
One meat and one vegetarian two flavors, leek bun filling preparation method, delicious and delicious! The preparation method of leek pork stuffing leek vegetarian filling: before adjusting the filling, the noodles should be reconciled

author:Cuckoo Sister Food Diary

Hello everyone! I'm Sister Cuckoo.

Pasta made with leek stuffing, whether it is bun buns or dumplings, whether it is meat stuffing or vegetarian stuffing, is always tireless!

The following is a method of mixing leek fillings with one meat and one vegetarian flavor, and share them together.

One meat and one vegetarian two flavors, leek bun filling preparation method, delicious and delicious! The preparation method of leek pork stuffing leek vegetarian filling: before adjusting the filling, the noodles should be reconciled

Ingredients required:

Leeks, pork, fungus, green onion, ginger

Salt, cooking wine, soy sauce, thirteen spices, sugar, cooked oil, sesame oil

1. Soak, wash and chop the fungus in advance.

Wash the leeks and control the moisture.

Cut the dried leeks into a basin, put in cool cooked oil and mix well to lock in the moisture in the leeks, and then it is not suitable for water when it encounters salt, and the nutrients are not lost.

One meat and one vegetarian two flavors, leek bun filling preparation method, delicious and delicious! The preparation method of leek pork stuffing leek vegetarian filling: before adjusting the filling, the noodles should be reconciled

2: Put the oil in the pot, add the pork and sauté until the color turns white, add the chopped green onion and ginger and stir-fry evenly.

Stir-fry the cooking wine, soy sauce, thirteen spices and sugar and set aside.

One meat and one vegetarian two flavors, leek bun filling preparation method, delicious and delicious! The preparation method of leek pork stuffing leek vegetarian filling: before adjusting the filling, the noodles should be reconciled

3, the stir-fried pork filling, chopped fungus are put into the leek pot, and then add a little oyster sauce and sesame oil to mix well, so that the pork leek filling is adjusted!

One meat and one vegetarian two flavors, leek bun filling preparation method, delicious and delicious! The preparation method of leek pork stuffing leek vegetarian filling: before adjusting the filling, the noodles should be reconciled
One meat and one vegetarian two flavors, leek bun filling preparation method, delicious and delicious! The preparation method of leek pork stuffing leek vegetarian filling: before adjusting the filling, the noodles should be reconciled

Leeks, eggs, vermicelli, shrimp skin

Salt, cooking wine, oyster sauce, cooked oil, sesame oil

1. Soak the vermicelli in boiling water in advance

One meat and one vegetarian two flavors, leek bun filling preparation method, delicious and delicious! The preparation method of leek pork stuffing leek vegetarian filling: before adjusting the filling, the noodles should be reconciled

Wash the leeks, dry them, chop them, put them in a basin, add cool cooked oil and mix well.

One meat and one vegetarian two flavors, leek bun filling preparation method, delicious and delicious! The preparation method of leek pork stuffing leek vegetarian filling: before adjusting the filling, the noodles should be reconciled

2: Whisk the eggs into a bowl, add a little salt and cooking wine and whisk into egg mixture.

Heat the oil and add the beaten egg mixture, sauté and crush.

One meat and one vegetarian two flavors, leek bun filling preparation method, delicious and delicious! The preparation method of leek pork stuffing leek vegetarian filling: before adjusting the filling, the noodles should be reconciled

3: Soak the chopped vermicelli and scrambled eggs in a leek bowl and add a handful of shrimp skin.

When mixing this filling, only a little salt, oyster sauce and sesame oil can be mixed well, and there is no need to add too much seasoning.

One meat and one vegetarian two flavors, leek bun filling preparation method, delicious and delicious! The preparation method of leek pork stuffing leek vegetarian filling: before adjusting the filling, the noodles should be reconciled

1: Add flour in a basin, add dried yeast, sugar (to promote fermentation), warm water and noodles.

While adding water, stir with chopsticks, stir into a flocculent shape, and then start a soft and moderately hard dough. Cover and ferment until twice as large.

【500 g flour, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 4 g yeast】

2: After the dough is done, knead the dough on the board to exhaust, add the agent, roll out the skin, and wrap the filling.

3: Cover with plastic wrap and wake up for 10 minutes.

Cool a pot on water, steam for 10 minutes, turn off heat and simmer for 3 minutes. Remove from the pan.

One meat and one vegetarian two flavors, leek bun filling preparation method, delicious and delicious! The preparation method of leek pork stuffing leek vegetarian filling: before adjusting the filling, the noodles should be reconciled

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