
New Year snack ❗️ giant crispy almond thin crisp stir can be whisked away

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
New Year snack ❗️ giant crispy almond thin crisp stir can be whisked away

Consuming protein to make it tastes good

By Ye Wanting 💪 you are the best

2 proteins

Powdered sugar g

Slices of almonds to taste

Low powder 30 g

Corn oil 30 g

New Year snack ❗️ giant crispy almond thin crisp stir can be whisked away

1: Stir well with powdered ➕ sugar egg white ➕ corn oil

New Year snack ❗️ giant crispy almond thin crisp stir can be whisked away

2. Sift in low powder

New Year snack ❗️ giant crispy almond thin crisp stir can be whisked away

3. Load into a framed flower bag

New Year snack ❗️ giant crispy almond thin crisp stir can be whisked away

4: Squeeze into a baking sheet

New Year snack ❗️ giant crispy almond thin crisp stir can be whisked away

5. 150/20 minutes is particularly delicious

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