
Xi Zhongxun's family style

Source: Learning Times

Xi Zhongxun's family style

Xi Zhongxun and Xi Jinping were in Hainan in 1978

Xi Zhongxun's family style

Xi Zhongxun (right) with Xi Jinping (left) and Xi Yuanping in 1958

Xi Zhongxun's family style

In August 1978, Xi Zhongxun (third from left) conducted research in the countryside of Huiyang, Guangdong Province. Xi Jinping (first from left), who studied at Tsinghua University, used his summer vacation to participate in social practice and went to the countryside with his father

Xi Zhongxun's family style

Xi Zhongxun and Xi Jinping's family. From left in the front row: Peng Liyuan, Xi Mingze, Xi Zhongxun, and the person pushing the wheelchair is Xi Jinping

On October 15, 2001, Xi Jinping, then governor of Fujian Province, wrote a heartfelt and righteous "Letter of Worship" to Xi Zhongxun, the father of the 88-year-old "Mishou". Xi Jinping's mother said in unison: "This letter is not only an expression of the true feelings of Jinping himself and on behalf of his children towards his father, but also a vow by a revolutionary descendant to inherit the spirit of his ancestors." In this letter, Xi Jinping wrote with deep feeling: "We have developed the habit of thrift and thrift since we were young under the education of our father. This is a family style of exemplary old Bolsheviks and Communists. Such a good family style should be passed down from generation to generation. ”

The "such a good family style" mentioned by Xi Jinping is worth thinking, summarizing, studying and inheriting, which not only infiltrates the excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also marks the party spirit principles and political branding unique to "old Bolsheviks and communists"; it not only upholds the attitude generally held by the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation on the issues of family, children, fame and fortune, and power, but also has the unique personality characteristics of the Xi family represented by Xi Zhongxun. Such a good family style has undoubtedly been edifying, nurturing and influencing Xi Jinping's attitude, value orientation and style of life. Combing and exploring Xi Zhongxun's family style is not only an important perspective for studying and studying General Secretary Xi Jinping's ideological character, spiritual demeanor, ruling philosophy, leadership style, and principle of dealing with the world, but also has special enlightenment and practical significance for educating and guiding the majority of party members and cadres, especially leading cadres at all levels, to strictly teach, strictly enforce family rules, and serious family style, to really manage relatives, prevent and overcome all kinds of "pillow winds", "nepotism", "inner qi", "family diseases", etc., so as to "cultivate oneself and rule the country and the world".

Here, the following combing and summarizing of Xi Zhongxun's family style and characteristics are made.

The first is to be loyal to the people. As an old Bolshevik and a staunch Communist, Xi Zhongxun's most distinctive characteristics are two, one is Mao Zedong's inscription for him, "The interests of the party come first"; the other is Mao Zedong's evaluation of him: "a mass leader who has come out of the masses." These two points undoubtedly highlight Xi Zhongxun's political character and value pursuit. Xi Yuanping wrote in the article "Father's Past": "After 16 years of wrongs, why my father was able to face it fearlessly every day is because in his heart, the people are supreme, the party is supreme, and fighting and fighting for the party and the people is the supreme happiness in his heart." "In the unjust prison, my father's faith in the people and the party has never wavered in the slightest, and he has always been ready to continue to work for the dear people and the beloved party." Qi Xin wrote in the article "Remembrance of Zhongxun" that Xi Zhongxun once repeatedly said, "Be loyal to the party and don't tell lies." When Xi Zhongxun called his wife on the 55th wedding anniversary, he was most proud and heaviest in his evaluation of his wife, "You are loyal to the party and the people, and you have done a lot of work for the revolution in your life", and also asked his wife to "record the contents of this call, tell the children, and let them understand the reason." He said to his daughter, who was with him, "Your mother is an excellent Communist Party member!" This is the pursuit of political character and values that a staunch communist values most. It is a piece of absolute sincerity to the party and a deep affection for the people. Qi Xin recalled that Xi Zhongxun often said: "Without the support of the masses, there would be no everything we have." "'I am the son of a farmer,' is a phrase he often says at home." He also sighed: "Jiangshan is the people, and the people are Jiangshan!" Xi Yuanping also recalled that when Xi Zhongxun "exiled" to work in the Luoyang Refractory Factory, there was a "habit" of bathing with the workers and masters, and "my father was the happiest at that time." In the view of his son Xi Yuanping, "the father's bathing 'habit' is actually the 'habit' of 'soaking' with the people, and it is the 'habit' of meeting with the people frankly and communicating without hindrance." Being particularly close to the common people is a unique sentiment in Xi Zhongxun's family style. We can read from Xi Jinping's "letter of worship" to his father that his "five studies" father's noble qualities, of which "two studies" are "learning from his father's persistent pursuit of faith" and "learning from his father's pure feelings", and this also inspires Xi Jinping to "devote his life's energy to the cause of serving the people". It can be seen from this that always being loyal to the party and caring for the people, the supremacy of the party and the supremacy of the people are the most distinctive political character and characteristics of Xi Zhongxun's family style.

