
What do the words "restored milk" on a milk bottle mean? Better nutrition or worse? What is a restorative milk? Is reconstituted milk nutritious? Can I buy restorative milk?

author:Dr. Lilac

Author: Fu Ting

This article was first published on the Dr. Lilac website (

What do the words "restored milk" on a milk bottle mean? Better nutrition or worse? What is a restorative milk? Is reconstituted milk nutritious? Can I buy restorative milk?

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Simply put, it is a process of concentrating milk into milk powder and then reducing it to liquid milk.

Kefir, sterilized milk and other dairy products can be used as raw materials for reconstituted milk, but pasteurized milk cannot be used as raw materials for reconstituted milk.

That is to say, the raw material of pure milk (pasteurized milk) sold in supermarket freezers cannot be milk powder; while room temperature milk, yogurt and various concocted milk (such as some breakfast milk, banana milk), manufacturers can use milk powder as raw materials.

Why not just use fresh milk as a raw material?

The reason is simple: convenient and cheap.

Compared with fresh milk, milk powder does not need cold chain preservation, easy to transport and store, which is more conducive to the cost control of manufacturers.

If you pay attention, it's not hard to see that "restorative milk" yogurt in supermarkets tends to be cheaper than "raw milk" yogurt.

What do the words "restored milk" on a milk bottle mean? Better nutrition or worse? What is a restorative milk? Is reconstituted milk nutritious? Can I buy restorative milk?

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Compared with pasteurized milk, dairy products with "restorative milk" written on the packaging have more heating times, longer time, higher temperature, and naturally more nutrient loss.

But here's what I want to tell you: We don't have to care about such a nutrient loss at all.

Whether you drink yogurt or milk, it's mainly for the protein and calcium in it, and these two core nutrients are not affected by high temperatures.

What do the words "restored milk" on a milk bottle mean? Better nutrition or worse? What is a restorative milk? Is reconstituted milk nutritious? Can I buy restorative milk?

Of course you can buy!

Speaking of which, you should also understand that "restorative milk" is not "nutrient-free", nor is it an "inferior product", and we do not need to be "vigilant" about restorative milk at all.

However, whether it is the production process or the taste, the restored milk and fresh milk will be different.

So, it depends on which texture you prefer.

What do the words "restored milk" on a milk bottle mean? Better nutrition or worse? What is a restorative milk? Is reconstituted milk nutritious? Can I buy restorative milk?
What do the words "restored milk" on a milk bottle mean? Better nutrition or worse? What is a restorative milk? Is reconstituted milk nutritious? Can I buy restorative milk?

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