
Is it "big halogen noodles" or "beat noodles"? Why is Chongqing noodles called "small noodles"?

author:Huangxian dialect

"Sayings": "Great, the heavens are great, the earth is great, and the people are also great, so the elephant is humanoid." Wang Yun explained: "This is said to be the greatness of heaven and earth, and there is no reason for the image to be used as a word, so the shape of the elephant man is used as a big word, and the non-big word is also a man." "Anything that exceeds the average or exceeds the object of comparison in terms of area, volume, capacity, quantity, strength, intensity, age, importance, etc., is called "big" and is the opposite of "small". "History of Gao Zu Benji": "The wind rises and the clouds fly, and Wei Jia Hai Nei returns to his hometown." Tang Wangwei's "Envoy to the Plug": "The desert is lonely and straight, and the long river is full of sunsets." "The use of the original meaning, Huangxian has a saying "the hand is big but not the sky", the use of the original meaning.

Is it "big halogen noodles" or "beat noodles"? Why is Chongqing noodles called "small noodles"?


The reason why Huangxian big brine noodles are called "big brine" is because the content in the brine is very rich, with powder balls as the base, meat has meat slices, pig blood, sea rice, egg cord, known as fungus, coriander, leeks, and sometimes put yellow cauliflower, fish rice, scallop diced and the like plus a little effect is better.

Is it "big halogen noodles" or "beat noodles"? Why is Chongqing noodles called "small noodles"?

The reason why Chongqing noodles are called "small noodles" is because their production is very simple, almost can be simplified to seasoning and noodles, and the seasonings are nothing more than onions, ginger, garlic, peppers, coriander, squeezed vegetables, peanuts, sesame paste and other common ones. Some people write large halogen noodles as "playing halogen noodles", which is wrong, because they do not understand the meaning of "big" and cause mistakes. The word "hit" is also not used as "production", and the Huangxian dialect to make halogen is called "kai halogen", and "open" is not used to "fight".

The original meaning of "big" is extended from reality to fiction, and it also means that it exceeds the general or exceeds the object of comparison in terms of degree, scale, momentum, time, etc., "Zhuangzi Zhibei Tour": "There is great beauty in heaven and earth without words." That's what it means. Huangxian dialect describes a small child as more mature, will say that he is "big sample (ying)" and "big look like boo", using the same extended meaning. On this basis, and then extended, "big" becomes an adverb of degree, the most, the most extreme, and the very meaning of the table, "The Book of Poetry, Lu Song, and the Palace of the Gong": "There are turtles and tortoises, and the great east is desolate." Zheng Xuanji: "Great East, Far East, Haibang Coastal Kingdom also." "The Book of Han and the Biography of Huo Guang": "The eldest princess is angry with the light." "There are also many such uses in Huangxian dialect, such as: tell him to do anything to manage the pipe is big and fast; to discuss things with him is very happy; she is a person who is very diligent and fast; she says so; he is willing to help; he is willing to play; he is very tall; he is very loud; he hears a lot; she will speak." "Very good" means very good, for example: this man is very good at talking; his family's life is better than good. "Great" also has the best meaning, such as: it is cold outside, you have a lot to wear a little clothes. "Big red and big green" is very red and green, "early in the morning", "early in the morning" and "early in the morning" is very early. "Dafa" criticized things too much, exceeding the limit, the seventy-fifth time in "Jin Ping Mei": "How do you have such an annoying Dafa today, even every time, a stick hit several." The Huangxian dialect is also used in this way, making it big and hard is called "making a big hair strong", overly tired is called "tired and big hair is energetic", running into trouble is called "making a big hair strong", here "fat" is softly changed to rhyme, "a" is pronounced as "u", "hair", "dumb", "North Horse" are all read like this. "děi" means to deepen and increase, such as: they are not at odds, and this is a big face. There is also a saying that "too big is not as big as big", which is worse and worse, such as: the kettle is not easy to burn, find someone to fiddle with the windward barrier, who knows that the big is not as big as the big, and the smoke is more severe. When people in Huangxian make jokes, they will also deliberately pronounce "dě is not as good as dě".

The original meaning of "Joe" is "High and High", "Say Wen Yubu": "Joe, High and Qu also." "Poetry Sutra , Xiao ya , Logging" ( " Logging Tintin , birdsong and hissing." From the valley, moved to the trees. In terms of botanical classification, woody plants are divided into trees, small trees, and shrubs, and "Joe" bluntly says that it is high. Like "big", the meaning of "Qiao" also has an extension from real to virtual, as an adverb of degree, extreme, very righteous, Huangxian dialect is used in this way, "Qiao Bai" "Qiao Huang" is very white and very yellow, for example: he planted two pots of chrysanthemums, a pot of Qiao Bai, a pot of Qiao Huang. When people are overly hungry, their eyes will turn black, in Huangxian dialect, "hungry two children's eyes Qiao Blue". "Joe fishy" is very fishy, for example: mackerel is a scaleless fish, do not do well Joe fishy. "Qiao Zhen" is a very bad smell, such as: the mattress let him pee Qiao Qiao "Joe sour" means very sour, for example: the tree on the sour jujube joe sour joe acid. When the people of Laohuang County praise other people's bridesmaids, they will say "you see the long boudoir, Qiao Bai is big fat, dripping slippery and shiny", "Qiao Bai" is very white, "big fat" is very fat, this is the aesthetic of the era of punching a swollen face and being fat. Today's young people only know liposuction to lose weight, take thinness as beauty, and do not understand the psychological advantages embodied by fat people in that hungry era. This praise is characterized by the times, Qiao Bai explains that there is no need to do rough work in the wind and the sun, big fat shows that the family is rich, as the saying goes, "people are poor and short, horses are thin and hairy", those black and thin malnourished people's skin must be stagnant and dark, it is impossible to have a dripping slippery and shiny moist feeling. This sense of moisturization represents abundance, so at that time, when people who loved face did not forget to put some oil on their lips when they went out, to show that they ate "oil sacs".

The original meaning of "jiao" is burns or objects that turn yellow and brittle after being burned by fire, "Shuowen": "Jiao, fire hurt also." "Jade Chapter, Fire Ministry": "Jiao, the fire burns black also." Hot again. "Jiao" is a ideographic word, "隹 (zhuī)" is the general name of the short-tailed bird, bird rack fire, the ancients with rich barbecue experience, came to the conclusion that the bird is extremely dry and scorched. "Jiao" is also extended from real to virtual as an adverb of degree, with a very extreme and very meaning, "anxious" is very urgent, "anxious" is very thirsty. Huangxian dialect is more abundant in usage, "jiaogan" is very dry, for example: he has a cold, jue'er mouth scorched dry scorched dry. "Caramelic acid" means that the taste is very sour, for example: she wants to make apricot wine, accidentally made into apricot vinegar, caramel caramot. It also refers to soreness, such as: her cheeks are laughing and charicine. "Scorched sticky" is very sticky, for example: he chews the wheat, chews out the gluten scorched sticky sticky, so as to stick to the cockroach. Some places call very yellow "scorched yellow", Huangxian dialect is called "glue yellow", if you say "her hair is scorched yellow and scorched yellow", others will say in unison: "Bald tongue." ”

Some of the pictures are quoted from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author

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