
He took his biological parents to court, the world is big, how can it be home?

author:Long winds in March

Hello everyone, I am your focus on unprofessional film commentary wheat ~

A 12-year-old boy who was jailed for knife wounds took his biological parents to court with the support of a lawyer for reasons: because they gave birth to me.

In China, which advocates "filial piety first", perhaps such behavior sounds like such a "great rebellion".

But I believe that many friends who have watched the movie that Wheat wants to share with you today will feel that there is no problem with this line, that is, the Lebanese movie " Why Home" .

He took his biological parents to court, the world is big, how can it be home?

Poster of "What a Home"

Wheat's all-in-one movie will not be buried after all, and this "Why Home" is like this, the smiling little boy on the poster, which is the only smiling shot of him in the whole film.

The film was released on April 29, 2019 in Chinese mainland, which can be said to be against the momentum of Marvel's "Avengers 4" "one big family", when a small number of viewers watched after the domestic Douban score was as high as 8.9 points, with more and more people paying attention, the rating did not drop but increased, rising to the current 9.0 points.

Although it was missed from the Palme d'Or at the 91st Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film and the main competition unit of the 71st Cannes Film Festival, it still did not affect its status in the minds of fans.

He took his biological parents to court, the world is big, how can it be home?

Stills from "What a Home"

It is worth mentioning that the protagonist of the film, Zane Al Rafia, was originally a refugee child who fled from Syria to Lebanon, and when he was discovered by director Nadine Labaki, he could not even write his own name when he was about 12 years old.

With the worldwide fame of "What a Home", the Zane family has been relieved, the economic conditions have improved, and the family has moved to Norway to live.

Not only that, but the production time of "Why Home" was as long as 5 years, and the actual investigation alone took 3 years.

In order to make the audience aware of this cruel reality and the authenticity of the film, the director chose a group of people who really lived in refugee areas to star, requiring the actors to experience such a life in person, and truly restore the situation of the lebanese underclass.

He took his biological parents to court, the world is big, how can it be home?

The original translation of the film is not "Why Home", but "Gabainon".

"Gabinon" is the biblical place name that Jesus moved to when he began his mission, and many miracles and important things happened in this place.

The story revolves around the tragic life of a 12-year-old boy, Zain, who lives illegally in a slum in Lebanon to escape the war in Syria, and the family is crammed into a small house.

Because of his family's poverty, Zain could not study like other peers, and could only work around and deal with family affairs for the sake of his family's livelihood, and at a young age, he was carrying too much pressure, and these pressures should not be borne by him.

It is true that "the children of poor families have long been homemakers".

He took his biological parents to court, the world is big, how can it be home?

The most impressive part of the film is that Zain helps his sister Saha, who cares most, deal with the sudden menstrual period, and gives the stolen sanitary napkin to his sister, repeatedly telling her not to let her parents see it, otherwise she may be "married".

Unfortunately, the parents eventually decided to marry the daughter, who was not yet 12 years old, to the landlord as a way to offset the rent, and although Zain desperately resisted and tried to save his sister, he could only watch his sister being taken away at a young age.

There are always some parents in this world who are unable to raise but are obsessed with procreation, and in their eyes, fertility has become a tool to reflect their own value, as if the child has become the only existence that can witness the meaning of their lives.

So they keep creating, constantly proving their lives meaningful, but never thinking about whether they have the ability to raise those children, which is the sad thing about poor people.

He took his biological parents to court, the world is big, how can it be home?

Under this concept, boys become tools for supporting their families, carrying great pressure at a young age, while girls have become tools for procreation, and they have to marry and have children at a young age in exchange for money and shelter, and no one has ever thought that this is fair and unfair to those children.

You may think that such a concept of family sounds absurd, but in the Middle East, such families do exist, or even in the minority.

It is precisely because Zain has personally experienced all this, experienced himself as a child shouldering the responsibility of supporting the family, and experienced the taking of the relatives he cares about the most, so when he hears that his mother is pregnant again, he will feel that this is bad news, and he will decide to take his biological parents to court, and say the words in court: I hope that those who cannot afford to raise children will not be reborn.

He took his biological parents to court, the world is big, how can it be home?

So should Zain's parents in the film be punished? How can we help these families?

The answer to the first question is naturally yes, there is no doubt about it.

In court, in the face of a lawyer's complaint, Zain's mother said something like this: What right do you have to criticize me, do you have such a situation as me? Have you experienced what I have experienced?

Yes, leaving aside the child factor, they are poor people, poor people living at the bottom of society, we should give sympathy and help, but for their children, how unfair it is for their parents to bring them to the world under the pretext of pity.

Those children, who are supposed to go to school and have a good childhood and life like their peers, end up being tools used by adults, who have no status, no rights, and no guarantee of even the most basic life.

The world is so big, why is it home?

He took his biological parents to court, the world is big, how can it be home?

On the second question, I think most people's answer is "help them as much as possible."

Yes, in recent years, children in the remote mountainous areas of China who cannot afford to go to school like Zain have attracted much attention, and many caring people have contributed their own modest efforts.

But it is undeniable that there are also many people with ulterior motives who use the banner of "giving love" to earn traffic and satisfy their selfish hearts and desires.

When they held up their cameras with great fanfare and recklessness, aiming them at unprepared children, I saw surprise rather than surprise.

Therefore, helping is not disturbing, giving love is not overexposed, and if it is used to satisfy one's own selfishness and desires, it is even more heinous.

He took his biological parents to court, the world is big, how can it be home?

Children are flowers, they are hope, past, present or future, I hope they can thrive.

Soak up the sun and enjoy the life they deserve.

(This article is original by Wheat Watch Movie, if you need to learn from it, please be sure to identify!) )

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