The second is strict self-discipline. Xi Zhongxun's strict tutoring is well known, and he always influences his family with his words and deeds. Qi Xin recalled: "Perhaps it is because Zhongxun loves his children in his heart, so he attaches special importance to strict requirements and education of his children. In order to let his children develop independent living habits from an early age, Xi Zhongxun let the four brothers and sisters of Qiaoqiao boarding and attending school at Bayi Primary School. Every weekend, the four of them took a bus home, and Xi Zhongxun never picked them up in his own car. When his daughter Qiaoqiao took the middle school, she was 0.5 points away from the admission score line of 101 Middle School, and at that time, 101 Middle School also said that it could be accepted, but he did not let his daughter specialize into 101 Middle School, but went to the second choice of Hebei Beijing Middle School, and also let her daughter continue to live in the school, change her mother's surname, and change her family background from revolutionary cadres to employees. Her daughter, Qianping, graduated from the China Foreign Affairs Academy before the Cultural Revolution and was assigned to work for the International Business Daily. In 1983, Wang Guangying prepared to build Everbright Company and intended to transfer her to work. After Xi Zhongxun heard about it, he refused Wang Guangying's kindness in person, and said: "Your Everbright company is famous and everyone is watching, other people's children can go, but my children can't go!" Xi Zhongxun and Qi Xin often encourage their children to read more, study more, and contribute to the people, and every time they have to put forward new requirements, and the requirements are getting higher and higher. Once, in front of his children, he said to them, "The little things in the family cannot affect the work." After hearing this, Xi Zhongxun said sternly: "Big things can't affect work!" "The Xi family is strict with their children in big and small things, and reminds them to pay attention to maintaining good traditions at any time. When Xi Jinping was the governor of Fujian Province, he wrote to him in accordance with the rules of his family, and told him to be more strict with himself. Xi Zhongxun did this to his children, and he did the same to his wife. Qi Xin once told a story: in May 1947, the organization arranged for her to accompany the condolence group to Anse to attend the Zhujie Conference, and by the way, she could also meet with her husband and see him, but who thought that after meeting Xi Zhongxun was very angry, and severely criticized her in front of everyone: "What are you here for!" "I think she shouldn't come, the impact is too bad." Qi Xin and Xi Zhongxun have been together for 58 years, once gathering less and leaving more, but never considered using her husband's authority and influence to "change jobs and be closer to home", as Qi Xin said: "You have not thought of using the power in your hands to help me change to a unit closer to home." Even she "has never been abroad, not even Hong Kong and Macao, the farthest is only to Shenzhen Sha Tau Kok." "This strict self-disciplined family style infiltrates the hearts of the family and is deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone." When Mr. Xi took up leadership positions, he held a special family meeting and asked other children not to engage in business activities in the fields where he worked. Influenced by his parents, Xi Jinping adheres to the family style and is very strict with his family. After he became a leading cadre, every time he went to work, he would warn his relatives and friends, "You can't engage in any commercial activities in the place where I work, and you can't do anything under my banner, otherwise don't blame my six relatives for not recognizing." Whether he works in Fujian, Zhejiang or Shanghai, he has publicly and solemnly stated at the cadre meeting that no one is allowed to play his banner for personal gain, and welcomes supervision. When working in the local area, every time his wife came to him, he never spoke quietly, and many occasions where he could go with his wife did not allow his wife to participate, saying: "Bring your wife all day, others will gossip, the impact is not good." "Not engaging in special, not playing with privileges, and not seeking to enjoy is the true embodiment of this style of strict self-discipline and self-denial and self-denial, and is a vivid portrayal of the hard family style that people have been able to stand before and after.

