
New Pie Sichuan Cuisine - Spicy Perfume Fish Preparation (Steps Detailed, Worth Collecting)

author:Skinhead Shop

Spicy perfume fish is a traditional dish with a full color and flavor, which belongs to the Sichuan cuisine. Put vegetable oil in the wok, cook until it is 60% hot, lightly fry the peppercorns, dried sea peppers, and then sauté the watercresses until the watercress is golden brown, cook the green onion, ginger, garlic and pickled red pepper to make the aroma. Add the bone broth and move into a casserole dish and add the spices. When the soup is boiling, slide into the fish cubes. After bringing to a boil again, skim off the foam, cook slightly, and serve with a little sesame oil.

Ingredients: Fresh grass carp is about two pounds per tail

New Pie Sichuan Cuisine - Spicy Perfume Fish Preparation (Steps Detailed, Worth Collecting)

Ingredients: tofu, mushrooms, fungus, pork bone broth

Seasoning: Watercress, peppercorns, dried sea peppers, shallots, ginger slices, garlic slices, pickled red peppers, spices (licorice, fragrant leaves, yamana, sand kernels, cardamom, grass fruits) a little, soy sauce, rice wine.

Chop the fish into tiles, add rice wine, and mix the starch evenly;

Tofu (konjac is better!) ), mushrooms, fungus spread in a casserole dish to base;

Cut the green onion into sections, slice the ginger and garlic;

Put vegetable oil in the wok, cook until it is 60% hot, lightly fry the peppercorns, dried sea peppers, and then sauté the watercresses until the watercress is golden brown, cook the green onion, ginger, garlic and pickled red pepper to make the aroma. Add the bone broth and move into a casserole dish and add the spices. When the soup is boiling, slide into the fish cubes. After bringing to a boil again, skim off the foam, cook slightly and drip a little sesame oil on the table.

Production tips

1. The fish must be alive;

2. This dish is a half-soup dish, and the soup should be just enough to drown the fish cubes;

3. The amount of peppercorns and dried sea peppers should be sufficient, and the pickled red peppers should not be omitted;

4. Bone broth cannot be replaced with water;

5. Put less spices and take the fragrance as it appears. Do not use fragrant materials such as cloves, white root, star anise, cinnamon, etc. in spices, so as not to dominate.

6. The heat of the fish is crucial! Do not cook for a long time.

Spicy perfume fish

Raw materials: more than two pounds of grass carp

Seasoning: 6 slices of ginger, 1 potato, 1 pack of enoki mushrooms, 4 heads of garlic, 1 pack of spicy fish seasoning, coriander, cooking oil, high liquor, broth, chives a little each

New Pie Sichuan Cuisine - Spicy Perfume Fish Preparation (Steps Detailed, Worth Collecting)

1. Put the fish fillets into the basin, put in the marinade packets, cooking wine and ginger slices, slice the potatoes and set aside in cold water;

2. Stir well with chopsticks and put it in the refrigerator for more than half an hour;

3. Add cooking oil after the pot is heated;

4: Heat the oil and add ginger slices and garlic in a pan, pour in the seasoning sauce and stir-fry to bring out the aroma;

5: Add potato chips and fry for a few minutes;

6: Add the broth, cover the pot, simmer for about 10 minutes on low heat after high heat, and simmer until the potatoes are cooked;

7: Add the marinated fish fillets, add the mushrooms and chives after opening the pot, and add the parsley after opening.

Ingredients: grass carp

Accessories: celery, onion, shiitake mushrooms, dried chili peppers, ginger, green onions, peppercorns, cooking wine, fragrant leaves, grass fruits, cinnamon, fennel, star anise

Seasoning: bean paste (chili oil), soy sauce, pepper, corn starch

New Pie Sichuan Cuisine - Spicy Perfume Fish Preparation (Steps Detailed, Worth Collecting)


1: Slaughter and wash the grass carp, cut into small pieces, marinate with cooking wine, salt and white pepper for 15 minutes.

2: Cut the onion into strips, cut the celery into strips, and slice the shiitake mushrooms.

3: Wash the dried red peppers, cut them into small pieces with scissors, soak in cold water for 10 minutes, slice the ginger and green onion.

4: Add oil to a wok, add ginger, green onion, dried red pepper and stir-fry until fragrant.

5: Stir-fry the bean paste in Pixian bean paste to make the red oil.

6: Bring stock or water to a boil, add soy sauce, sugar and marinated meat packets, reduce heat and cook for 2 minutes, slide in the fish cubes.

7: Spread onions, celery and shiitake mushrooms at the bottom of the casserole dish.

8: After the soup is boiled, move it into the casserole dish, bring it to a boil again, skim off the foam, turn the heat to low and cover and cook slightly.

9: Put the oil in the wok, add the peppercorns and peppers in the cold oil, fry until slightly caramelized, and drizzle the peppercorns, peppers and oil on the fish while hot.


1, the amount of pepper, pepper according to their own taste to put.

2. Side dishes can be paired according to your own preferences.

1. Fish is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial to blood circulation and are good food for cardiovascular patients;

2, fish is rich in selenium, regular consumption has anti-aging, beauty effect, and also has a certain prevention and treatment effect on tumors;

3. For people who are thin and have no appetite, grass carp meat is tender and not greasy, which can be appetizing and nourishing.

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