
Jiangsu net red plum blossom cake 3 square meters small shop sells 3,000 a day, making a pot sold out of a pot

author:Shuyang Express

Plum blossom cake is a very famous snack, has been handed down for thousands of years of history, the earliest can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty, to the Qing Dynasty has been carried forward into the most unique pastry snacks in the Jiangnan region, it is rumored that in the Qianlong day under the Jiangnan, after eating osmanthus cake after great appreciation, the entrance is melted, soft and slippery, than the taste of the mountains and treasures of the sea to eat are delicious, because the shape made resembles plum blossoms, it was named plum blossom cake, has been passed down to the present. There is an internet red shop in Jiangsu that inherits the essence of plum blossom cake, the plum blossom cake made is delicious, Jiangsu net red "plum blossom cake", 3 square store sells 3,000 a day, Qianlong also loves to eat!

Jiangsu net red plum blossom cake 3 square meters small shop sells 3,000 a day, making a pot sold out of a pot

Jiangsu Suzhou this net red plum blossom cake snack bar, the area is not large only about 3 square meters, in addition to the place where the production of plum blossom cake and stand people, can no longer stand people, it is such a snack bar energy is very huge, every day to buy a steady stream of people, without exception is to queue up to buy. They are all made and sold, and the pastries that are all hot and freshly baked are bought.

Jiangsu net red plum blossom cake 3 square meters small shop sells 3,000 a day, making a pot sold out of a pot

According to the owner, it has been 20 years since the sale of osmanthus cakes, and my grandfather has also made osmanthus cakes for a lifetime, but he has been a helper at someone else's house, and then to his grandfather's generation, he has begun to make and sell them himself, and has been doing it now. There are 2 pots of the most osmanthus cake in the shop, a pot can be made 19 at a time, the shop is full of people, basically not ready a pot to sell out of a pot, from morning to night is this state.

Jiangsu net red plum blossom cake 3 square meters small shop sells 3,000 a day, making a pot sold out of a pot

The mold to make osmanthus cake is very special, the shape is prismatic, the weight reaches 30 pounds is very heavy, the use of such a mold is less than a little bit, the advantage of thick abrasives is that heat rise and heat dissipation are slow, and the heat is uniform.

Jiangsu net red plum blossom cake 3 square meters small shop sells 3,000 a day, making a pot sold out of a pot

In fact, the process of making osmanthus cake is not complicated, pour the flour into the vat first, add the same amount of warm water, stir well and then let it sit for more than 4 hours to wake up, then add flour and warm water to continue to stir evenly, and then add soybean oil and alkali water to fully stir into a pulp and be ready. Osmanthus cake to adjust the batter this step is the most important, it takes time to accumulate experience to do well, know that the steps are far from doing this effect, the business is booming for a reason, to be prepared just right to make it soft and smooth taste good.

Brush a layer of oil on the mold to prevent the batter from sticking, then pour a layer of pulp, put in bean paste and other fillings after forming, then pour a layer of pulp on the surface to cover the filling, sprinkle sesame seeds, dates, dried grapes, and then drizzle with a circle of osmanthus tea, and after baking, complete a pot

Jiangsu net red plum blossom cake 3 square meters small shop sells 3,000 a day, making a pot sold out of a pot

In addition to making osmanthus cake, the snack bar also makes begonia cake, begonia cake and osmanthus cake is similar, that is, the filling is a little different, the same is the same food delicious!

Jiangsu net red plum blossom cake 3 square meters small shop sells 3,000 a day, making a pot sold out of a pot

Begonia cake on the surface of a layer of bean paste, also put a layer of bean paste, 2 kinds of pastries like people are more, usually buy people will buy a osmanthus cake and begonia cake at the same time.

Jiangsu net red plum blossom cake 3 square meters small shop sells 3,000 a day, making a pot sold out of a pot

There are many snacks and pastries, and there are not many shops that can make pastries of such a high level, what do you think about this?

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