The third is thrift and thrift. Diligence and thrift have always been the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, "success is caused by thriftiness, failure by luxury", this is the unchangeable family motto of the old ancestors from generation to generation. Qi Xin once summed it up very clearly and unambiguously in his reminiscences: "Under the influence of Zhongxun, thrift and thrift have become our family style. As early as the 1950s and early 1960s, Xi Zhongxun often told his children to live frugally and not spend money indiscriminately. Daughter Qiaoqiao also recalled that when eating, her father often picked up the rice grains and steamed bread residue they dropped on the table and ate them, and finally used the steamed buns to dip the soup in the dish. Once, Qiaoqiao accidentally knocked over the soup bowl, And Xi Zhongxun didn't say anything, leaning over and sucking the soup spilled on the table clean. Eat like this, and dress it like this. Qi Xin recalled: "Our two sons have been wearing their sister's remaining clothes or red cloth shoes since childhood, and I remember when Jinping was reluctant to wear girls' shoes because of the jokes of his classmates, but Zhongxun said to him, 'Dye and wear the same'. "Dye the flower shoes and clothes black with black ink and let him wear them." "At that time, our children were the most simple everywhere they went. During the Tiananmen Square ceremony, people saw a group of children dressed in patched patches and patches and asked: Whose children are these children? Some familiar people said that who else could wear such a broken dress, Xi Zhongxun's. The Xi family's frugality is so famous that when the State Council organs held activities, some people said: "Look at which child dresses the most plainly, it must be Vice Premier Xi's family." "Xi Zhongxun not only educates his children in this way, but also influences his wife in this way. According to Qi Xin's recollection, in the late 1950s, when attending a party, Qi Xin heard someone behind her talking: "How is Vice Premier Xi's wife dressed so dirty!" Qi Xin listened, and there was an unspeakable taste in his heart, and when he returned home, he said to Xi Zhongxun, who smiled and said: "Soil is better than Yang!" "This is a realm of thrift as happiness, as virtue and even as wealth, and it is an extension of the spirit of hardship and simplicity and the style of hard work and simplicity in living at home. When Xi Jinping wrote to his father in his "birthday letter", he said of "learning from his father's frugal life": "My father's frugality is almost harsh. "From an early age, under the education of our father, we developed the habit of thrifty family management." The home wind is like spring rain, and the moisturizer is silent. When Xi Jinping went from the General Office of the Central Military Commission to Zhengding County, Hebei Province, he was dressed in an old military uniform, and the bed was covered with an old mattress full of patches made for him by his mother, and he slept in the office for more than 3 years. After becoming the general secretary of the party, Xi Jinping still maintained an "unobtrusive" civilian style in his life. He ate "home-cooked food", tasted "civilian cuisine", and opposed "waste on the tip of the tongue"; he wore "ordinary clothes" and was simple and unpretentious; he went out to investigate and live in "ordinary houses", and he was obedient and obedient, opposing ultra-standard reception; and so on. These are all kinds of self-consciousness and habits formed by the cultivation of thrift and thrift for a long time. This is the most authentic feature of Xi Zhongxun's family style.

