
#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

As a home-cooked delicacy in the north of our country, noodles are exquisite everywhere. In my hometown, there are two small stories about eating noodles: (1) The origin of the dish code: the dish code, also known as the noodle code! In the past, people did not pay so much attention to noodles, there was an old rich man, who was more stingy, he had three girls, three aunts, and three children often came to eat the old rich man, and they ate noodles as soon as they came. Because the noodles are so delicious and they are served quickly, they often eat without waiting for the old rich man to start. Therefore, the old rich man wanted to let the uncles eat slower, so they cooked soybeans, cut some vegetables to match, the uncles saw that the color increased, naturally more vegetable yards, less noodles, so the old rich man had to eat, this custom gradually passed down, there are vegetable codes. (2) Witty words: Second Master Liu peeled garlic - two delays. This means that you often prepare for something, only to be delayed because of the preparation. It is said that there is a second master Liu, an old bachelor, a person by the neighbors to take care of, the neighbors eat at home, send some to Second Master Liu. It is said that once, Second Master Liu saw that the left neighbor was making dumplings, and the right house was rolling noodles, so he thought to himself, today the two neighbors are delicious, I have a mouth blessing, first wrap a few cloves of garlic to prepare it, whether they send dumplings or noodles, they have to be garlic, so they wrap up garlic. The neighbors saw it, And Second Master Liu peeled the garlic, thinking that maybe Second Master Liu himself wanted to make something delicious today, so let's not send it. So they didn't send it, Liu Erye left can't wait, right can't wait, and he is dumbfounded at the garlic he peeled, so there is this post-break language: Liu Erye peels garlic - two delays. Ha ha.

by Painting Zhiyu

Seafood: fresh shrimp, squid rings 50 grams each

Lu Xian: pork belly, Cantonese sausage 50 grams each

Fungi: fungus, hazelnut mushroom, yellow cauliflower 30 grams each

3 pieces of dried spiced beans

Bone broth A large bowl

Seasoning: A little green onion and ginger shredded

Seasoning: Large ingredients 1 clove

Size: 1 cucumber shredded cucumber, 1 cucumber segment

Dish size: 1 shredded water radish

Flour 400 g

A little salt, edible alkali (and noodles).

1 egg

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

1, and noodles: put a little salt in the noodles, edible alkali to increase strength, with cool white open and good, noodles to be slightly harder, wake up to smooth and flexible.

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

2, roll out: wake up the dough again knead well, feel smooth and flexible, dough into an oval dough, roll out.

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

3. Repeatedly sprinkle the flour dry and roll out into a long sheet with a thickness of about 2mm.

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

4, cut the surface: stacked up and cut into your favorite width, we like the wider surface. Cut well and put the cover plate for later. Rolling noodles is a small detail, a small trick to watch the video in detail.

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

5, prepare the brine 1: the main ingredients are detailed in the picture.

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

6, prepare to beat the brine 2: see the picture for details.

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

7, prepare the dish code: I will order cucumbers, water radish, in fact, the more complete the dish code, the better. Tianjin people pay attention to four plates, six plates, eight plates... A few more cloves of garlic, as the saying goes, eat noodles without garlic, the flavor is less than half!

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

8: Beat an egg and beat it to set aside.

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

9, brine, first start the pot to burn the oil, down into the shrimp head shrimp skin, fry out the red shrimp oil left, shrimp skin fish out and throw away.

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

10: Stir-fry the pork belly, add the large scallion and ginger after the break.

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

11: Add fresh shrimp and squid in turn, dried beans and dried cauliflower mushrooms, stir-fry.

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

12、Add the pork rib soup, a little salt and pepper and simmer!

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

13, finally put down the Cantonese sausage, when it is about to come out of the pot, hook the mustard, drizzle the egg liquid, sprinkle with chicken essential oil.

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

14, the beaten brine out of the pot.

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

15, boil noodles, water boiling below, gently push, to prevent adhesion, hit raw water once or twice to prevent boiling overflow.

#Delicious Visual Feast #Three Fresh Noodles

16, fish out the noodles, can also be too cold, pour three fresh brine, with cucumber shredded, water radish shredded, and then a few cloves of garlic, start it! How many bowls can you eat?

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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