
#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

A bowl of fresh and fragrant noodles, hand-rolled noodles with peppercorn oil, eat the taste of home. Cook seriously, just for the family to eat well~

By worm lazy

Flour 200 g

1 egg

Salt 2 g

100 g of water

1 tablespoon of oyster sauce

3 tablespoons light soy sauce

3 scoops of water starch

Cooking oil to taste

Oyster mushrooms 400 g

Foam fungus 100 g

5 chives

Pork belly 2 pieces

Peppercorns 15 pcs

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

1: Crush the egg into the flour, add 1 spoonful of salt, add a small amount of pure water several times and mix into the flour.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

2. Mix the flour until there is no dry flour.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

3: Knead the dough smoothly and let the noodles sit for 20 minutes.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

4: Knead the dough every 20 minutes.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

5: Put pork belly slices into the soup pot. Pour pure water over high heat and bring to a boil, skim off the floating powder. After the floating powder is cleared, continue to simmer for 20 minutes.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

6: Wash the oyster mushrooms and tear them into small flowers. Wood ear foam hair is good and shredded. Finely chop the leeks and set aside.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

7: After 3-4 kneading of the dough, place it on the panel and roll out with a rolling pin. Roll out the dough into thin slices and roll onto a rolling pin. Roll the rolling pin evenly and vigorously to roll out the dough thin.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

8: Roll out the dough and sprinkle with cornmeal. Roll up from both ends to the middle. Roll the dough and cut it evenly into noodles.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

9: Shake off the cut noodles, shake off the dry powder and set aside.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

10: Cook the broth in the soup pot and remove the pork belly pieces. Oyster mushrooms are added to the soup and shredded fungus. Cooked pork belly sliced.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

11: Put the slices back into the soup pot. Add 3 spoons of light soy sauce to the soup, 2 spoons of dark soy sauce and 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

12: Sprinkle with salt to taste. The ingredients in the pot are completely cooked and drizzled with water starch in parts. Thicken the broth and drizzle into the beaten eggs. Heat another wok and add the peppercorns in cool oil over low heat and fry until fragrant.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

13: Fry the peppercorn oil and pick out the peppercorns. Pour over the soup pot while hot.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

14: Sprinkle in chopped leeks.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

15: Put the noodles in a pot of boiling water and cook.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

16: Put the cooked noodles into a bowl and pour the prepared noodles.

#Exquisite one-person food #Beat the noodles

17 ✅. Done ✅

Add eggs and table salt to the flour to increase the gluten properties of the flour. Kneading the dough many times, the rolled noodles taste more gluten.

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