The fourth is low-key humility. Low-key humility is a kind of cultivation like a breeze, a pattern that can be taken down, and a realm that can be seen clearly and thought through. When Qi Xin and Xi Zhongxun met, Xi Zhongxun was already an "old revolutionary" who had experienced hundreds of battles and served as chairman of the Soviet government of the Shaanxi-Gansu Border Region at the age of 21, but he only lightly told Qi Xin that he was "the youngest of the main founders of the Shaanxi-Gansu Border Base Area." Xi Zhongxun said to his children many times in his last days: "I have not left you any wealth, but I have left you a good reputation!" This sentence "good reputation", it sounds simple, but it is difficult to buy, how low-key it is expressed. This also confirms what Xi Jinping said in his "Letter of Worship", "My father's life is full of legends, he has made contributions to the party and the people, and my generation is compared with my father" and "I am ashamed". "What moved us even more was that my father never took credit, never showed it, and regarded his brilliant achievements as a smoke cloud." This is the style of a person who has become a great thing, and it is always worth learning and emulating from my generation. "Keeping a low profile is what my father always asks for." Look at the reason why Xi Zhongxun did not let his daughter Qianping go to Everbright Company, as he himself said, as long as people have talent, they can play a role anywhere, afraid that you have no ability, Xi Zhongxun's daughter will have to "be a person with her tail between her legs." "Being a man with your tail between your legs" is not only the inheritance of traditional virtues, but also the "red" nature that the descendants of the revolution should have, and the best posture for low-key people. Xi Yuanping fondly recalled in the article "Father's Past": his father held the text of "Kong Rong Let Pear" more than once, "Read this lesson to me, hold my hand, and teach me this lesson." Humility is one of the most important life lessons taught to me by my father", "After entering the society, I finally understood that my father let me cultivate the habit of humility since I was a child" and "benefited a lot". The low-key person is humble, the humble person is low-key, "humble benefits, full of losses", gentle and frugal, this is a thousand-year-old precept, but also an important element in the Xi family style.

Fifth, perseverance. "Fight for a lifetime, be happy for a lifetime, struggle every day, be happy every day." This is Xi Zhongxun's summary of his life in his later years, and it is also a true portrayal of his brilliant life. Xi Yuanping recalled: "In my mind, my father was a great hero. When he was 13 years old, when he was in junior high school, his father entered the Kuomintang Shaanxi Provincial Prison for participating in progressive activities. In 1962, he was framed by Kang Sheng for his novel "Liu Zhidan" and suffered 16 years of injustice, including 7 and a half years of unjust imprisonment during the Cultural Revolution. "In 16 years, with a tenacious and indomitable will and perseverance, he faced injustice and endured blows. After 16 years of injustice, "it is still a strong spirit." After all, Xi Zhongxun is a person who has experienced major setbacks and storms, and has experienced the joys and sorrows and ups and downs of the world on the road of life. Especially during the Cultural Revolution, Xi Zhongxun "did not fear power, not only insisted on the truth himself, but also clarified the facts for other comrades who were affected by the strain, highlighting his strong and indomitable character." With a strength that is difficult for ordinary people to reach, he endured the pain of his heart, and faced reality and the future with tenacity, "a hero in a lifetime, a bumpy life". This tenacious will must be transmitted to everyone in the family. For a long time, the father was overthrown and persecuted, the mother was implicated, the children were also beaten into "gangsters", and the 3 older children went to the construction corps to work or the production team to join the family before they were young, but they all withstood the test and tribulation. As Qi Xin said, "This period of time can be said to be a severe test for me and my children, and thankfully, our whole family is very strong." Thousands of grinding blows are still strong, and Ren'er's east, west, south and north winds are strong. In 2003, Xi Jinping wrote in his self-description included in the "Fujian Doctor's Style" series: "I have written ten applications to join the party, but due to family reasons, none of them have been approved. However, "those who have established great things in the ancient world will not only have supernatural talents, but also have the will to persevere." The persistence and tenacity that Xi Jinping was influenced by his father's perseverance, the will that he himself said, "I don't believe in evil in anything, I can deal with things without being alarmed, and I can overcome difficulties" has allowed him to withstand various tests. Perseverance is a spiritual quality that has been specially tried and honed in the Xi Zhongxun family style.

