
Li Linlin, secretary of the Russian-language Teaching and Labor Party Branch of the General Branch of the Party Branch of Heihe University' Foreign Chinese College: Multiple measures should be taken simultaneously to emancipate the mind and promote high-quality development

author:Northeast Net

In order to deeply study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on the in-depth promotion of the revitalization of Northeast China and the spirit of the important instructions of heilongjiang, further implement the "Implementation Plan for the Great Discussion on Emancipating the Mind and Promoting High-quality Development" of Heihe University and the Chinese College, and ensure the in-depth and orderly development of this discussion activity, in combination with the actual work, we would like to talk about the specific work points of the Russian Language Teaching Labor Party Branch in the discussion activity of emancipating the mind and promoting high-quality development:

First, improve the political position and build a solid sense of study

Emancipating the mind is the need of the development of the times and practice, the fundamental premise for constantly resolving contradictions and problems on the road ahead, and the embodiment of the essential attributes of Marxism. Practice has fully proved that only through the emancipation of the mind can there be breakthroughs in reform, innovation in systems, and cohesion of strength. The party branch will guide the majority of teachers and party members to fully understand the great significance of carrying out the "great discussion on emancipating the mind and promoting high-quality development", and effectively enhance political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness. It is necessary to firmly establish the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the National Education Conference, strengthen the awareness of benchmarking, with the study of faith, with the study of feelings, with the study of responsibility, with the study of mission, with the study of problems, pay attention to the comprehensive system, the unity of knowledge and action, learn loyalty, learn motivation, learn to take responsibility. Adhere to the innovation and reform of education and teaching, practice the virtue of cultivating people, strive to be a good teacher of the "four haves", and effectively transform the political consciousness of learning into a conscious action of loyalty to the party's educational cause and promote the development of the college.

Second, strengthen organizational leadership and implement learning tasks

Under the guidance of the Leading Group for the Great Discussion on Emancipating the Mind and Promoting High-quality Development of the College of Foreign Chinese, the Russian-speaking Teaching Labor Party Branch has formed a working mechanism in which the members of the team make overall plans, the members of the branch committee implement the work deployment, and the branches of teachers and party members participate in the work, and carry out in-depth study and discussion activities.

In accordance with the idea of "integration of three combinations, in-depth investigation and solution of difficult problems", the implementation and implementation of Heihe College, foreign Chinese College emancipated the mind to promote high-quality development of the great discussion work. The "three combinations" mean that the great discussion should be combined with the implementation of the spirit of the National Education Conference, with the deepening of the cultivation of talents in foreign academies, with the party branch striving for excellence, and with the double creation of party building work. "Integration" is to integrate the discussion work with the implementation of the college's "13th Five-Year Plan" career development plan and the cultivation of foreign language talents in foreign institutions, as well as the party building work of the branch, and deeply integrate the party building of the branch and the training of foreign language talents in the college, and implement it simultaneously. "In-depth investigation and pendulum" means that we must not only thoroughly investigate and put an eye on the conspicuous problems at the level of ideological thinking, but also thoroughly investigate and put an end to the main crux of the development of the branches' double creation. "Solving difficult problems" means that we must embody the emancipation of the mind in facing up to and discovering problems and solving problems in a creative and breakthrough manner, focus on the conspicuous problems that have been investigated and put in the investigation, reflect the results of ideological emancipation in the work of education and teaching, and formulate practical and feasible rectification and reform measures in the development of the branches.

Through the hospital's website, publicity column, WeChat public account, exhibition board, large screen, branch QQ group and other ways, do a good job of publicizing the activities of emancipating the mind and promoting high-quality development, timely convey the spirit of the work of the superiors, release learning and discussion information, exchange learning experience, launch advanced models, create a good discussion atmosphere, stimulate the enthusiasm of all party members of the branch teachers and party members, and ensure the smooth development of the activities.

Third, innovate the form of learning and improve the quality of learning

According to the requirements of the implementation plan of the Outer People's Court to emancipate the mind and promote high-quality development, the Russian Teaching Labor Party Branch implemented the content of the activity in three steps (that is, the great study + investigation of problems + discussion and exchange).

In the stage of large-scale study, a three-in-one study system of party branches, party groups, and party members will be established, and learning methods such as centralized study of branches, decentralized study of party groups, and independent study of individuals will be adopted to conscientiously study and discuss relevant documents, so as to effectively enhance the study results. With study + discussion + party lessons, with the copy of notes, writing experience, talking about experience to promote the combination of learning and thinking, adhere to the original works to learn the principles of the original text, focus on studying the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and the 2nd and 3rd Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee, combined with the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on the in-depth promotion of the revitalization of Northeast China and the spirit of the important instructions of the inspection of Heilongjiang, implement the deployment of the Fourth Plenary Session of the Twelfth Provincial Party Committee and the spirit of the National Education Conference, and effectively emancipate the mind in the course of study, and deepen the study in the process of emancipating the mind.

In the stage of investigating and settling problems, combined with the actual work of the branch, a special meeting will be held to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the party members, teachers, the masses and some students of the branch around the party building work, teaching work, scientific research work, student work, employment work of the branch, etc., and cooperate with the college to do the "I contribute a policy for the high-quality development of the college" to collect and investigate the work, not only from the work level to investigate the problems, discuss countermeasures, but also from the ideological level to find deficiencies and dig out the root causes.

In the stage of ideological exchange and discussion, combined with reality, in-depth discussions were held on topics such as the cultivation of talents to serve the frontier, promote the development of professional characteristics, implement the spirit of the National Education Conference, the spirit of the National Ideological and Political Work Conference, and the spirit of the National Conference on Undergraduate Education in Colleges and Universities in the New Era, innovate teaching methods, deepen the construction of the connotation of the outer courtyard and comprehensive reform channels, integrate ideological and political education with foreign language professional education, and teachers practice morality and tree people.

Fourth, consolidate learning achievements and set up typical models

In order to ensure the effectiveness of this study, all branch party members and teachers are required to write study notes and form a compilation of experience learning, the party branch secretary should write a party lesson plan, and the branch propaganda committee members should write a study discussion report, and at the same time, among the branch members, they should carry out activities to create excellence around innovative teaching methods and volunteer service frontiers.

In short, it is necessary to conscientiously sort out the opinions and suggestions of the emancipation of the mind, combine the implementation of the school's "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" career development plan and comprehensive reform goals, and effectively transform the consensus opinions formed by the discussion activities into methods, measures and policy systems for comprehensively deepening the reform of education and teaching, and reflect them in the policy opinions and specific programs for promoting the high-quality development of the college.

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