
Debunking the rumors| Huaihua circle of friends went viral about pork "long worms" The truth turned out to be

author:Huaihua News Network

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Huaihua News Network News On September 1, many citizens in The Chinese county reported to reporters that a large number of long worm pork appeared in the Chinese town of the Chinese county, and now many citizens are "talking about pigs" discoloration and dare not eat pork.

At about 11:30 a.m. on the same day, the reporter came to the Market in Zhongfang Town, Zhongfang County, and saw that there were few citizens buying pork in front of the pork stalls in the market.

"There are worms in the meat here, but I don't know if it's true or not, we don't dare to eat meat here, like people in my family have not eaten meat for half a month, but there is no explanation for this matter." Mr. Ding, a citizen, told reporters that he worked and lived in Huaihua City, and his parents lived in Zhongfang Town, and they did not dare to eat pork for more than 20 days because of fear.

Seeing the reporter come to interview, many citizens next to them said that they did not dare to eat pork when they heard others say that pork has bugs. Some citizens have taken out their mobile phones to show reporters, but what the reporters see is not the photos taken by the citizens, but the photos in the WeChat circle, from the photos, the "bugs" are white strips, and the citizens say that the bugs are called tapeworms.

Pork vendors in the market have also said that they have been affected by "bugs" and that the current business is really impossible to do. Mr. Zeng, a vendor, said that in the past, he could sell more than 100 kilograms of pork, but now he can only sell about 40 kilograms, and many vendors have reduced their pork sales by more than half.

Subsequently, the reporter contacted the Chinese county animal husbandry and fisheries bureau, and the law enforcement personnel of the bureau immediately quarantined the pork in the market, and in the quarantine, no pork tapeworm was found. Those so-called "bugs", that is, white slender tissue, are the blood vessels, nerves, tendons or connective tissues of pigs, which are harmless to the human body.

Guo Jian, deputy director of the Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Bureau of Zhongfang County, said that professional and technical personnel went to the scene to check and found that there was no such insect, they conducted on-site inspection and found that the public misinterpreted a muscle tissue as tapeworm (a kind of parasite), in fact, this is not a tapeworm; "Tapeworm cannot parasitize in muscle or fat tissue, it is generally parasitic in the intestine, stomach or digestive tract, we have not found this tapeworm in the market", Guo Jian said, the general public can use this meat with confidence.

Guo Jian said that they will take this as an opportunity to strengthen market quarantine, whether it is parasites or sick and dead meat, once found, do harmless treatment; and strengthen guidance, post promotional materials in the market to introduce these basic common sense.

"Through this matter, we must learn from each other, ring the alarm bell, and convene quarantine personnel every day to strengthen supervision and control work, ensure the safety of meat products in Chinese counties, and ensure that the people can eat safe meat." Guo Jian hoped that the citizens would not listen to rumors and spread rumors with rumors.

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