Sixth, be sincere and frank. The selfless are sincere, and the fearless are frank. All selfless and fearless people have the world, the homeland, and others in their hearts; all sincere and frank people have a broad mind and great tolerance. Xi Yuanping recalled in "Father's Past": "When we were young, our father taught us that we should do the thing of 'sending charcoal in the snow' to people. He also wrote to the children more than once: 'Send charcoal in the snow but I wish'. The feeling of 'sending charcoal in the snow' not only runs through his own life, but also sets a lifelong standard for our children from an early age. Xi Zhongxun once summed himself up with great satisfaction: "I am a person, I have never been a whole person in my life." Not only did you not straighten out the people, as Qi Xin said to Xi Zhongxun, but even "you don't even remember the names of the people who examined you", "You not only did not blame the young Red Guards generals, but excused them: they are young and naïve, they do not know much about revolutionary reasoning, they are easily deceived by their enthusiasm, and they cannot be blamed." You don't care about the people who expose the problem on the spot, but later help them solve the difficult problem. From here, we can see that being a real person and not harming people, "sending charcoal in the snow" and "not rectifying people" is the deepest and most vivid interpretation of Xi Zhongxun's sincere and frank character, and it is also the standard and benchmark set by Xi Zhongxun for his children. Xi Jinping's "Birthday Letter" to his father began by mentioning learning from his father: "Because you are frank and loyal. You have taught me that you have not been whole in your life and have insisted on the truth and not telling lies, and have been consistent. "It is precisely because of the family style that it is not difficult for us to understand Xi Jinping's sincere style of treating people all along." The story of his interaction with Jia Dashan, a scholar when he was the secretary of the county party committee in Zhengding, because of sincerity, the two often talked on their knees until late at night until dawn, and harvested a lifetime of friendship, and because of sincerity, they could let Jia Dashan, who was indifferent to fame and fortune, "come out of the mountain". It is precisely because of this family style that it is not difficult for us to understand Xi Jinping's style of being an official. When he was the secretary of the prefectural party committee in Ningde, he vigorously investigated the problem of cadres building private houses in violation of the law, and resolutely dealt with a number of cadres who violated discipline. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he has been practicing discipline and discipline, playing "tigers" and shooting "flies", and he is even more upright, tough in style, selfless in iron face, and open-minded.

Seventh, unity and upward mobility. Understanding unity is really smart, and being able to unite is really skilled. Unity is both a kind of ability and level, but also a kind of cultivation and realm. Xi Jinping once recalled: "In terms of unity, I have been influenced by my family since I was a child. My father often told me the truth of unity, asking us to be people who talk about unity and are good at unity from a young age, 'do not do to others what you do not want,' 'give convenience to others, make yourself convenient', in his words, that is, do everything not only to consider whether you want to or not, but also to consider whether others are willing or not, because you live in the crowd, everything is based on yourself, it is not OKAY. "Uniting the masses in the broadest possible way, uniting the majority, has become a tradition that the Xi family has inherited. No matter where Xi Jinping is or what leadership position he is in, he particularly emphasizes and practices the "unity card", relying on the strength of "everyone collecting firewood" and "three stinky cobblers" to concentrate everyone's wisdom to do a good job. Only by uniting well can we study and work well. The character that Xi Zhongxun has always strongly advocated and respected among his children is to work well, study well, and improve every day. "In the days when I was with Zhongxun, he taught me to 'work well, study well, and take care of everything.'" When I was younger, I couldn't fully understand these three sentences, and sometimes I even felt too abstract. As I entered my later years, I deeply understood the meaning of these words and took them as my motto. Although these three sentences are simple and simple, the essence of what they contain is that they require everyone in the family to put work and study first, do it well, and form a family style of "studying well and improving every day". Xi Zhongxun once said to his family, children, relatives and friends: "Still put work first, focus on national affairs", "Serving the people is the greatest filial piety to parents". Unity and upward mobility is a beautiful image in Xi Zhongxun's family style and a spiritual outlook.

