
Facing the epidemic and interview with the principal| Sun Rui, principal of Qingdao Experimental High School: There is thinking at the moment, not forgetfulness; the future has a bottom line and responsibility

author:Al Jazeera

Peninsula reporter Hao Chunmei

Editor's note: In the face of the epidemic, the island city education system has taken action to carry out extensive publicity for the prevention and control of the epidemic, scientifically guide parents and students to study and live at home, and ensure that classes are suspended and do not stop learning. In order to better prevent and control the epidemic, reduce the impact of the epidemic on teachers, students and parents, and learn from each other's good experience and practices, Peninsula Education has opened a column of "Facing the Epidemic and Interviewing principals" to invite the principals of schools in the island city to listen to how they responded during the epidemic prevention and control period.

Facing the epidemic and interview with the principal| Sun Rui, principal of Qingdao Experimental High School: There is thinking at the moment, not forgetfulness; the future has a bottom line and responsibility

The epidemic is an order, preaching and teaching to solve puzzles, emotional counseling, online teaching and research, collection, teaching, feedback... It is the current responsibility of teachers. Sun Rui, principal of Qingdao Experimental High School, said that with the help of the technical advantages of the school's "informatization" and "wisdom" campus, relying on the full strength and guidance of information technology teachers, the people between home and school, teachers and teachers, teachers and students are connected by heart, with high-quality online classes, fine guidance, patient Q&A, point and point, point and surface, face and face interaction, the delay in learning that may be caused by the epidemic is minimized, "Here it is especially necessary to affirm those who are called in online teaching' The old teachers of Xiaobai were able to overcome difficulties, humbly ask young teachers and their families for advice, and gave high-quality 'anchor' lessons."

At the same time, in view of the reality of the preparation work for the third year of high school, Qingdao Experimental High School "set up a leading group, overall planning, overall arrangement", "strengthen organizational coordination, segmented implementation, and continuous optimization", "strengthen collective lesson preparation, pay attention to details, and ensure the effect", "comprehensive full education, moral education as the leader, tutors on the battlefield", everything is in an orderly manner, but the school also found that there are difficulties in how to effectively carry out centralized testing to test the learning effect.

President Sun Rui said that we highlight two points, one is to give play to the guidance and intervention role of the class teacher and the tutor, with the help of online class meetings, WeChat, qq and other means to guide the students as a whole and the individuals concerned by the tutor to learn, live and emotions, help them calm down to think, to act, and to act and know, so that "quiet life and wisdom, wisdom and awareness, and awareness and stability", students with a stable mind can calmly cope, know what to choose, and do a good job in the present.

The reporter learned that Qingdao Experimental High School according to the sort out of the parents in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic student list, and specific implementation to each person's actual situation and specific needs, for these students, the school provides online psychological counseling classes, arrange tutors and individual exchanges with them, class teachers pay attention to it from time to time, so that close friends give them more remote companionship and spiritual exchanges, but also send teachers and students sincere respect and blessings!

Second, for students with artistic and sports specialties, especially the students of the school's sports training team, the coaches and teachers have also formulated a detailed training plan, turning the living room, community, and small garden into a physical training venue, so as to achieve "suspension of classes and non-stop training". Beichen Football Club invited Qingdao FIFA lecturer Zhang Lingling to produce a series of technical and physical training videos for the school's football players and promoted them to teenagers in the city, so that the training of students is more scientific and systematic.

President Sun Rui said that the home isolation caused by the epidemic also provides an opportunity for everyone to quietly read, think and enhance family affection, we must turn "bad things into good things", at least in the present, we must think, not forgetful; the future has a bottom line, there is responsibility. Teachers also touched on this in online classes, truly turning the "epidemic classroom" into a children's ideological enlightenment class. For example, the second-year Chinese teacher of the experimental high school introduced the epidemic into the online class, because of the opportunity, as Ma Dongqin commented: In this online language class "From "Seeing" to "Seeing"", Teacher Mao Zhenzhen selected a large number of times of evaluation materials to guide students to be good at discernment, rational analysis, independent thinking at this moment of public opinion, to recognize what kind of mind and attitude we should have in this disaster, which heroes and behaviors should be advocated, and what kind of roles and images should be become. What kind of responsibility and mission should be undertaken, truly transforming the epidemic into language teaching materials, and extending the language classroom to the current society, reflects the sensitivity and responsibility of a language teacher, and also shows the school's educational philosophy and positive actions under the current epidemic.

"Society provides children with unique but rich learning content, it is not only reflected in home online classes, more importantly, the weakness of life in the face of the virus, the weakness of human beings in the face of nature, should show reverence for nature", President Sun Rui said, scientists adhere to the spirit of seeking truth, many "retrogrades" have no remorse, "one side has difficulties, eight parties support" national characteristics, "national linkage, counterpart support" institutional advantages, and behind this light hidden diet bad habits, bad quality habits, This is a big social lesson, which is enough to enlighten children scientifically, culturally, and ideologically, so that they have the rationality of discernment, the responsibility of responsibility, and the feelings of home and country, and become a real capitalized social person. Seizing such an opportunity is to produce a good education.

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