
New China Hero Model Figure: Fang Zhimin

author:China Jilin Net
New China Hero Model Figure: Fang Zhimin

Fang Zhimin (1899-1935) male, Han ethnicity, native of Yiyang County, Jiangxi Province, member of the Communist Party of China.

Fang Zhimin joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League in August 1922. In March 1924, he transferred to the Communist Party of China. Member of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In January 1928, he participated in leading the Yiheng Uprising, founded the Jiangsu District in northeast Jiangxi, and led the formation of the 10th Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. He successively served as chairman of the Soviet Government of Northeast Jiangxi Province, Fujian, Zhejiang and Gansu Province, political commissar of the Red 10th Army, and secretary of the Cpc Fujian,Zhejiang Province. He combined the universal truth of Marxism with the reality of northeastern Jiangxi and created a whole set of experiences in party building, army building, and red political power, which Mao Zedong called a "Fang Zhimin-style" base area. In early November 1934, he was appointed chairman of the Military and Political Committee of the Red 10th Army, and was ordered to lead the Red Army's anti-Japanese advance team north, and was chased and intercepted by the Kuomintang army in southern Anhui, fighting hard for more than two months, and finally being outnumbered, he was captured on January 29, 1935. When he was captured, the Nationalist soldiers searched his whole body, except for a pocket watch and a fountain pen, and there was no money. In prison, in the face of the enemy's severe punishment and abduction, he was awe-inspiring and unyielding. Under extremely difficult conditions, he wrote famous manuscripts such as "Lovely China" and "Qing Poverty". "Poverty, a pure and simple life, is precisely where we revolutionaries can overcome many difficulties!" The enemy can only cut off our heads, and must not shake our faith!" Such exciting and touching language has left us with valuable spiritual wealth. On August 6, 1935, he bravely rebelled in Nanchang, Jiangxi.

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