Eighth, benevolence and reverence for goodness. "Benevolent people love people", benevolence is an important element of the Chinese national spirit, with "benevolence" as the foundation, "lovers" as the foundation, "loving people with a heart of love is benevolent". Being a good person, doing good deeds, and treating people with great benevolence and love is a major feature of Xi Zhongxun's life in the world. Qi Xin recalled that after Zhongxun "resumed" his work, his former comrades-in-arms, colleagues, and comrades at the grass-roots level squeezed out time to warmly receive them whenever they arrived in Beijing or Guangdong, and those who had economic difficulties, especially those from the old areas who had contributed to the revolution, also helped them buy tickets and send them to the bus, and gave them the necessary subsidies. Being a good person and doing good deeds, the family style of benevolence and reverence for goodness has deeply influenced Xi Jinping and has left a deep imprint on his words and deeds. Yu Huiyu, who was Xi Zhongxun's secretary, recalled: "In aunt Qi Xin's view, Jinping was particularly like his father, and some things were done in the same way as Xi Lao. Qiaoqiao also once said that Xi Jinping once said a past, that is, Xi Jinping from the Central Military Commission himself asked to work in Zhengding, shortly after traveling on a business trip, met a pair of little sisters who were very worn and very young, because they were looking for their father but really did not have money to buy tickets and escaped tickets, they took the initiative to pay for them to make up for the tickets, when the two little sisters came to the door to pay back the money, Xi Jinping not only did not ask them to pay back the ticket money, but also gave them some money to let them go home. After listening to it together, he said with emotion: This is really the same as father and son. Qi Xin also said one thing: "Once, I sat with him watching TV, which was a documentary about a peasant in the mountains who was unfairly dealt with by the judicial department of a certain place and went around making a complaint. After reading it, Jinping sighed: The people are not easy! From his sigh, I could feel that this child had not changed, his heart was still so good, and he could take the affairs of the people in his heart. This is exactly the embodiment of Xi Jinping's concept of "walking with the good, having a long life in mind, and loving boundlessly". Such a family style is everywhere and all the time, for example, cooking sauerkraut pork to entertain two peasant friends in northern Shaanxi who met when they were young people in Liangjiahe; not forgetting the teacher's kindness, during the local work, the New Year will send greetings and blessings to the teacher. It is not difficult to understand that he has done this one after another that makes people warm and touching.

