grew up in a revolutionary family and heard the words and deeds of her parents. Nowadays, as a mother, she must shoulder the responsibility of raising moral students and educating her children, so that they can develop in an all-round way in terms of morality, intellectual, physical and aesthetic work, and be the builders and demonstrators of the family classroom.

"The family is not only the place where a person's life starts, but also the place where a person's dream sets sail, and the majority of families should combine love for the party with patriotism, and integrate their lofty ideals into the Chinese dream." Ren Yuanfang, daughter of the proletarian revolutionary Ren Bishi, said in light of her own personal experience that her father Ren Bishi died earlier, and her mother's education deeply affected her life.

Ren Yuanfang said that it is necessary to give full play to the unique role of good women in family education, help children buckle the first button of life, and moral education is the core and soul of family education, the majority of parents lead by example, teach by example, promote the cultivation of children's good moral character and behavior habits, and support a good social atmosphere with a good family style.

"What makes me feel most deeply in 'Xi Zhongxun's Family Style' is that good home style tutoring benefits people for life, the family is the child's first classroom, and the parents are the child's first teacher. Now that I am also a mother, I must realize that I am good at teaching my children to pursue truth, goodness and beauty from small things, and teaching my children the 'first lesson of life'. Peng Jie, granddaughter of the martyr Peng Pan and daughter of Peng Shilu, the first chief designer of China's nuclear submarines, said that in family education, parents should always and everywhere set an example for their children, educate children with correct actions, correct thoughts and correct methods, guide children to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, promote their healthy growth, and contribute to national development and national rejuvenation.

Let the soul of "red" be rooted in the construction of family style

General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a series of important expositions around the emphasis on family, family education, and the construction of family style, emphasizing that leading cadres at all levels should take the lead in grasping family style, inherit and carry forward the red family style of revolutionary predecessors, learn from Comrades Jiao Yulu, Gu Wenchang, Yang Shanzhou, and other comrades, and set an example in the construction of family style.

The "red" of the red family style is the color of the revolution and the background color of the communists. The red family style is the continuation and inheritance of the revolutionary spirit, how to deeply understand and grasp the "red" soul of the older generation of communists' family style construction, and pass it on well in the new era?

In the view of Chen Renkang, the son of Chen Shiyu, the founding general of the people, the red family style contains the spiritual character of the communists and is integrated into the essence of the excellent cultural traditions of the Chinese nation; to vigorously carry forward and inherit the red family style around the construction of socialist civilization, it is necessary to embody the communists' pursuit of truth and personality strength in the family teaching, family rules, and family training, integrate the small family into everyone, and let the soul of "red" be rooted in the construction of family style.

"Xi Zhongxun's family style has become a model of family style praised by the whole party and society, and the older generation of revolutionaries have infected future generations with firm ideals and convictions and lofty personality. Today, we are living in a happy new era, as the descendants of the revolution, we must keep in mind the original intention and mission of the communists, consciously inherit the red gene, and let the red family style be passed on from generation to generation. Chen Renkang said.

"After conscientiously studying the article 'Xi Zhongxun's Family Style', the article was fresh and simple, and according to the facts, Comrade Xi Zhongxun was silent about his children's education, and used stories of traditional Chinese virtues to explain reasoning, which was impressive and deeply educated." Xiao Nanxi, daughter of Founding Major General Xiao Feng, said that actively carrying forward the red family style is an unshirkable responsibility as a descendant of the revolution. Since 2009, some descendants of the founding fathers and revolutionary martyrs have held lectures at the Jiangxi Cadre College to talk with the trainees about the original heart and family style. "Although most of us have retired from our jobs, our mission has always been there, we have been preaching all over the country, sending the red spirit and red family style to communities, enterprises and institutions, and schools, and at the same time organizing red family style telling activities with the local women's federation, so that the red gene is rooted in the grassroots, educating and guiding people to consciously assume family responsibilities, be an example of family style construction, and implement self-cultivation and family cultivation."

Huang Xu, the son of the founding general Huang Kecheng, said that the ancients said, "Self-cultivation, family unity, governance of the country, and peace in the world." In the glorious years when the Chinese Communists were constantly "catching up with the examinations," the older generation of revolutionaries were diligent and thrifty, and their fine and mellow family style always encouraged future generations to look up to them and discipline themselves. Today, in the new era and new journey, it is even more necessary to maintain a good political ecology, cultivate a clean work style with a good family style, promote an excellent party style, and nurture a good political style, so as to inject a steady stream of vitality into the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

"If the family style is good, the party style is correct, and a good family style can promote a good social atmosphere; if the family style is good, the country will prosper, and if the family style is good, the patriotic spirit of the whole people will be enhanced; if the family style is good, the nation will be prosperous, and a good family style can enhance the cohesion of the nation." Zhang Feng, the nephew and grandson of Founding Marshal Peng Dehuai, said that it is necessary to inherit and continue the good family style and good work style of the revolutionary predecessors, consciously carry forward the ideas of patriotism, collectivism, and socialism, actively advocate social morality, professional ethics, and family virtues, and strive to cultivate and practice the core socialist values, so as to cultivate a good family style, purify the party style and government style, lead the social atmosphere, and promote the whole society to realize the dream of family happiness and build the great Chinese dream together.

Source/China Women's Daily

Author/China Women's Daily all-media reporter Chen Shu

Editor/Liao Yunqing

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