The ninth is the father's kindness and filial piety. Fatherly kindness and filial piety are the most beautiful family style and the warmest picture. We can see this warm and harmonious scene again and again from the recall article: Comrade Zhongxun loves his daughter very much, and often holds the bridge under the moon in his arms after work, and remembers once, when he did not pay attention to the child, he peed on him, seeing this, I was embarrassed and overwhelmed, but Zhongxun smiled and said: 'The does not stink, the does not stink'. "Since the birth of the bridge, whenever there is a slight gap in Zhongxun's work, he will take his daughter to see, and sometimes he will personally take pictures of the child." Qi Xin said: "Looking at my daughter's childish little face, I saw Zhongxun's face showing a fatherly smile. He "sometimes bathes and washes his four children", which he regards as a joy, especially when the children wrestle with him, Zhongxun is always very happy, because "playing with the children is the most pleasant". Qiaoqiao once fondly recalled, "On Sundays, as long as my father is free, he will always accompany us to play for a while, and we will play hide-and-seek, eagle hunting, throwing handkerchiefs and other games together." My sister and I jumped rubber bands, one tied to a tree and the other led by my father, who looked at us with a smile and a squint, and he patiently never let go. That kind of licking feeling, I think of it myself is still warm. My brothers also played a game of 'horseback riding' with my father, who was lying on the ground and letting them ride on their backs and drive them under the table. Sometimes he and we really 'mingled', and on the carpet, we 'attacked' him, and he flipped all four of us over and piled them together from the big to the small. Whenever we take a bath, the yard is a 'chase war', we deliberately run away without washing, my father chases the yard with a long bamboo pole that supports the curtain, until he pushes us into the bathtub one by one... At that time, the courtyard was full of laughter and screams. Between the lines of this word and outside the words, the image of a loving father who licks the calf jumps out vividly and vividly, which is very graphic. According to Qi Xin, "When someone praised Zhongxun as a good father, Zhongxun smiled triumphantly and said, 'I am not only a good father, but also a good husband.'" "He has always supported his wife's work and study, and never asked her to sacrifice her personal work to take care of the family full-time, which is the greatest love." Xi Jinping lamented in the "Baishou Letter" that you "love your parents, wife, children." You influence the people around you with your broad love." Yu Huiyu recalled: "When Xi Jinping was the governor of Fujian Province, when he went home to see Elder Xi, he was always on the side of Bi Gongbijing, and he would not sit down until Elder Xi spoke. "All of this has a deep impact on Xi Jinping. Therefore, we can naturally see the scene of Xi Jinping pushing his father in a wheelchair slowly walking and holding his old mother's money; it is natural to see Xi Jinping holding an umbrella for his wife on the plane gangway, walking out of the gangway arm in arm, reaching out to help his wife when boarding the China Xuelong scientific research ship, and feeling his thoughtfulness and care for his wife; you can understand why when he works in the local area, as long as conditions permit, he will call every day to greet his wife who lives in two places, no matter how late, and rest at ease after mutual safety You can see him riding a bicycle carrying a young child; and so on. Peng Liyuan once said with emotion, looking at the way he and his daughter are happy together, how can I not like it? As soon as the daughter and her father were, they behaved like obedient cats. "I think he's the most competent husband in the minds of all women and the most competent father in the minds of their daughters." Father's kindness and filial piety is a simple and touching scenery in Xi Zhongxun's family style.

Family style is a kind of value concept and behavior habit formed by a family member who hears each other, imperceptibly and stirs up, including spiritual outlook, moral character, aesthetic style and overall temperament, etc. A sentence, a story, a memory, are the carriers of family style. Among them, parents play a pivotal role in the family style. In a certain sense, what kind of family style determines how far his family can go, how stable he can travel, and how high he can fly; what kind of family style often affects what kind of outlook on life, values, and fame and fortune his family has. If you want to rule the country first, you must first rule the family. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the 2015 Spring Festival group visit: "The family is the basic cell of society and the first school of life. He particularly stressed that "we must attach importance to family building, pay attention to the family, pay attention to tutoring, and pay attention to family style", and "make thousands of families an important base point for national development, national progress and social harmony." When meeting with the representatives of the first national civilized family, he once again stressed that "family style is an important part of social atmosphere. The family is not only the dwelling place of people's bodies, but also the home of people's hearts. If the family style is good, the family road will be prosperous and harmonious; if the family style is poor, it will inevitably harm the children and grandchildren and harm the society. "I hope that everyone will pay attention to the family, pay attention to tutoring, and pay attention to family style."

Xi Zhongxun's family style is a mirror, a benchmark and a teaching material, which inspires and educates the vast number of cadres, especially leading cadres at all levels, to look out and introspect, truly build the family into a healthy cell with good tutoring, strict family rules, positive family style and strong family flavor, so that the common ideals, interests, qualities, personality, and beliefs of upward goodness will become the norm in the family, and will be passed down from generation to generation.

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